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Author Topic: Leisure Concepts Cover Catch/Covermate III for Jacuzzi 400-series/options???  (Read 22700 times)


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My Jacuzzi J480 is being delivered/set up this Friday and as part of my package they included a Covermate III but I've seen them set up and I don't like how they keep the cover raised high above the back of the tub  :(. I'd much rather have a system that brings the cover down LOWER behind the tub (yet off the ground/thinking of the winter months) and had a look at alternatives and the only thing I could find was the "cover catch" from Leisure Concepts and the Rock-It by Cover Valet (not even sure if these are compatible with 400-series?). Can high winds blow the cover back on to the tub (ie. covermate III) ? I know the practical reasons for having the lifter but I can't help but feel that the "opened look" takes away from the beautiful design of the 480? Need advice/other options  ???

FYI - If I don't opt for ANY lifter option (before the install on Friday), the dealer has already offered a $300 credit...



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The 400 series may be tricky for covers and lifters so I'm talking in general when I say look at the Covermate II, it does sit low. The CM-III is a good lifter IMO except that you either love or hate how high it sits and you seem to maybe think the latter. It has a way to lock it in the up postition when opened so the wind doesnot knock it down onto your head, have tehm show you when its installed though it'll be obvious.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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The Covermate 3's instructions specifically say;

"CAUTION! Do not use the Covermate in high wind condition (greater than 10 m.p.h). Injury from the spa cover being blown over and impacting the spa user can occur."

If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Ya I read that somewhere too re: high wind....we'll see what the guys say when they come with the tub on Friday....


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Jeff -

As a proud 480 owner, let me first say congrats on the purchase!  As for the CM-III...we own it, we love it.  That being said, you may not need the same level of privacy or wind protection that we enjoy.  Living in upstate NY, I've soaked through many a winter storm with the cover raised without issue.  There is a locking mechanism as was described before, however in 3 years, I don't recall ever engaging it.  My only challenge with this lifter is that the cover ends up "rubbing" my deck railing.  It's clearly my error when originally positioning the tub, however I wish I had the ability to raise the height of the cover once open.

Also - Our deck faces south and the sun has done a tremendous job of destroying the vinyl.  Perhaps one of the site's dealers can recommend a "sealer" to get me through 1-2 more seasons...  I was using 303, however feel that it may have accelerated the deterioration.

Hopefully the attached pic will come through.  Enjoy your new tub!


Jacuzzi Jim

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 Pretty sure the covermate 4 is the only option that will work with the raised back.  Make sure if you go with it that it is a covermate 4 not CM 3.  The CM 3 has plastic side brackets and the CM 4 has metal.

Water Boy

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Is the CV 4 made specifically for the Jacuzzi brand spas. I have never seen that, nor can I find it anywhere. I would much prefer the metal brackets vs the plastic. The CM 3 just isnt as good as it used to be with the plastic side brackets they now use.
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009


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Pretty sure the covermate 4 is the only option that will work with the raised back.  Make sure if you go with it that it is a covermate 4 not CM 3.  The CM 3 has plastic side brackets and the CM 4 has metal.

Never heard it referred to as the Covermate 4 before, but there are specific Covermate 3 models for each of those Jacuzzi 400 series tubs that are only available at Jacuzzi dealers.  Jacuzzi Jim would know as it's a Jacuzzi-only model.

We've sold the Covermate Catch but it is very simple.  Not exactly in the same league as the Covermate 3.  With that tub you're going to be locked into the specially designed lift just like that specially designed cover. 


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Thanks for the picture, Kevin - looks great!

The tub will be going in our backyard which has a northern exposure and we tend to get sun back there after 12pm, so we'll see how the vinyl holds up. Our colour combo is Opal and Roasted Chestnut. I'm really "on the fence" right now re: the CM 3. I'm from Canada so I'll definitely be out in the tub during the winter months so obviously want to the cover off the ground, and it can get windy sometimes so I can see how the cover (lifted) might help in that sitch. I'm fighting over looks vs. functionality  ::). I was talking with my Jacuzzi dealer about it today and he even admits that he doesn't like showcasing the cover lifter because he feels it takes away from the look of the tub LOL  :o Ideally I wish there was a system out there that lifts the cover over and down behind the tub, but it looks like I'm stuck because of the uniqueness of the tub design???

Jacuzzi Jim

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 As far as I know you can order the covermate 4 direct from Leisure concepts doesn't matter if your a Jacuzzi dealer or not how would they know anyway.

  Funny all this came up, I just got an e-mail from Leisure concepts today about a new metal plate that is suppose to help with the stability of the plastic mount.  Also looks like they may be changing the type of plastic used.  Ever since they changed to the plastic bracket we very rarely sell that lift anymore.  Junk I tell you!  Junk.


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What about the Covermate 2 for my J-480 I heard it's the lowest profile will it work/compatible???

Jacuzzi Jim

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What about the Covermate 2 for my J-480 I heard it's the lowest profile will it work/compatible???

 Don't think it will work, it might if you mount it to a small deck/bench built behind the spa, never tried it but it may work?


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If the CM 2 doesn't work I'm thinking of foregoing the lifter (for now) as I'm sure I can manage the cover by myself (maybe I'll change my tune come winter). For those of you that have the 400-series do you have a lifter? I just can't get past how it looks "towering" over the tub! I'm sure some company will come out with a solution.... Jim you think the CM lifters are junk?   ???


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Sounds like they've changed materials since '07.   ???   Our lifter is all metal and worth it's weight in gold come winter!  Jeff, I encourage you to continue your search during the summer months, however once the snow flies - be prepared.  Even after brushing a fresh foot of snow off, the water/ice remaining on the cover will hinder any attempts to remove w/o a lifter.  (unless you routinely soak with a partner to assist)  ;D

Removing the cover is the easy part, it's the replacement of the cover in the blowing snow that's a trick!

Keep us posted of your findings... I may be in the market for a new solution in a few years.


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If we don't go with the lifter, the dealer has offered the spa umbrella (that attaches to the tub) as an option instead? Do any of you have this umbrella? - I think its from Leisure Concepts as well? I was looking a stand-alone umbrella for $150 at Home Depot instead - is that a better option? Then I'll have a $300 credit at the dealer... ???

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