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Author Topic: Tiger River to Jacuzzi J-345 wiring  (Read 6866 times)


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Tiger River to Jacuzzi J-345 wiring
« on: April 13, 2010, 03:00:37 pm »
Considering a move to Jacuzzi J-345.  We have had the Bengal for almost 4 years now, so warranty's almost gone and the jet power has never been enough for my wife's chronic back pain.

Does anyone know if the 20/30 Amp wiring will work for the J-345 50 or 60 Amp wiring.

As far as I know, the J-345 needs either 50 or 60 amp wiring.  The Bengal wiring I have wouldn't be capable of the 60 Amp, but would it be capable of 50 amp?

I'm also aware that I will need a 50 Amp gfi instead of the 20/30 Amp set up of the Bengal.

Thanks for everyone's help.

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Tiger River to Jacuzzi J-345 wiring
« on: April 13, 2010, 03:00:37 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Tiger River to Jacuzzi J-345 wiring
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2010, 03:38:38 pm »
 50 would be fine, its also a 3 wire system not 4 so no neutral wire.   The J-345 is a good choice! 


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Re: Tiger River to Jacuzzi J-345 wiring
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2010, 06:17:10 pm »
is it 20/30 amp 110v or 220v?

What size wire do you Have?  

If you have 10 awg  that is too small, for 50 amp service you want to have at least 8 awg wire.  if you are not sure what size you have  it should say it on the wire itself.    

these questions should be answered before added 50 amp service to an exisiting circuit that was set up for 20/30 amp.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2010, 10:33:21 am by andob45 »


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Re: Tiger River to Jacuzzi J-345 wiring
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2010, 09:02:35 am »
It sounds as if you have the 110 volt Bengal, which came with a 1.65 HP jet pump. If you liked the layout and the rest of the Bengal, perhaps you should take a quick look at the new one. It is available the same as you have now, but also in a second model, which is 220 only, and has a larger pump. You can run more jets at the same time, and the big "Jetstream" jet has more kick to it as well. It also comes with a waterfeature, which may or may not interest you. Wet test, of course to be sure it is enough of an increase for your wife.

Here are the Specs for both models:

Control System
Convertible    IQ 2020; 115v/20 amp, (includes G.F.C.I.
protected power cord. Or 230v/50 amp, 60Hz)**
Convertible    No-Fault(R) (1500w/115v or 6000w/230v)
Jet Pump
Convertible    Wavemaster(R) 7000
(1.65 HP Continuous Duty,
 3.5 HP Breakdown Torque)

Control System
Dedicated    IQ 2020; 230v/50 amp, 60Hz,
(includes G.F.C.I. protected subpanel)
Dedicated    No-Fault(R) (6000w/230v)
Jet Pump
Dedicated    Wavemaster(R) 9200
(Two Speed, 2.5HP Continuous Duty
 4.8 HP Breakdown Torque)
Water Feature    Amur(R) (backlit with blue LED lighting)

You should be able to get a trade-in if your Bengal is in good shape - new siding is much better, BTW.

While you're at it, be sure to see the Limelight series. Lots and lots of power - in my opinion, if you are looking for max power in the jets, they are the best value for the buck in the Watkins lineup, with the new Hot Spot Spas gaining fast.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Tiger River to Jacuzzi J-345 wiring
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2010, 11:46:28 am »
Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback.

Couple of answers and questions:

1.  We have the 220V Bengal.  50 AMP breaker at the main panel, fed to the subpanel / 20-30 amp regular watkins config.  Is the 2.5 continuous duty pump - i checked the actual pump label.
2.  Chas, thanks for the ideas on the Limelight series.  I've seen those at the dealer and they certainly would be an option.  

3.  Jacuzzi Jim, are you saying that the current wiring config. would work with a Jacuzzi?

To be quite frank, if I'm going to have to pull up the buried tech cable to get it re-wired for a Jacuzzi, that significantly reduces the chances that I'll do it.


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Re: Tiger River to Jacuzzi J-345 wiring
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2010, 07:15:01 pm »
If you have a fifty amp breaker at the main panel then you should be fine.  I'm sorry I misunderstood that you had a fifty at the main supplying a 20 and 30 amp breaker.     

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Re: Tiger River to Jacuzzi J-345 wiring
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2010, 07:15:01 pm »


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