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Hot Springs plumbed in series?
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Topic: Hot Springs plumbed in series? (Read 4170 times)
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Posts: 3
Hot Springs plumbed in series?
May 05, 2010, 06:28:31 pm »
I am not a hot tub owner, but have been researching many different brands. I know that many companies use a manifold system for their jets - I heard that Hot Springs actually doesnt use a manifold and plumbs their spas in series. Is that true? How do other manufacturers plumb spas?
Hot Tub Forum
Hot Springs plumbed in series?
May 05, 2010, 06:28:31 pm »
Senior Member
Posts: 1140
Re: Hot Springs plumbed in series?
Reply #1 on:
May 05, 2010, 07:27:03 pm »
Where did you hear that? I don't believe that is true.
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Re: Hot Springs plumbed in series?
Reply #2 on:
May 05, 2010, 07:59:23 pm »
I was told that by a Jacuzzi salesman at a fair last summer. He seemed very knowledgable and helpful. Just want to make sure ive got my facts straight.
How do most companies plumb their spas?
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Re: Hot Springs plumbed in series?
Reply #3 on:
May 05, 2010, 09:13:04 pm »
Important rule for spa shopping -
Never believe anything negative you hear about brand "A" when you are hearing it from somebody who sells brand "B."
Maybe it would be best to simply not accept any information about brand "A" from somebody who sells brand "B," and fairs or homeshows seem to be the place this little 'rule' matters the most.
The guy at the fair will not be in your backyard, you will not keep the brochure nor post the specs for your tub next to it in your backyard. No, only the
will be there, hopefully for ten, fifteen, twenty years or more. Numbers on a brochure or coming out of the mouth of a salesman (myself included) are not what matters and are not an intelligent way to shop spas. The way the tub
to you, warm wet and bubbling, is all that matters.
So: wet test. Let's face it - HotSpring plumbs some jets in series, usually only pairs of little ones, and others are plumbed parallel off of manifold fittings or just simple tees, as needed. Elbow fittings are avoided wherever possible by the use of flex pvc tubing (schedule 40). The pipe (tubing) size is also carefully calculated and adjusted to provide proper flow to all jets as needed. You will find a variety of sizes, in the appropriate places.
The bottom line HotSpring is the jets all get the correct amount of pressure and volume of flow that they need to work, and work well. That's what counts.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
ejf The Spa Guy
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Posts: 443
Re: Hot Springs plumbed in series?
Reply #4 on:
May 07, 2010, 03:57:46 pm »
i agree with Chas, the Jacuzzi guy telling you one thing. and can he prove it,
but to say that is like saying i have the brookly bridge for sale,,,,Hot Spring are a great spa no doubt about it, if that was a slam on Hot Springs from the Jacuzzi guy at a show he was pretty desperate, Hot Springs, D1 Sundance, Jacuzzi all good brands , and this guy at Jacuzzi show was he a show guy or the local guy.....
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,
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Posts: 3
Re: Hot Springs plumbed in series?
Reply #5 on:
May 08, 2010, 03:45:50 pm »
First of all, thank you both for your opinions. I am not looking for advice on how to shop for a spa though. I am looking for the information about how companies out there plumb their spas.
Chas - I understand that its important not to believe everything that a salesman for "A" says about brand "B". However, I believe there is also something to be said for not taking anyones "facts" as completely true. You mentioned that "The way the tub feels to you, warm wet and bubbling, is all that matters," to which i completely disagree. Im sure you were merely stating that in order to prove a point, but it seems to me that would be an extremely shortsighted way to shop for a spa. Other important issues IMO (im sure you would agree) are the warranties, the dealer, what happens when a leak or other problem occurs, etc. How it feels is obviously a critical element, but just because a spa feels good in the showroom doesnt mean its a good purchase.
Ejf - I never said anything about Hot Springs not being a quality spa - in fact, I never said that the salesperson said that either. I asked him about the differences between a few of the different brands i have been looking at - specifically, Hot Springs, Sundance and Jacuzzi. From everything i have heard and read, these are all great product lines, however, there obviously must be SOME differences between them. I am merely looking for the facts that differentiate these brands. Also, you were asking if the salesperson can "prove" what he said...well, actually Chas just "proved" what the Jacuzzi salesperson said, that some Hot Springs jets ARE plumbed in series.
ejf The Spa Guy
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Posts: 443
Re: Hot Springs plumbed in series?
Reply #6 on:
May 08, 2010, 06:14:03 pm »
if you misundserstood me for saying quality of the spa i did not refernce that you were told that. i know Chas just said that, but if he did not how would you know that for a fact..this is what i was getting at.....there are differances in the brands but it comes in the since of filtration, vertical filtration, horizontal filters, water mangement, there is a lot to look. but you top imo D1, Hot Springs,Jacuzzi, Sundance...
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,
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Hot water is Cool.
Re: Hot Springs plumbed in series?
Reply #7 on:
May 08, 2010, 07:51:22 pm »
I'm not sure we are disagreeing. This thread is not about any of the other things you must mentioned, it is about "Hot Springs (sic) plumbed in series?" and that's what I was responding to. No, IMO it does NOT matter how a spa is plumbed if the thing works well. Those two things don't always go together: some tubs with huge plumbing don't move much water, and some tubs with small tubing really blow you away. Now, I hope I don't have to say it, but if you wet test a spa and find it is imbalanced, that is: that some jets are much more powerful than others, or things like that, then I would say my point was proven.
How the tub performs during a wet test - and later in your home - is what you live with. You don't find a lot of people framing and hanging the plumbing diagrams or other specs next to the spa for future reference 8^)
So shop all those other things that you mentioned. They are very important. But when it comes to jet performance, try a spa wet. Get in it if you can, or at least put you hand/arm in front of all the jets.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
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Re: Hot Springs plumbed in series?
Reply #8 on:
May 10, 2010, 11:03:18 am »
Quote from: wateroverthebridge on May 08, 2010, 03:45:50 pm
that some Hot Springs jets ARE plumbed in series.
I believe you'll find most all hot tubs plumbing are a combination of series and parallel plumbing other than maybe Artesian which has a separate pump for each seat. I scratch my head that this was ever brought up to you. I'd concentrate on dealer confidence (how long in business, how long with this brand, how long have they serviced spas and this brand, will he be there for you after the sale, what approach they take in trying to make the sale, etc.), what kind of package deal you can get, manufacturer warranty and confidence they'll back it, wet test results, aesthetics, etc.
Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 01:28:41 pm by Spatech_tuo
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Re: Hot Springs plumbed in series?
Reply #8 on:
May 10, 2010, 11:03:18 am »
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