If you haven't drilled the hole yet, follow these guidelines;
Map out the area where the spa sits. In your case it is 7'5" x 7'5" w/8" radius. If the pavers are already down, use chalk.
Determine what side the equipment will be on then go to your dealer and have them open the cabinet to expose the equipment side. Measure to the left of the control box where there is a rather large area to drill from without hitting any components. Take those dimensions home and lay out where your conduit will come up. All of the Sundance models are set up the similar way.
When the dealer delivers the spa, have them leave it on wheels, drill the hole through the bottom from inside, so you don't hit anything then have them place the spa down over the power cord as you pull it through. It should fit like a glove.
I used 2.5" hole saw for mine and it came out great. Good luck...
