Brand Specific Forums > Bullfrog Spas
Old Stock Bullfrog Spa
ejf The Spa Guy:
in Canada, were have you been i am a regular on it and i think most have seen my posts i sell at a dealership,, spam----are you kidding me,,,, i am telling you from selling experience, i see you have a lot of post!!!!!!.....did you see me plug my line....did not think so.....and this is my opinion, that is what this board is obviously have not seen my posts......
In Canada:
--- Quote from: ejf on March 04, 2010, 07:29:40 pm ---in Canada, were have you been i am a regular on it and i think most have seen my posts i sell at a dealership,, spam----are you kidding me,,,, i am telling you from selling experience, i see you have a lot of post!!!!!!.....did you see me plug my line....did not think so.....and this is my opinion, that is what this board is obviously have not seen my posts......
--- End quote ---
Actually my post count is about 20 times yours, a log on error has reset it and I can't be bothered to have it changed.I have been around here for 5 years and I have seen all the cheap insult,s believe me it's nothing new. The spam comment means that I believe you are throwing around another batch of them.
ejf The Spa Guy:
o.k . but spam what..... have you read my posts.....i also post on another site as the spa guy... we are entitled to our opinions,,,,so i do not understand your comment on spam. yes i work for a dealer in Washington, yes i have been in the tub industry for 13 years, if you go back and look at my posts, i put in the goosd and the bad ...i f you notice i have said many tubs people are asking about here that i have commented on that i do not sell. and i have gave positive feedback on them...and i believe in this post i said Bullfrog is a good brand!!!!!! so your talking about a cheap insult, what insult did i write about here? hum. i can't find it either....also if you look at my posts, i have always stated that no matter the brand if you have a great servicing dealer is a big part of owning a hot tub... and on there warranty i believe they are, lifetime jetpak plumbing warranty, lifetime shell structure and uniframe, 6 year shell surface,3 year electrical, and 3 year plumbing under the shell.
Dr. Spa™ Ret.:
SPAM is defined as an unsolicited advertisement. As the post in question advertises for NOTHING, it's not even close to spam.
ejf The Spa Guy:
thank you!!!!!
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