Brand Specific Forums > Bullfrog Spas

Old Stock Bullfrog Spa

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Hi, I am looking at a floor model 2004 Bullfrog Spa. It has the features I want, the shop says it is new and they don't sell Bullfrog anymore. I think I can get it for half of what a new 2010 would cost, never asked about warantee yet. Any Bullfrog experts out there to tell me differences in the 2010 model over the 2004 model. Kinda strange this is still new any ideas why? I like the bullfrog line and have been looking into them was looking at a used one so this is along the same lines.


--- Quote from: hudler on March 02, 2010, 03:41:16 pm ---Kinda strange this is still new any ideas why?

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VERY strange to see a new floor model that is 6 years old. I gotta believe the warranty started ticking long ago but I would not continue any thought process on that until I asked the dealer for their take on that, got the s/n from them and called the manufacturer.

In Canada:
I can't comment on pricing or warranty but I will tell you we have had our Bullfrog 451 for 4 years now with no problems to speak of.  The tub has been great, our dealer has been great and the small amount of conversations I have had with Bullfrog have been great.  If you can get it for half what a 2010 would cost, I would jump on it

ejf The Spa Guy:
but the question also is why does he still have a 2004 model spa, there could be a reason for this,,, it is a good spa brand, i know they push that you can interchange the different backs. i don't know about you, but if you buy extras finding a place you can store them when not in use, also keeping out of the heat so the plumbing does not dry out, , and in 5 degree weather i would not want to stand outside to change them out....just a couple of thoughts...

In Canada:

--- Quote from: ejf on March 04, 2010, 01:16:07 pm ---but the question also is why does he still have a 2004 model spa, there could be a reason for this,,, it is a good spa brand, i know they push that you can interchange the different backs. i don't know about you, but if you buy extras finding a place you can store them when not in use, also keeping out of the heat so the plumbing does not dry out, , and in 5 degree weather i would not want to stand outside to change them out....just a couple of thoughts...

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^^^^^SPAM from an obvious dealer^^^^^^


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