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Author Topic: Killer Customer  (Read 6049 times)


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Killer Customer
« on: August 06, 2008, 01:22:19 pm »
You just never know who might walk through your door.  This asshat, Gabriel Yates, came into my store with one of my existing customers a couple of years ago.  They were on a mission to find Yates a good deal on a used spa.  I found a HS Landmark for him and he agreed to buy it, but tried to stiff us at every turn.  He drove a BMW with license plates that read "GO 2 GUY".

He was supposedly a financial planner over in Whitehouse, TX.  Instead, it turns out he was a conman, callboy, and pimp who ended up murdering and mutilating a young woman before dumping her body in the desert:


The guy is the worst kind of turdburglar and hopefully he will die soon.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 01:22:47 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

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Killer Customer
« on: August 06, 2008, 01:22:19 pm »


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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 01:30:21 pm »


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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 03:05:30 pm »
Freakishly frightening.

Hope they get what's coming...  I am sure "Bubba" will love a pretty lil' "go2guy" in prison!!
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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 03:20:23 pm »
Six years ago I decided to put in a new kitchen. When I got my plan together, I interviewed different contractors. The one that I decided to hire was a kind of wacky guy from England that had lots of off the wall ideas and was receptive to my equally crazy ideas. WE talked about my animals as his live in girlfriend was also an animal lover and had a parrot like mine. My husband and son disliked his cocky attitude and begged me not to hire him, but his bid came in reasonable and after all I WAS THE BOSS.  Thankfully he didn't ask for an money up front but we signed a contract and then he disappeared. He never answered my phone calls and didnt' show up when he was supposed to start the project.

About 2 years after the project was complete, I noticed his familiar face on the front of the local newspaper..He had shot his girlfriend in cold blood after an argument.  Wooo talk about things working out for the best...I knew he was wacky, but I didn't think he was a murderer! :o
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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2008, 11:42:47 am »
Freakishly frightening.

Hope they get what's coming...  I am sure "Bubba" will love a pretty lil' "go2guy" in prison!!

 ;) I bet it won't take long in the slammer until his name is "goallthewayguy". If he closes his eyes and imagines real hard, he can imagine his days back in the HS Spa ("find a happy place... find a happy place... find a happy place").

Hey, even Bubba needs a lil lovin!   ;D


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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2008, 02:07:46 pm »
I grew up in a small coal mining town in PA.  Maybe 5000 people total.  Went to a catholic elementary school, which totalled maybe 120 kids.  Two of the boys I went to that school with are both serving life sentences for murder.  Never would have thought that about anyone I grew up with, but you just never know.

FWIW, both murdered their wives because they were leaving them.  In the one case, the woman's body was never found.  It was the first case of a murder conviction without a body, and was actually made into a TV movie.  Not exactly the type of fame to be proud of.


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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2008, 03:30:27 pm »
Okay, I'll add my story to the mix...
About 15 yrs ago I was dating this woman. She was a super hottie, but something just wasn't "right" with her. She wouldn't let you look her in the eyes, she would freak out. Just kind of weird, but like I said, she was a smokin hottie so I put up with it as long as I could. I finally ended it. The next guy she dated she ended up shooting him in the head killing him, then trying to set it up to look like a suicide. It didn't work and she went to prison. She called me during her trial and tried to get me to be her character witness. She told me her version of the story and it had so many holes in it I knew she was sunk. Never heard from her again.    


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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2008, 11:04:12 am »
Since we are talking about "monsters" here I have a little unique twist to a connection I have to a true monster.  45 years ago I had my first "female" encounter with the lady who lived next door.  I was 15, she was 29 or so, blonde and from Germany.  Looking back now I would say she was "hot" but that term was not used in those days.  Anyway, she taught me what it was all about.

Rita told me a story that gives me a rather unique distinction - maybe the only man in the world who can say this but first the story.

Rita was born and lived as a child in Munich.  Her mother took her to a Nazi parade when Hitler drove by, got out of his car and started walking.  He spoted the child in her mother's arms and went to her.  He picked her up and held her upon which Rita immediately peed all over him.  She was too young to remember the incident of course but it was related to her by her mother.  When her mother came over once to visit I asked her about it and she verified the story.

So, I have the unique distinction of having made love to a woman who pissed on Hitler - literally!!!

Hey Term, I have been by a couple of times but you are not around.  BTW, are you always closed on Mondays?  And Judi wants to know two things: how is the new baby doing and when is the 31st party?  I might be in Longview in the next couple days so I'll try to stop by.


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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2008, 03:15:01 am »
Since this is such an uplifting thread I will add my story. My sister was dating the son of a family that was friends with our family. I use to hang around this guys fathers shop when I was little. I knew this guy very well and he was nice except when he drank. While drunk once he struck his mother and broke her neck.

He came home one night drunk and beat my sister to death in front of her 5 year old son. His dad could afford the best legal help available, so he got 7 years for second degree murder. When he got out of prison he went to my mothers bar and demanded she serve him. My mother was a bartender until she was 75 years old. He didn't get served and several of her regulars ran him out of the bar.

He then dated a women with a small boy which seemed to be his MO. He came home drunk one night and she locked him out of the house. So he poured gas around the outside of the house and lit it on fire with the women and boy inside. They climbed out a back window to safety. He got another 7 years for arson and attemped murder. I don't know where he is now but he should be around 65 years old. Maybe some day he will get his butt kicked by a women while she is drunk.

I miss my sister, we were very close but she allowed this monster to keep beating her over a period of time and would not allow family to step in. This was back in the 70's and things are better today. Many social programs have better educated people against abuse.

Scott  :'(
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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2008, 01:07:51 pm »
That's friggin' awful Scott!

Words from a faceless person probably don't mean much after what you've been through, but I'm so sorry to hear that and hope you have had time to heal (as best a person could under those circumstances).


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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2008, 06:32:02 pm »
That's friggin' awful Scott!

Words from a faceless person probably don't mean much after what you've been through, but I'm so sorry to hear that and hope you have had time to heal (as best a person could under those circumstances).
I forgave him and moved on, right after the trial. My mother however carried hatred in her heart towards him until the day she died. The hatred didn't hurt him at all but it did make my mother unhappy the rest of her life. I take comfort knowing my mother and sister are having a good time together again. Mother passed away last February.

Thank you,
Scott  8-)
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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2008, 06:35:08 pm »
I haven't been on in for-friggin'-ever again, but I saw this and figured I'd add my two (yep, TWO) experiences...

1) I worked at an auto part store in the 'hood several years ago, and had a customer ask if I was selling my motorcycle. I was debating, as a matter of fact, and it was a cheap price, so he gave me his number (he had my work #) for me to call when I was ready to sell. Well, within a month or two, I saw him on the news. Turns out the cops were after him, and he shot and KILLED one of the boys in blue....he's now serving as a prison yard gal for a VERY long time.

2) I WORKED FOR a woman since then that's a real "look at me" type. She's been married a couple times, and has been in PRISON. For what? Well....she swears it's not true  ::) but....for killing her ex-husband. She and one of her former boyfriends killed him, dumped the body in the trunk of a (her?) car, and ditched it up north somewhere....

I'll have to scan the brain to figure out if there have been any other jailbound freaks I've been around.

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Re: Killer Customer
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2008, 06:35:08 pm »


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