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Author Topic: How do I clean and bring back the polish/shine to the inside of my Arctic Cub?  (Read 5911 times)


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Just wondering what I can use to clean the inside of my tub, it had what looked like black spots of ??mold, which come off easily when wiped with your finger.  But I want to give the tub a good cleaning and polishing on the inside.  And what can I use to run through the tub so as to hopefully wipe out any contaminants in the lines?  Is there a step by step guide for a newbie like me for a hot tub clean out and setup?

Thanks in advance.

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Are your jets removable?  If your going to all the trouble to clean the inside, I would remove your jets and soak them in a water/CLR mixture.  I do that once a year.  I've got a textured surface so all I do it wipe it down with clorox wipes.
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Without actually seeing what your issue is I can only give a bit of advise.  I would also ask are you checking your spa on a regular basis?  If you are this shouldn't happen.  What chemical system are you using?  When was the last time you did a drain, clean and refill?  Then I might be able to help a little more. 

If you are using bromine/chlorine, you can try super chlorinating your tub, then drain and refill.  There is a product called spa flush (or some version of) that cleans the piping and plumbing.  We sell this to lots of customers who have jetted bathtubs that haven't been used on a regular basis. 

Again without seeing your water, and knowing some of the above questions some of what I said might work.

Good luck!


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Well this is a new setup.  Right now the tub is at the dealer getting all tuned up.  They did clean it fairly well, but it still needs all the nooks and crannies cleaned out.  Also around the jets you can see that black scum/mold behind the cover of the jet.  So I just want to know what to use to give the surface a good cleaning and polish.  I haven't decided what route I am going to go chemical wise, I got some chemicals with the tub, but am thinking they are probably all no good as I don't know how old they are and what some of them are.  I have a 7 year old and a 4 year old, who love the hot tub at the Y, and I do believe they use chlorine there, and it doesn't bother their skin.  I am new to this so basically would like to go the route where the least amount of chemicals is used and the simplest route of keeping my water clean.  I'm generally a proponent of the KISS method!!


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