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Author Topic: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?  (Read 57552 times)


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Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« on: February 04, 2010, 10:34:40 pm »
Hi again everyone:

I started another thread recently concerning the cost/hassle of repairing full foam tubs. That thread has compelled me to start looking at Arctic Spas. Arctic seems to rate quite highly with spas techs and people in the know - even those who prefer full foam tubs say it's a well constructed spa.

My question to any Arctic supporters/salesfolks/servicepeople/customers is this: If Arctic is such a good product, why do I seem to read more complaints online about Arctic than virtually any other brand? Granted, the problems don't seem really major (popping jets, Onzen hassles, replaced pumps, filter problems), but there's just so many of them. Moreover, many of those who are complaining are doing so vociferously, saying they've had numerous things go wrong over relatively short period of times.

I don't think I can post links to other forums, but there are quite a few I *could* post. And there's at least one absolutely humungous thread elsewhere that's very current and just filled with multiple, ongoing complaints.

Is Arctic "better" now? Have they rectified the issues all these people have been discussing?

And yes, I do know people go to the Internet mainly to bitch, but still, there appear to be a lot of people unhappy with their Arctic tub. That just seems so weird considering it's so highly regrarded by many in the know.

Thanks in advance!

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Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« on: February 04, 2010, 10:34:40 pm »


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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2010, 11:33:09 pm »
Hi again everyone:

I started another thread recently concerning the cost/hassle of repairing full foam tubs. That thread has compelled me to start looking at Arctic Spas. Arctic seems to rate quite highly with spas techs and people in the know - even those who prefer full foam tubs say it's a well constructed spa.

My question to any Arctic supporters/salesfolks/servicepeople/customers is this: If Arctic is such a good product, why do I seem to read more complaints online about Arctic than virtually any other brand? Granted, the problems don't seem really major (popping jets, Onzen hassles, replaced pumps, filter problems), but there's just so many of them. Moreover, many of those who are complaining are doing so vociferously, saying they've had numerous things go wrong over relatively short period of times.

I don't think I can post links to other forums, but there are quite a few I *could* post. And there's at least one absolutely humungous thread elsewhere that's very current and just filled with multiple, ongoing complaints.

Is Arctic "better" now? Have they rectified the issues all these people have been discussing?

And yes, I do know people go to the Internet mainly to bitch, but still, there appear to be a lot of people unhappy with their Arctic tub. That just seems so weird considering it's so highly regrarded by many in the know.

Thanks in advance!

First let me startoff by saying that I own a business that sells Arctic Spas so you have to take what I say with a grain of salt.  I am actually one of the first Arctic dealers established in the US, so I have seen them pretty much from the start. 

You have probably seen most of these complaints on poolandspaforum.com which to my understanding has lots of canadian representation.  Arctics are much more prevelant in the Canadian market than the US market and is probably the most popular brand in that market. I guess what Im getting at is lots of Arctics go in that sector and most of that sector post on that forum.  So in turn you see lots of bad situations posted on that forum, when in turn its just a small percantage that are complaining.  A bunch of those issues that have been discussed on that forum have been addressed by Arctic, such as jets popping out, filters, and onzen.  All have new designs that work brilliantly in my opinion.  Also you will notice on that forum that one of the owners of Arctic Spas themselves "James Kierstad" posts frequently now to take care of any customers that are showing concerns about service.

I can say this about Arctic, over the past four-five years they have made HUGE strides in their quality.  I believe that my word stands for something since I am actually much like a consumer and could carry several different brands of spas if I would like.  I dont have to sell Arctics, their are lots of options in my market but I believe that Arctic makes a elite spa.  The thing you have to understand with the hot tub industry (and unless your in this industry everyday it IS very hard to understand), is that the spa is only as good as the dealer that sells it and services it. 

If you go look at an Arctic, you will see that they are very impressively constructed, just be sure that the dealer themselves are a quality service center.  BBB etc...  You must do this with any brand you are looking at though.  Its very important because no matter what anyone tells you, the spa you are looking at is a mechanical item and all mechanical items eventually need service.

Sorry to type a novel,

just my .02 cents.


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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2010, 08:20:58 am »

Sorry to type a novel,

just my .02 cents.

Thanks for letting us know your opinion and where you are coming from.  Having been a spa owner for 7 years now and on this forum that long, I've read a lot about Arctic, but its one of the major brands I've never seen in person. As part of my duties in this forum, I regularly visit every spa dealer in my area. I usually visit a different dealer every time I need chemicals.  Maybe someday someone will put an arctic line in a store within 50 miles of me.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 10:04:59 am by wmccall »
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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2010, 10:56:13 am »
I've butted heads against the Arctic story for a few years now here and other forums. I think that first, like Summitman said; they had their issues in past years and have come a long way in the last five or so.

This forum has more passionate and stronger voices in favor of Arctic than most others I've been on.

Personally I've often said that I like the spa but have some issues with the story and also as I've taken the stance against their original pitch or "we're right and everyone else it wrong" I've been ganged up on, called names, received vulgar demeaning PM's and even had my family and lifestyle drug into the conversations.

Those things came from Arctic people in different areas of the country and made me wonder what the corporate message of Arctic was.

Arctic even hired someone to clean some of this up on the forums and he and I sent several PM's back and forth with thoughts and ideas about it. What I got out of those is that when Arctic started one of the partners had a very aggressive outlook towards any/all competition and that bred the contemptuous attitude in some salespeople.

The other issue is that Arctic grew at an astronomical pace (partially due to that aggressive attitude) and when you grow that fast your going to have some havoc in your wake...it's inevitable.

We didn’t get to work on as many Arctic’s in our area due to the fact that they hadn’t been around long enough here to be out of warranty and most where handled by the dealerships. In the last few years I’ve had more and several of my old concerns in past posts are what we see surfacing in service. We are seeing lots of motor failures and plumbing leaks. I believe they've changed from the motors that had the problems.

The repair I posted recently was a 4-year-old frozen Arctic that I did quite a bit of work on. I know that Summitman challenged the full foam vs their type in that post but the truth is the problems with that spa initiated from that type insulation. The trunk line coming from the filter was not supported by foam and caused leaking in that joint because of weight and vibration over the years. The motor bolts had backed out and let the wet ends come loose due to what I think was constant heat in the cabinet.

The positives that I found where these…first, it was the easiest frozen spa I’ve ever had to thaw. I put a light in the cabinet and it really did warm the whole bather area! The sides where very easy to get open and to see into (although I’m a big guy and the door holes were a bit small) in fact taking all them off gave me more light see the plumbing.

The ball valves were very stiff and wouldn’t turn and the frozen/cracked one was twice the price of a slice valve to replace but then I think slice valves are not the best either.

Also to be fair, the failure on the Cal Spa I compared in that post was due to someone at the factory forgetting to install hose clamps.

As a whole, I like many things about the Arctic and would consider them a viable product to sell in my store but I’m not so sure that I would be a good team player and just “buy in” to some of the pitch.

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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2010, 12:19:04 pm »
As Summitman stated I'm also an Arctic Spa Dealer for over 10 years now in Breckenridge/Vail Colorado.  Yes Arctic has had some minor problems ie jets popping out.  But Arctic is one of the only companies that warrited the waterway jets when the stopped spinning.  So Arctic started to design there own jet.  They went through some trial and error.  Now it's by far the best jet on the marketed!  It never stops spinning, and doesn't pop out! 

So now is the best time to buy an Arctic Spa as bugs are worked out and my business hasn't been better! 



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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2010, 07:28:39 pm »
Now see, what Michael said about jets is one of the problems I have with the Arctic way of selling.

The truth is that most of the manufactures I deal with replaced those waterway jets under warrenty. In fact, I can't remember any of them denying a claim when I sent it in and yes I would agree that since 2008 the complaints about the Arctic jets have not even popped up on the internet much.

The only problem with that is track record, on the waterway jets it took a few years before the problem really got noticed


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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 09:23:31 pm »
There wont be a problem with Arctics jets.  The design is superb.  Waterways problems were noticed pretty much from the beginning on my end.  If you havent checked out the new design you should, just to see them.  Im not trying to pump them up, its just a great design.

I agree that saying "Arctics jets are by far the best jets on the market" is a bit of a stretch, but it is no different than many Hot Spring dealers spouting that they are the most energy efficient spa on the market or the most therapuetic in regards to the moto-massage.  These are all based off opinion and should be stated as such. 

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2010, 02:35:19 pm »
 a lot can be said by the dealership selling there products regardless of the brand... we hear alot of what you are saying from customers coming in after seeing multiple brands. I  hear quite a bit that the customer was told there brand is the best from multiple brands. then the consumer has to sift through the b.s. not everyone can be the best.....everyone has a different way to build the mousetrap. if there was a brand as the best there would be no comptetitors... it does get old hearing that spa salesman state ( not a particular brand)  that there jets are the best. when most brands in our area are using the same, or the pump is the best because its the biggest. or the shells the best. etc.  whats funny in this that some salesman do not get educated with competitive brands in the market to now that they are not talking out of there #%$$.
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2010, 08:07:31 am »
Who says they are so good? Other than those who sell them? IMO they are as good as several other but no better, and not as good as several others yet.


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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2010, 10:38:15 am »
Who says they are so good? Other than those who sell them? IMO they are as good as several other but no better, and not as good as several others yet.

Well for instance, several of my customers that have owned other brands of spas say so.  Many have admitted that their electrical bill DECREASED after replacing their previous spa with an Arctic.  Which is hard to do especially when the electrical rates go up every year.  Also we highly suggest people to wet test spas before purchasing and that will usually seal the deal on the Arctic Spa if you fit them in the right model.  FYI we compete daily against Hot Spring, Sundance, Jacuzzi, etc.  This is more than my opinion, these are proven results that I have seen!

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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2010, 02:51:51 pm »

Well for instance, several of my customers that have owned other brands of spas say so.  Many have admitted that their electrical bill DECREASED after replacing their previous spa with an Arctic. 

And I have no doubt this could be said of just about ANY OTHER brand of spa as well.

Also we highly suggest people to wet test spas before purchasing and that will usually seal the deal on the Arctic Spa if you fit them in the right model.

Also certainly true of just about ANY OTHER brand of spa as well.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2010, 05:56:19 pm »
Who says they are so good? Other than those who sell them? IMO they are as good as several other but no better, and not as good as several others yet.

Well for instance, several of my customers that have owned other brands of spas say so.  Many have admitted that their electrical bill DECREASED after replacing their previous spa with an Arctic.  Which is hard to do especially when the electrical rates go up every year.  Also we highly suggest people to wet test spas before purchasing and that will usually seal the deal on the Arctic Spa if you fit them in the right model.  FYI we compete daily against Hot Spring, Sundance, Jacuzzi, etc.  This is more than my opinion, these are proven results that I have seen!

You could replace Arctic twice in this post with one of the three at the end and insert it with the other 2 brands mentioned at the end. I guess it depends on what brand you sell!!!! The proven results dealers of the other brands prove you wrong!! So, who's right?

Confused consummer


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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2010, 10:39:28 pm »

Well for instance, several of my customers that have owned other brands of spas say so.  Many have admitted that their electrical bill DECREASED after replacing their previous spa with an Arctic. 

And I have no doubt this could be said of just about ANY OTHER brand of spa as well.

Also we highly suggest people to wet test spas before purchasing and that will usually seal the deal on the Arctic Spa if you fit them in the right model.

Also certainly true of just about ANY OTHER brand of spa as well.

It can definetely be SAID about any other brand, but all I know is it is TRUE with the Arctics that I sell.  Tman said all he had is what dealers were telling him/her, I was just showing him/her what consumers were telling me.  Thats all.  Im not saying that Arctic is the end all be all of hot tubs, but they are elite as any brand out there. 


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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2010, 05:47:38 am »

Well for instance, several of my customers that have owned other brands of spas say so.  Many have admitted that their electrical bill DECREASED after replacing their previous spa with an Arctic. 

And I have no doubt this could be said of just about ANY OTHER brand of spa as well.

Also we highly suggest people to wet test spas before purchasing and that will usually seal the deal on the Arctic Spa if you fit them in the right model.

Also certainly true of just about ANY OTHER brand of spa as well.

It can definetely be SAID about any other brand, but all I know is it is TRUE with the Arctics that I sell.  Tman said all he had is what dealers were telling him/her, I was just showing him/her what consumers were telling me.  Thats all.  Im not saying that Arctic is the end all be all of hot tubs, but they are elite as any brand out there. 

I've seen allot of tubs in the last 20-25 years or so of repair including Arctic. I've only worked on a couple Arctic's (not sold localy) While here in Northern Minnesota you would think they would be sold, maybe there's no market for another dealer, beats me. But from my independent investigation I would say they almost make the top 5. A decent tub, but there are better.

I'm not confused at all Summ, but thanks for the pitch.

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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2010, 04:22:33 pm »
Now see, what Michael said about jets is one of the problems I have with the Arctic way of selling.

The truth is that most of the manufactures I deal with replaced those waterway jets under warrenty. In fact, I can't remember any of them denying a claim when I sent it in and yes I would agree that since 2008 the complaints about the Arctic jets have not even popped up on the internet much.

The only problem with that is track record, on the waterway jets it took a few years before the problem really got noticed

I have recently noticed that alot of my jets are wanting to come apart, The back is seperating from the face.  I'm pretty sure they used waterway jets in my model but was wondering if someone could point me in a direction to by replacement parts for them.  The jets are the mini storms.

My dealer is claiming they are not covered under warranty, Plan B

Well, there is a least one manufacturer that didn't warranty the waterway jets.
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

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Re: Arctic Spas: If they're so good, why so many complaints?
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2010, 04:22:33 pm »


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