So my son comes home from college and we have to discuss grades, how to pay his tuition for spring and why he drives his pretty truck through creeks

.... My husband is stuck in Italy because we had a giant snow storm (and he wouldn't have made it anyway, they closed the airport in Florence because they also had a snow storm)

...The tree isn't decorated, the house is a mess and it was snowing to beat the band!!..So last night my son cleared the top of the tub and made a decent path to the steps of the tub. I haven't even used the tub for weeks and had actually entertained the idea of maybe selling it....My son headed out first and I followed...we soaked for over an hour and talked over all the concerns and all the MOM issues. The snow was flying and we had the most amazing soak. When we came in, all the things that were driving me nuts were resolved and we had a plan for the things that needed to be done...
In the tub he couldn't text his friends or play video games or watch was a perfect environment for uninterupted discussion.
And after the snowblower died this morning

...we will definately be using the tub again tonight....
