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Author Topic: Wind  (Read 12763 times)


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« on: December 10, 2009, 10:59:30 am »
We had about 12 hours of wind gusting close to 60mph yesterday.   We didn't get the snow many of you did. I'm glad the weather forecasters did let us know about the wind though. I made sure all 4 straps were secured. I came home to my 90 gallon trash can down the street, but at least my cover was still there.
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« on: December 10, 2009, 10:59:30 am »


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Re: Wind
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2009, 08:08:43 am »
Soaked in 14 degree weather last night.  I've found now that I lost weight that I can stay in 104 water longer, especially when its that cold out.
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just ducky

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Re: Wind
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2009, 04:12:42 pm »
Boy it's been tough up here in Michigan the last week or so to get in the tub.  I went in on Monday, and it was a bit windy too, and I just don't care to be in the tub with cold wind blowing on my head.  Colder temps I can take, but I'm hoping we get some calmer days/nights soon. 


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Re: Wind
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2009, 01:34:35 am »
I fully agree with you just ducky.  The wind is my primary consideration when deciding to go out to the tub in winter.  Cold temps aren't too bad if it is calm. 


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Re: Wind
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2009, 08:51:43 am »
Here in Cleveland, we get some weather at times. 

My wife and I have a couple things we've done to help out: 

Our tub is on a raised deck and is exposed to the open on 3 sides including the west where most of the wind/storms blow in. I've made a small "fence" that consists of 3 2x2's and some heavy plastic sheeting attached.  When winter hits I screw the contraption to the deck on the west side.  It is tall enough to just cover our heads as we soak and it also helps out with energy consumption as it blocks that icy wind from hitting the tub.

When its raining, really cold and/or snowing like crazy, we'll wear hats.  The type of hat depends on the weather.  Sunday it was raining and 38*.  We soaked like normal only we wore ball caps.  In snow storms, we've worn winter hats.  Hey, not much gets in the way of our soaks! 

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Re: Wind
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2009, 09:09:47 am »
I agree on the wind.  My coldest soak so far was a very calm night at 4F, but the next night it was 20 with a high wind, we didn't go out that night.
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Re: Wind
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2009, 07:37:23 pm »
Here in Cleveland, we get some weather at times.  

My wife and I have a couple things we've done to help out:  

Our tub is on a raised deck and is exposed to the open on 3 sides including the west where most of the wind/storms blow in. I've made a small "fence" that consists of 3 2x2's and some heavy plastic sheeting attached.  When winter hits I screw the contraption to the deck on the west side.  It is tall enough to just cover our heads as we soak and it also helps out with energy consumption as it blocks that icy wind from hitting the tub.

When its raining, really cold and/or snowing like crazy, we'll wear hats.  The type of hat depends on the weather.  Sunday it was raining and 38*.  We soaked like normal only we wore ball caps.  In snow storms, we've worn winter hats.  Hey, not much gets in the way of our soaks!  



We've worn hats before, but for a different reason...to keep the mosquitos off of our heads in the hot months  ;)   But it would work in the rain too...we just prefer not to tub in the rain.

And about the wind break fence, a friend of mine did something similar.  But I figured since this is our first winter with the tub, I'd wait this year and see how many soaks I actually feel I lost without having a windbreak up.  The other part of this equation...my wife is really not keen about tubbing in the winter, whereas I personally love it.  Even though the tub is only about 15 feet out the patio door, that's too much for her when it's below about 30.  I can take being out there in quite bitter temps...I'm betting I'll be going this winter in the teens.  Was out there last night in about 15 degree temps, but it was perfectly still.  So I doubt I'll need a fence or windbreak of any kind.  I'll let you know in about 3 months  ;D
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 07:39:28 pm by just ducky »


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Re: Wind
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2009, 11:17:48 am »
If MY wife can soak in the cold (our tub is same distance from the sliding glass doors as yours is) then ANY WIFE can!  She's a freeze baby for sure.  For Christmas, get her a real nice long terry robe and buy or build a nice free-standing hanger to put next to the tub.  We slip out of the tub and into our robes and our flip flops.....you're in the house before you know it! 

Proud Bahia owners since 2006!

just ducky

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Re: Wind
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2009, 09:17:48 pm »
If MY wife can soak in the cold (our tub is same distance from the sliding glass doors as yours is) then ANY WIFE can!  She's a freeze baby for sure.  For Christmas, get her a real nice long terry robe and buy or build a nice free-standing hanger to put next to the tub.  We slip out of the tub and into our robes and our flip flops.....you're in the house before you know it! 


 ;D ;D ;D Way ahead of ya.  One of the first things I bought her back in March when we bought our tub was a big long terry robe for this very reason.  And I built a free-standing robe/towel post that I can move around anywhere I want to put it.  All of that has helped, but yes...she's a real baby about the cold...always has been.  What I'd really like to find (or I may make one) is some kind of a heated towel cabinet or at minimum a heated towel/robe bar, that way this time of year up here you could step into a warm robe or towel, instead of one that's been hanging on a hook in 15 degree temps  ;)   Anybody got any thoughts on that line...a way to keep the towels warm in the winter?


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Re: Wind
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2009, 07:26:10 am »
Yes!  Actually, a Brookstone magazine came in the mail yesterday and in it, they have a towel/robe heating "cabinet".  It's the size of a large bread box, plastic with heating elements in it.  Not sure if it's weather proof though. 

I've done searches on those type of cabinets and I think it would be pretty easy to build.  For heat sources, they use standard light bulbs.  It gives of enough heat to warm the robe especially in contrast with the ambient temp outdoors. ;D 
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Re: Wind
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2009, 12:40:41 pm »
I've heard you can put towels in the dryer, transfer them to a cooler, and take them out to the hot tub.  Supposedly they stay warm that way.  I've not personally tried it though.

Re: the wind...we use ear warmers if it's windy out.  Works like a charm. We also built a wind-break on the NW side of the tub, so that helps.

Right now we're struggling with keeping the tub full (from normal water loss).  When it's nice out, we can just hook up the hose to top it off every month or so.  But it's been negative temps for several weeks here.   Hopefully it goes above freezing soon we we can add some water.  Today it's 19 degrees and feels heavenly outside compared to what we've had.  I guess it's all perspective.

just ducky

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Re: Wind
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2009, 08:37:07 pm »
I've heard you can put towels in the dryer, transfer them to a cooler, and take them out to the hot tub.  Supposedly they stay warm that way.  I've not personally tried it though.

Re: the wind...we use ear warmers if it's windy out.  Works like a charm. We also built a wind-break on the NW side of the tub, so that helps.

Right now we're struggling with keeping the tub full (from normal water loss).  When it's nice out, we can just hook up the hose to top it off every month or so.  But it's been negative temps for several weeks here.   Hopefully it goes above freezing soon we we can add some water.  Today it's 19 degrees and feels heavenly outside compared to what we've had.  I guess it's all perspective.

So Renee are you tubbing in those kind of temps too?  Man if you are, I give you a lot of credit. Tonight it's around 20 here, and I thought about going out, but just couldn't do it.  I've gotta get a tougher skin...or a robe warmer like I said  ;D


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Re: Wind
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2009, 03:31:22 pm »
Yes, we were tubbing in negative degree weather.  It's not fun getting back into the house....you have to move FAST so you don't freeze to the concrete. :D   And it REALLY sucks when the dogs steal your flip flops. 20 degree weather is PERFECT!  I love it when there is so much steam you can't see the person across from you.  I'm afraid we can't get in the tub again til it gets some more water added.  It's 37 degrees right now, but I'm not at home to fill it.   :'(

just ducky

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Re: Wind
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2009, 04:47:26 pm »
Losing water?  Hmmm...it's been in the teens most of the week here, but when I did my weekly maintenance today I noticed only a slight drop in water level?  And by the way, it's 30 today!!!  :o   Hooray for us.  Tubbing, here we come!


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Re: Wind
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2009, 01:44:22 pm »
If you saw my husband and kids get out of the tub, you'd know why the water level is low.
They take a good portion of h20 with them when they get out....it's like Shamu exiting the fish tank at SeaWorld.
It got up to 40 degrees this weekend, so I was able to top it off.   ;D
Before we get dumped on again on Wednesday.
I'll trade somebody a white christmas for sunny 80 degree weather!

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Re: Wind
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2009, 01:44:22 pm »


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