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Author Topic: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review  (Read 39554 times)


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Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« on: November 20, 2009, 11:41:06 pm »
I've seen a couple of short statements here on replacement covers, but never a "review" or pictures. I wanted to post a story of my hot tub cover buying experience, so others here can hopefully benefit from it.  It's long and detailed, so you're forewarned ;)

My cover was quite old, I don't know how old since I bought it used with the tub in March 2006.  It's steadily deteriorated to the point I'm almost ashamed to post it here, but I will so you can all make fun of me and see how truly I needed a new one  ;D

Old Cover

Yes - that's actually moss.  If you've been holding it in, you can laugh now.

The skirt was always too short too, which in this rare instance is NOT a good thing.

I looked at a few websites and narrowed it down to Spa-Mart and Robert's Hot Tubs, which were my first choices anyway.  Both sites have forum members here, Shaamus for Spa-Mart and Dr. Spa for Rhtubs, and both are respectful and post good information in the forums here which motivated me to buy from them.

Ordering: Spa-Mart's website is nicer and easier to navigate (sorry Doc), and simply selecting my Manufacturer year and model populated the "Use Special Template for Highlife" section in the instructions and "Special Pattern" for radius, which was really nice.  I could literally have placed the order online in about 5 minutes.  Rhtubs placed a lot more emphasis on measuring with a plastic template, or confirming their templates multiple times with a tape measure.  I understand they're simply trying to protect the consumer by stressing how important it is to be "sure" and measure multiple times, even with a template on hand, but ordering a large and expensive item like this online is scary enough - it's nice to have a little more reassurance that the manufacturer is used to this and familiar with your tub.

Cover Choices: Both were pretty similar for their standard product.  Spa-Mart actually sells a "Basic" cover that's $296 shipped, but their "Standard" product is $320 shipped (at least for the last two months), so I'd assume that's probably their main seller. What's confusing is the warranty page states the "Basic" model only carries a 1-year warranty vs. the Standard's 5 year, but the main ordering page claims the Basic is covered by a 5 year as well.  I don’t know which is correct.  Rhtubs has a Deluxe cover for $320 shipped.  The Spa-Mart Standard is a 5"x3" cover with 1 lb. foam.  The Rhtubs Deluxe is a 4"x2" with 1.5 lb. foam.  Both have a 6 mil vapor barrier, steel C-channel beams, good quality vinyl, vacuum sealing, etc. The RH Deluxe comes with a continuous hinge seal, the SM Standard has it as a $25 option. 

Warranty: The Standard has a 5-year warranty (pro-rated, full coverage only for first year, with buyer paying 20-40% the second year, 40-60% the third and so on, 1 year on foam cores without double wrapping and floating blankets, 2 years with both options).  If the warranty card is not filled out and signed within 90 days, the warranty is apparently voided.  Buyer pays shipping to/from manufacturer.  Rhtubs has a 4-year warranty (Full coverage, 1 year for foam cores without double wrapping and floating blankets, 2.5 years with both).  Once again, buyer pays shipping to/from manufacturer, which on a repair would cost almost as much as a new cover.  Ouch.  I’d hope either manufacturer would be somewhat flexible on this, in the unlikely event it did occur.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 11:54:49 pm by mattNY »

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Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« on: November 20, 2009, 11:41:06 pm »


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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2009, 11:50:03 pm »
My decision: I ordered from Dr. Spa/Rhtubs.  His covers have gotten several brief recommendations here, he’s an active member, and despite losing a few points on ordering process and cover thickness (which was kind of a wash given the foam density), based on his reputation here I believe he’ll stand behind his products.  I think Spa-Mart also has a good product and wouldn’t have been a bad choice by any means. 

Shipment: I was supposed to get an email confirmation when it shipped, but I didn’t hear anything for a while.  The order was confirmed on October 15, I waited until November 5 before I followed up with an email asking status.  I got a response on the 6th (Friday) with the shipping information from November 2nd (Monday).  I was a little disappointed I didn’t get an email as soon as it shipped, it seems like that process could be automated, taking some burden off the staff and giving some peace of mind to customers at the same time.  The "How Long will my Order take to ship" page shows it would be 5 days to receive in NY.  Actual shipping time was 12 working days, Nov. 2 to Nov. 17th, plus another two from my local shipping company (their mistake, should have been one).  So that number was pretty far off.  However, overall, Doc's page states approximately 4 weeks from order to delivery, so Nov. 19th was generally on time all things considered.

The shipping company offered to leave it in my backyard, which was nice, but they actually put it under the eave of my garage since it was raining, no big deal.  (They also forgot to take my signed note - oops on their part.) 

That's a biiig box

Packing job was ok, didn't blow me away, but the cover wasn't damaged.

Hinge Seal

NICE handles.

Continuous seal with cover closed

Ready for winter!

Conclusion: I put the new cover on, it looks great, fits well (a little bit long but I deliberately went a little big), and is *much* lighter than my old waterlogged cover.  I was very impressed with the quality of the handles, they really look like they'll hold up much better than the old ones.  I still have a little water pooling even with the greater slope of the cover, but it beads up and sheds like a duck so I should have far fewer icing problems in winter.  Overall, I'm quite pleased.


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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2009, 10:44:44 pm »
Nice review.

I wish it was that simple for me...

BTW if your cover breaks.... as you said you pay for shipping to and back to you... so essentially any cover you buy has no warranty because you might as well buy another one as shipping\packaging will kill you. That's pretty much what my research has led me to beleive.


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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2009, 07:57:55 am »
I was very impressed with the quality of the handles, they really look like they'll hold up much better than the old ones.  I still have a little water pooling even with the greater slope of the cover, but it beads up and sheds like a duck so I should have far fewer icing problems in winter.  Overall, I'm quite pleased.

I'll add to this review this coming spring after mine has gone through its 2nd winter. The handles and hinges have been impressive on mine so far, on my previous covers, this is where the wear shows up first.  When mine is 2 years old, I'll post some pictures on to this thread.

Oh, I did hold in the laughing, until the moss pictures. I didn't look at Spamart's measuring process, but I think I understand how it would appeal to you. I liked the process on RH's website, Having been on this forum a long time I knew I didn't want to get it wrong, after the measuring process I felt confident I was going to get a good fit, and was happy when I did.  Good review.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2009, 08:00:43 am by wmccall »
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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2009, 06:11:11 pm »
I knew the moss would getcha  :D  A spring update at the 2 year mark would be great. 


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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2009, 08:04:49 pm »
Thanks for the kind words about our ordering process.  You wouldn't have made a bad choice with either one of us.  Doc builds a great cover and I am sure it will serve you for many years to come.  We are actually very good friends in real life so it was interesting to see our offerings put up head to head.  Great review and I hope you enjoy your new hot tub cover.  I would put an RHTubs cover on my spa any day.  They build a first class product.

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2009, 09:04:03 pm »
And just to be fair.... It was Shaamous' suggestion, many years ago, that we start making our own covers. We were just ordering too many from him :=)
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2009, 09:11:39 am »
And just to be fair.... It was Shaamous' suggestion, many years ago, that we start making our own covers. We were just ordering too many from him :=)

Very true.  So many moons ago....


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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2013, 07:53:05 pm »
Well, it's been ages since I even logged into the forum, but I felt duty-bound while I was here to give an update on my cover :)

It performed very, very well. Held up under feet worth of snow in some harsh upstate NY winters, never perceptibly faded, and stayed very water repellant with almost no maintenance. The inside of the cover did start to sag eventually (maybe at the 3 year mark). I saw a small operational savings on my electric bill with the new cover vs. the old.

I sold my house in May of this year, and the new owners eagerly took possession of the tub, with a cover that still looked pretty new after 3.5 years. Even more remarkably, my 1991 Hotsprings Highlife was still going strong with no problems since the day I bought it used for $600 and plugged it in.


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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2013, 03:24:43 pm »
I don't know if I am doing something right or just getting lucky but I finally had to order a replacement cover for my tub.  It started getting heavy (waterlogged) a couple of months ago. It was over 5 years old. I have a 2007 Caldera Aspire and this is the first thing I am replacing. Knock on wood but I have had no other issues.  Next will be the headrests, still ok but are very worn. By the way I ordered from RHTubs.


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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2013, 09:38:11 am »
I got my last cover from "Sonshine Spa Covers".   I've had it 7 years now and it's only showing a little wear. (Damn squirrel chewed a small hole in the top that I had to repair...)  It wasn't cheap, but it has been a good cover.

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Re: Hot Tub Covers: A Consumer Review
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2013, 09:38:11 am »


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