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Author Topic: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay  (Read 6050 times)


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Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« on: November 05, 2009, 11:19:03 am »
Every day we are closer and closer to getting our first hot tub.
We live in Ontario, Canada and so far the best price we got for this tub is $14,200 CAD plus 10% TAX. It comes with steps, cover, cover lifter, stainless steel jets and any colour.Delivery and set up included exept electrical.
Is this a good price? Should I still keep the bargaining table open?
I appreciate any help ful information.

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Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« on: November 05, 2009, 11:19:03 am »

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2009, 12:51:18 pm »
I have been following your posts also on the other sites , great spa, great company. have you bought it yet...
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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2009, 07:27:02 pm »
And you get a free surf board!!  Not sure how that will work out in Canada, though.  You could use it as a snowboard I suppose  ::)
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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2009, 02:42:42 pm »
I PM'd you with my thoughts....


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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2009, 04:24:17 pm »
I PM'd you with my thoughts....

No fair, people should be able to see pros opinions.

Actually from what a poster said on the other site it seems like a lot of people that post get as many or more PM responsse than post responses though Stuart's pretty straight forward so I'm sure he's not doing it to privately sell the poster on a certain product which seems to be the case often.
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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2009, 08:16:29 pm »
I PM'd you with my thoughts....

No fair, people should be able to see pros opinions.


Not a pro but here's my thoughts - Any manufacturer who is taking up other endevors because their main line of work is hurting is smart but doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy about the survival of a company. It would be a different thing branching off into other avenues because you want to diversify when times are good; it isn't good because you need to. Then again the rcovery is just around the corner ...

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2009, 01:04:24 pm »
did you read the article all the way.??? the header makes it sound worse than it is, also when it was written the header was not the same as it came out, in these times all kinds of companies looking to add to there manufacturing, d1 is one of the only remaining major hot tub companies still privately held, some of the others have money coming into there companies, from major companies like masco, not trying to songle out any manufacturer. also D1 has been known for there innovations, why not use there facilities they alsready have to become even more stable. also they are not making surfboards, they had a surfboard manufacturer look at them of possibly making them...so i would not have any problem selling the D1 line,  they also just posting the best months in the last yearalso it would be nice to see staurts thought here instead of using a pm. but to each his own.....
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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2009, 07:52:28 pm »
It was my opinion on the article. Personally, I read things into articles whether I'm right or wrong - I couldn't say, I'm cynical by nature. I see an article about an "innovative" company looking for different ways to generate cash flow - smart idea. I see a way for this company to get it's name out there via the press to put its name onto the forefront of someone elses brain. I see a small company possibly struggling to survive as are other small companies and large companies for that matter.

As for their best months - are we talking top line or are we talking bottom line - big difference and I don't follow this company so I don't know.

I have no gripes with D1, I looked at them back when I bought my spa but they were too expensive for me. I own an Artesian - would I buy either of these brands today - not really. Is it because they are crap - absolutely not. Do I think they can survive the down turn long enough to see a rise in their sales and survival - I do not know so I wouldn't buy either, I personally don't think that Hot Spring or Sundance make great tubs but they have the capital to back them up being huge. I'm not in your business so I can't say how sales on luxury items will be in the coming year. I read and hear that high end retailers are doing well but being in the working trenches, I too worry about the possibility of losing my job and I work for a huge corporation; all I care about now is how to survive if I do lose my job.


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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2009, 08:03:20 pm »
I simply pm'ed my experience with the company and the service end of that spa. I was chastised by D1 for expressing my opinions in prior posts and they threatened me with their legal dept over some very silly things so I just posted it in a PM so they won't get on thier high horse.


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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2009, 12:54:47 pm »
I simply pm'ed my experience with the company and the service end of that spa. I was chastised by D1 for expressing my opinions in prior posts and they threatened me with their legal dept over some very silly things so I just posted it in a PM so they won't get on thier high horse.

Really? I know someone now represents them on these sites and lately there seems to be more D1 dealers showing up so I assume they are making it an emphasis to have a presence on spa forums but they have to expect that there will be some dissenting opinions about their product so censoring and threat of legal actions over someone sharing their honest opinion and experience seems absurd.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 12:59:33 pm by Spatech t.u.o. »
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ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2009, 02:49:10 pm »
spatech. it is nice to see more salesman popping up from all brands , i have been a D1 dealer for over a year and they have been great to deal with, i do not know of any emphasis they are putting on us to get on these sites. i haven't heard anything from my rep to do this, i have been on this site for a while. last couple of years just looked at the posts, but i have been posting  more each day, these forums are great for salesman to learn even more about there own brands and others. so i think this is a great tool. also consumers can get alot from what we all have to say., and most people are pretty good about not bashing other brands.....
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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2009, 11:17:59 am »
Part of the emphasis they have to get on these site came from me in the first place....Bonibelle had to go in and change my opinions on D1 for me in a few posts and it was nothing even negative other than the fact that I posted my experience in dealing with them.

You must have been sent different Mdrives and different circ pumps than I was over the last year....I will say I have high hopes for the circ pumps they've come out with in the last couple of months and wish they would have done that 5 years ago.....

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2009, 01:35:29 pm »
 that cool, i have not had the issues of the m-drives, or circ pump, i have both circ pumps out the older laings and the older version of the m drive. i know we have been very aggresive with our customers on keeping the prescreen cleaned on the older circ pumps. on the m- drive i think i had one that we had to deal with.  so no problem . if you are speaking your opinion i don't see anything wrong with that. i cannot say anything bad these guys have taken very good care of us. 5 years ago we did Cal, never again,,, so this company is night and day ....but this is why i like these sites you get the good and the bad, it is to bad to be censored   ...but as you i do not have a problem speaking my mind.......
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,

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Re: Closer And Closer To Getting D1 Serena Bay
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2009, 01:35:29 pm »


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