Hey Boni,
How are you?
Kids are doing well. Oldest is now a Webelo I, I think I'm finally figuring out what I'm doing as a den leader, lol. Littlest is getting excited to finally be a Tiger next year. Oldest also joined band and is blessing our house with the sweet sounds of the trumpet every night. Littlest is playing fall baseball and went up to coach pitch... so much better than t-ball. Even if he can't catch a ball... kid can hit.
We are both still unemployed.

I'm now also having seizures (started at BSA camp this summer) and get to spend a week in the hospital next month for testing to try and figure out why. So that's been a PITA.
I'm looking forward to cooler temps, we had a sneak peak of it earlier this week... but are supposed to be back into the 90s tomorrow.