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Author Topic: Cloudy water - here we go again  (Read 5294 times)

just ducky

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Cloudy water - here we go again
« on: September 25, 2009, 07:46:25 pm »
I changed out my water about three weeks ago, and all was well with crystal clear water and all readings on the nose.  Then tonight I took the cover off thinking we would tub, and I've got cloudy water.  We haven't used the tub in 4 days, so I checked the readings, and yep...chlorine level is zip!  I'm assuming my problem is I stupidly let the chlorine get too low.  So I just cleaned the filters, shocked it, and am running the #1 pump to filter (it's a Jacuzzi tub) right now.  There is practically no foam, just discoloration.  So I'm going to let that cycle through, then zap it with a good dose of chlorine, run the pumps, and hope for the best tomorrow.  I don't have any clarifier...should I get some in the morning?

I've only had the tub since March, and we got discoloration a month or so back, but it was really foamy then and had a smell.  I tried to clear it up for a day or two, but since it was due for a water change anyway, I gave up and drained it and started over.  This time is a bit different...no foam, and no real odor.  So I'm hoping I can clear this up quickly.  I hate the thought of draining it again after only three weeks.

Any thoughts...good...bad...?

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Cloudy water - here we go again
« on: September 25, 2009, 07:46:25 pm »


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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2009, 08:15:01 pm »
You definitely don't need to drain the tub again. I use bromine in a feeder system (Spa Frog) so I can't tell you the exact process for your situation, but I have had my tub turn cloudy several times (especially when I first got the tub). It may take a couple of days, but your tub will clear and be just fine. Right now, I would keep an eye on the chlorine level and be sure that as the chlorine does it's job, the level doesn't drop again. Once you have bacteria established, you have to maintain your sanitizer to continue to kill it. 

Hopefully Vinny will check out your post and tell you in better detail what you will need to do.
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just ducky

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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2009, 08:36:08 pm »
Thanks for the support anyway.  I'll keep tabs on the chlorine level as you suggested to see that I'm maintaing a good level while it's doing it's job.  I've learned a lot about water chemistry on this site, and I'm diligent about my chem readings in my tub (much to my wife's dismay  :()  I honestly haven't had much trouble keeping my readings right on the nose.  but I screwed up this time and let the chlorine drop to about nothing...stupid I know.  But I guess you learn by doing. 

Still wondering about using clarifier though.  Is it just a quicker way to get to the same results as being patient and letting the chlorine work?

« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 08:37:53 pm by just ducky »


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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2009, 09:24:04 pm »
I never used a clarifier and maybe that is why it would take a couple of days to clear up my tub. Vinny.....
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In Canada eh

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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2009, 10:37:29 pm »
I'm not Vinny but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night ;D


  You could try a little clarifier if you wanted, it will take a couple of hours to work and you have to remember to rinse your filters within about 12 hours after using it.

  If you decide not to use the clarifier and just use chlorine, just give it time to work.  Keep you level around 3 ppm and after about 2 days all will be well
Bullfrog 451

just ducky

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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2009, 07:39:11 am »
Thanks Canada Eh.  I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and try to be patient.

just ducky

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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2009, 04:11:14 pm »
Been almost 24 hours since I noticed the cloudiness and shocked it, and it is getting clearer.   And the chlorine level is still good, even a bit high still from my shock and good dose of chlorine yesterday. So I guess we're on the right track.  May even jump in tonight for a while.

just ducky

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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2009, 10:20:15 am »
Thanks to Bonibelle and Canada Eh for having patience with me and the reassurance!  This morning it's almost crystal clear again, so I guess I get it now.  And I've learned my lesson  ;)


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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2009, 11:34:19 am »
Thats great news...  ;)
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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2009, 07:09:22 pm »
I was wondering if your also using the Proclear or Nature 2 sanitizer in your tub? Just wondering if this would of been strong enough to keep this from happening

just ducky

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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2009, 07:35:17 pm »
I was wondering if your also using the Proclear or Nature 2 sanitizer in your tub? Just wondering if this would of been strong enough to keep this from happening

Neither.  I'm no expert (only had a tub since March), but I use di-chlor.  At the advice of my dealer I've been trying to get down as minimal chlorine usage as possble, which right now is about a teaspoon per bather after tubbing.  By doing that I've been able to maintain an adequate chlorine reading.  But it's on the low end on purpose.  What happened to me the other day was we went several days without tubbing (unusual for us), and therefore I went too long without checking the chlorine level.  Being low to begin with, it dropped off the radar completely before I caught it.  So I now know I have to watch it more closely when we aren't regularly using the tub.

Now in addition, I have a weekly maintenance schedule now using Leisure time products of shock, defender, and every two weeks a heavy chlorine dose.  This is in addition to regularly cleaning the filters.  And I should've said the tub has an ozonator also.  By doing all of these things, I've been able easily to manage my water chems. 

Again, don't look to me for advice...I consider myself still learning as well.


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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2009, 03:39:08 pm »
Even though I tend to be on the "frugal" side, I do use the N2 stick in combination with dichlor and shock....I think they're worth their weight in gold.
I feel it keeps the water clearer.  I've tried not using it, and had a harder time managing the water.
I also think it gives the water a "silky" feel....not sure how to describe it. 
Opinions vary on the N2, and I'm sure it differs with the type of water that comes out of your tap.
But I'm sold on it.

just ducky

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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2009, 03:10:33 pm »
Even though I tend to be on the "frugal" side, I do use the N2 stick in combination with dichlor and shock....I think they're worth their weight in gold.
I feel it keeps the water clearer.  I've tried not using it, and had a harder time managing the water.
I also think it gives the water a "silky" feel....not sure how to describe it. 
Opinions vary on the N2, and I'm sure it differs with the type of water that comes out of your tap.
But I'm sold on it.

 As I said, I'm a newbie (had the tub since March) and am like a sponge...I'll soak up any knowledge I can gain.  Okay so tell me more about the N2, like how I use it in combination with my normal dichlor after bathing, shock and defender weekly.  Even though we've been very happy with our chem levels, and have had others over to tub with us who have had tubs and said our water felt great, I'm always looking for a better mousetrap.


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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2009, 03:44:37 pm »
Even though I tend to be on the "frugal" side, I do use the N2 stick in combination with dichlor and shock....I think they're worth their weight in gold.
I feel it keeps the water clearer.  I've tried not using it, and had a harder time managing the water.
I also think it gives the water a "silky" feel....not sure how to describe it. 
Opinions vary on the N2, and I'm sure it differs with the type of water that comes out of your tap.
But I'm sold on it.

 As I said, I'm a newbie (had the tub since March) and am like a sponge...I'll soak up any knowledge I can gain.  Okay so tell me more about the N2, like how I use it in combination with my normal dichlor after bathing, shock and defender weekly.  Even though we've been very happy with our chem levels, and have had others over to tub with us who have had tubs and said our water felt great, I'm always looking for a better mousetrap.

Sorry to jump in !
The silver ion cartridge should make it so you could actually use about half the amount of chlorine you would normally use. It would also be good if your chlorine level drops to zero, it can keep the water looking good until you get the chlorine level up.

Keep in mind when replacing the silver ion that you activate it by adding chlorine.

We us it in conjunction with 24 hour ozone systems.
spas are electrical devices and can be dangerous to repair - please use this advice at your own risk

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Re: Cloudy water - here we go again
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2009, 03:44:37 pm »


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