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Hello, We water tested the Sundance Maxxus and came away very impressed. So far, the best tub we've tested. What other spas would everyone reccomend as comparible in features, warrenty, reliability, ect.... What have people here paided for this tub? We're looking for the base unit, with delivery/setup, starter chems, cover lifter, and stairs. Also, what is everyones experience with dealers charging travel charges for units still under warrenty?Thanks
The current dealer I am working with charges a graduated fee......zero for the first 90 days, gradually increasing to $ 150.00/call after 1 year in service (ouch!!!) They claim they had to impliment these fees to prevent that pain in the butt call that were not warrenty related. The dealer claims that these fee are not charged if the call is for a "real" warrenty item (the contract doesn't state this) This has all but soured me on their products (clearwater and D1)
The trip charges have bother me a little bit. IMO, Warrentee repairs shouldn't incur a fee. Dealers in my area charge $55.00 which seems excessive (even if they are try to cover fuel charges etc). Seems to me money is being made there....