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Re: Football
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2009, 03:22:59 pm »
From the don't really give an arjuna point of view,  I'm thinking if he didn't have a career in the NFL he would be more likely to return to a less than honerable activity.  At least now he will be in the spotlight like a 19 year old Hollywood starlette with a multiple DUI history.
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Re: Football
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2009, 03:22:59 pm »


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Re: Football
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2009, 06:39:31 pm »
Just heard the Eagles are considering hiring OJ Simpson as some sort of team consultant ... :o
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Re: Football
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2009, 11:27:27 am »
As a long-time Eagles fan and season-ticket holder, I have to add my two cents to the discussion.

I never liked Michael Vick as a player.  Sure he was a highlight film on the field, but he wasn't that good of a QB.  And from all reports, he was a diva in the locker room - arrived late and left early.  Not exactly the type of player you want to lead your football team.  Add in his inhumane behavior, and you have the most despised player in the league.  Perhaps of all time.  Definitely not someone you could root for, nor someone you would want representing your team.

So when I heard the Eagles signed him, I was shocked.  They have always tried to strike a balance between talent and character.  No PacMan Jones types wearing Eagles green, thank you.  So the Vick signing was totally unexpected.  As a matter of fact, I would have ranked the Eagles second only beind the Falcons in order of teams who would want nothing to do with him.

If anyone heard the Eagles press conference afterwards, they basically are calling it not only a football decision, but also a social decision.  They believe that Michael Vick can redeem himself by helping more animals than he hurt, and by influencing kids actions towards animals.  The Humane Society has also formed some type of partnership with Vick for that very reason.

That all remains to be seen.  But that doesn't mean I like it.  It is going to be very difficult to root for someone I don't particularly care for.  Barring a Donovan McNabb injury, I don't expect Vick to even play much this season.  However, I am an Eagles fan and will continue to root for my team and attend their games.


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Re: Football
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2009, 01:15:10 pm »
I read in yesterdays USATODAY that 20 of the 22 dogs siezed from the fighting compound are available for or have been adopted.  My concerns were for the two not adoptable, it turns out they were 'champion' fighters and even though they have been rehabed the courts won't let them be adopted.
Good for the dogs. :)
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Re: Football
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2009, 01:50:38 pm »
Dax, I deleted my assessment of this, but you touch on exactly what I said. The Eagles are going to help redeem Vick. I still believe it is Andy Reed's failings with his own kids that have driven this whole thing. I don't care if Vick never sets foot on the field, anything Eagles...tickets, shirts etc. is supporting their decision to pay him to wear that jersey. So I won't support that.

My husband, like you, is a lifetime fan and will stick by them no matter. For me, they are only an entertainment and I will be equally entertained if they lose every game  :)  :-\ As fans we get so excited, but we need to remember, they are getting paid whether they win or lose and we probably get more upset than any of the players.

Like you said (and I said too) Vick is a cocky jerk that has simply learned the right lines to say. I can remember trash talk banter back and forth between him and McNabb, his new best friend, a couple of years ago.  I am glad that the humane society has found a way to use him..Maybe if he donates half of his salary to homeless pets, I might think he is sincere. But we all know this is just for show and who wouldn't recite the lines for millions.

And besides all of that...I am still angry over Dawk. Character and fan appeal in a quality player who truly emulates what a sports hero should be about was ditched by the Eagles... >:( >:( And don't say it was because he was old. The experience and positive attitude that he brought to the team (especially now with Jim Johnson gone) was invaluable. ;)

AS far as the dogs...the neighbor that I don't get along with had a visit from his daughter..who happens to have a Pit Bull. The dog got loose and came after my 12 year old lab mix. My dog is pretty crippled up, but wouldnt' back down to his growls. I literally threw myself over her to protect her from him. I pulled her into the house and went back out to see my goofy neighbor chasing the Pit Bull all over my yard with a piece of baccon!! It ran on to my deck and I called it to me. It was friendly and lovable. So probably my panic reaction was the reason that it growled and went after my dog. Pit Bulls are misunderstood but definately can be dangerous in the wrong hands. I don't think I could ever put the trust in a pit bull that I have in my dog.... :-\
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Re: Football
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2009, 04:16:19 pm »
Hi, Boni,

I won't pretend to know whether Vick is saying all the right things because he believes it or because he just wants some more NFL fame, glory, and cash.  That will be determined as the his life plays out.  I don't have a problem with him being reinstated to play in the NFL again.  I just wish it wasn't on the Eagles.  Maybe his actions on/off the field will convince me otherwise.

As for Dawk, he was one of the greatest Eagles players ever.  Unfortunately, the NFL is a business and the team determined that he wasn't worth the money that he was asking for.  I'm kinda surprised another team paid him so much.  He has lost a couple steps, but could still be effective in certain situations.  I wish there was a happy medium and the two sides could have worked somethhing out, but again, it's business.  He will definitely be missed.  I do know that when Denver visits the Linc in December, Dawk will get one hell of a standing ovation.


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Re: Football
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2009, 08:35:07 pm »
Wow .. thought you were kidding me. :o..To be honest, I am done with the Eagles for many reasons but mostly for how they treated Brian Dawkins..So hope the team goes to the dogs..I won't be watching the Eagles..Maybe Vick can mentor to Andy's kids and they can find more facinating illegal things besides drugs to get into...Wow that was nasty...I just can't get over how these low life jerks always seem to come out on top with pockets full of cash and have kids actually look up to them... >:(..Lookin for a new team...I'm thinkin' Baltimore  ;D

Boni, Bonil,

Sorry this is late and I know I haven't been around the forum much but the Steeler Nation would welcome you with open arms!  ;D
Please don't become a Baltimoron fan  :'(
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Re: Football
« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2009, 10:57:51 pm »
Wow...where have you been?  You haven't visited us forever!! Are you still enjoying your tub?...  Time for a forum reunion... ;D ;D ;D

I have to confess to sneeking a peak at the Eagles game the other day..And I texted my son because ironically, I packed his Garcia Eagle shirt and he took it to college. I don't even know where it came from..it's been so long since he wore it last. Maybe it was an omen!!!..so I guess if Garcia plays, I may watch...No worries, I won't be a Baltimore fan...I love it..Baltimorons..I will have to share that with my cousins who are season ticket holders.

I am so happy that you posted...stick around!!!Mmm..Steelers actually sound like a pretty good choice..and they are still in PA!!
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Re: Football
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2009, 09:38:32 am »
Well the Eagles were major disappointment, if you were in fact still an Eagles fan (and of course, that is NOT me anymore  :-\)...I think it is the Quarterback Jinx...this season will be full of woeful performances by the cursed Eagles Quarterbacks ..just my gut feeling (actually my dog's prediction, but I believe every word she woofs)  ;D ;D
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Re: Football
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2009, 12:54:03 pm »
Hi, Boni!  Yes, I wasted a gorgeous day yesterday going to the Linc and watcing that game.  >:(  But in all fairness to the Eagles QBs, it wasn't really on Kevin Kolb, who made his first start.  The special teams killed them with turnovers and penalties that kept them starting drives around the 10 while the Saints started drives on the 40 or in Eagles territory.  And the defense didn't help much either.

The game was 17-13 at the half.  Figured it was looking good being that the Eagles were getting the ball to start the 3rd quarter.  But they fumbled the kickoff and the Saints scored.  Then an interception on the next possession, and the Saints scored again.  Four minutes into the second half, and it's 31-13 and the game is basically over.  It snowballed from there.

BTW, if/when you do pick another team, just don't pick the Cowboys!  ;D


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Re: Football
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2009, 01:36:15 pm »
No worries,....NEVER WILL I PICK THE COWBOYS  :o..Sorry you wasted a beautiful day...I thought about you too because that was probably one of the most perfect days for a football game and I know you have season tickets. I really only looked at the score a couple of times. My husband and son sat down to watch, but soon abandoned the TV for some outdoor activies. Somehow I can't get into football this year at all since I really don't have a team anymore... :-\
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Re: Football
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2009, 04:59:41 pm »
No worries,....NEVER WILL I PICK THE COWBOYS  :o..Sorry you wasted a beautiful day...I thought about you too because that was probably one of the most perfect days for a football game and I know you have season tickets. I really only looked at the score a couple of times. My husband and son sat down to watch, but soon abandoned the TV for some outdoor activies. Somehow I can't get into football this year at all since I really don't have a team anymore... :-\

Growing up a Redskin fan in central NY I was the rare guy who was not a fan of the Giants, Jets or the default bandwagon choice Dallas (my brother's fav team who I hated with a passion which made it great when they played).

With the Redskins in their mediocre period (also known as the Snyder era) you'd think Jerry would have been smart enough to play that heated rivalry and have a good shot for a win in the inaugural game at Jerry Jones Mausoleum. Instead Dallas faced a good Giant team and through their own ineptitude I was thoroughly entertained as the Cowboys tanked (and I even had a wager on the G-men to boot lol).

Jerry's heart must have sank on that game winning field goal but you couldn't tell when the camera focused on him just after that moment because his plastic surgery makes frowning impossible.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 05:05:54 pm by Spatech t.u.o. »
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Re: Football
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2009, 05:06:18 pm »
Didn't see the end of that game, but glad ANYONE but the Cowboys won...
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Re: Football
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2009, 07:39:47 pm »
Hi, Boni,

I won't pretend to know whether Vick is saying all the right things because he believes it or because he just wants some more NFL fame, glory, and cash.  That will be determined as the his life plays out.  I don't have a problem with him being reinstated to play in the NFL again.  I just wish it wasn't on the Eagles.  Maybe his actions on/off the field will convince me otherwise.

As for Dawk, he was one of the greatest Eagles players ever.  Unfortunately, the NFL is a business and the team determined that he wasn't worth the money that he was asking for.  I'm kinda surprised another team paid him so much.  He has lost a couple steps, but could still be effective in certain situations.  I wish there was a happy medium and the two sides could have worked somethhing out, but again, it's business.  He will definitely be missed.  I do know that when Denver visits the Linc in December, Dawk will get one hell of a standing ovation.

While not a Vick fan I believe he has paid his dues for his crimes. Also would not have a huge problem if he was playing for my team (NYG) as he has a lot of talent if properlycoached. I do find it a little bit ironic that you and Boni love Dawkins so much since he was very well known as one of the biggest cheap shot artists in the game today. Remember the NFL is a business and Mr Dawkins has lost a step or two and in the NFC East you better be getting better or you will be left behind.


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Re: Football
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2009, 08:28:24 am »
Sorry Arm, I got a bit fired up this morning...I really do like Brian Dawkins and seriously this excerpt from a Giant's blog says it all...

"If you’re not allegedly dirty, you simply aren’t a good safety. It’s that easy. Everyone from Ronnie Lott, to Ed Reed to Troy Polamalu (Rich, you’ll be happy to know that Ed Reed and Troy Polamalu may be the only other human beings with worse facial hair then you) at one time or another, have been accused of being dirty. Bottom line a safeties job is to ensure that even if you catch the ball, you may never want to do it again, and if that means taking your head off in order to ensure this, then so be it."

"Secondly lets get into stats, which even ZZ top can’t argue with. Dawkins is nowhere near the most penalized safety in the league. In fact he has less violations then 9 other safeties in the NFL this year. It’s science rich, cry all you want, hate all you want, fact is Dawkins is nasty and at times on the edge of dirty, but that only makes him great. Quit whining, shave your molester beard,  and just hope that Jacobs buries him into the turf like he did Leron Landry…your up Cat Stevens or is it Gandolf or is it Papa Smurf or is it Chuck Norris or is it Fidel Castro or is it…no, no you get it ."

 ;D ;D And Phillip Garrido did his time too... ;)

« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 03:39:11 pm by Bonibelle »
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Re: Football
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2009, 08:28:24 am »


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