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Author Topic: J345 FL1 error  (Read 66557 times)


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J345 FL1 error
« on: August 13, 2009, 07:36:00 am »
Hello all.
First off I wanted to say what a great and helpful site this is.  Have been looking here for a few years and have found all the information that I have needed with regards to my tub, water quality, etc and thus have never really needed to post.
Until today...... :-[
Our tub, a Jacuzzi (06) J345 has the dreaded FL1 error code flashing on the display.  I have checked all the things the manual suggests (clean filters, water level, hose to filter connections) and a few other things such as starting without filters in place.
After searching (this site) I noticed a few people have had problems with the circ. pump, however mine still seems to be working(no noise and water is been circulated as I can feel it from the small outlet).  One thing I did notice is that the "heat" indicator is not on (water temp lower than temp setting)
Other people have noted the flow sensor/switch had given them problems, is there any way that I can confirm this??? And where would it be located.
Just trying to see if there is anything I can do as to avoid the $60(cdn) trip charge if still under warranty.
Any help would be greatly appreciated (Jacuzzi Jim?)
Thanks in advance


Hot Tub Forum

J345 FL1 error
« on: August 13, 2009, 07:36:00 am »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J345 FL1 error
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2009, 09:20:24 am »
 If your sure the circ pmp is running? Remove the filters and turn the heat up,if the FL1 goes away and the little red light comes on its the filter.   If the FL1 goes away and the heat light doesn't come on it might be a bad heater. Then make sure your not in an economy mode. Press and hold the + and - btn at the same time for a few seconds it should read F1 or F2. 

 Bad flow switch will be a FL2 error.

You can also put your hand on the circ pump inlet where you unscrew the filter from, its the side with the screen or grid over it.  Check the suction if its strong,there should not be a FL1 error. If you put the filters back in and FL1 comes back its a bad filter.

 Are they orignal filters? If so you may want to replace?
Good luck!  Jim  :)


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Re: J345 FL1 error
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2009, 09:51:51 am »
Hi Jim.
Thanks for the quick response.
Never thought about economy mode...yung fella and a few friends were in tub a few days ago, they may have pressed something to get it into this mode....
-You ruled out flow switch then, definate FL1 code (flashing "temp"&"FL1")
-Circ pump should be ok as I can feel water coming out of outlet at bottom/side of tub
-I have 3 filters which I rotate, but cleaned again last night just to make sure
-I ran the tub for about 30 sec with both filters removed, FL1 error still occured (flashing FT1/temp)
-What I did notice was that if I increased the temp, the indicator light would come on for a second then shut-off.  Filters in though when I did this.
-Will try your other suggestions tonight when I get home from work  :0

Thanks again

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J345 FL1 error
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2009, 10:30:15 am »
 Another thing to try would be remove filters, shut power off for ten minuets turn power back on with out the filters in, leave filters out for awhile see if the error goes away.   I would still see how strong the suction is on the circ pump side, should suck your hand to it but not super hard.  Make sure nothing is floating around to get sucked down the plumbing!!


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Re: J345 FL1 error
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2009, 09:13:26 am »
Hello again.
Just reporting back......all is well in the North again.
As you suggested Jim, I turned the power off and let sit for 15min, removed filters, had a "cold" one and then powered back up.  FL1 error was gone.  Checked the suction as you noted and that seemed fine.  Turned temp up to 104 (was/set at 98) and Heat indicator light came on......Turned power off, replaced filters, powered up checked temp this morning and it was 103......now turned back down to 98 as we are expecting a hot weekend finally.
Don't know what happened to cause this error, but I will keep a close eye for the next little while.  Hopefully not the beginning of a more serious problem.  The missus was well impressed......That $60(+) will now be spent elsewhere, hopefully cooling fluids for the (expected HOT) weekend......wet/miserable summer to date ......
Big thanks again Jim for your help

« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 09:20:28 am by widnes »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J345 FL1 error
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2009, 10:35:19 am »
  Glad it worked!   You dont need to turn power off for changing filters.
The less you turn it off and on the better.

  Bill you later!  ;)   


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Re: J345 FL1 error
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2009, 10:46:44 am »
I'll put you through to the "Acounts Payable Dept." then......If you can get it of her, oopps, them, you will have had more success than I have ever had.  Ask for Mrs. Scrooge.....  :)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J345 FL1 error
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2009, 10:19:16 am »
 Know the feeling all to well  :)


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Re: J345 FL1 error
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2010, 12:35:31 pm »
Thanks for this great site/forums! :) I have the J330 Jacuzzi and have had problems with it since the day my wife and I bought it. (Air buttons always breaking, 3 top control panel changes, 2 waterfall changes, 4 spinner jets replaced, 1 main control board replaced) *This hot-tub is the biggest POS I've ever bought, and will NEVER buy another Jacuzzi brand again. But however with that being said I am stuck with this hot-tub for now and we do like it when it all works like it should.

Anyways, I drained, cleaned and refilled it the other day as I always do about every 3 months and noticed that all of the sudden 2 days later the water was as cold as the day I re-filled it, and my first thought was "Oh NO, another freaking factory defect. and was about to drain the whole tub again and drop it off at Jacuzzis front headquarters with a note telling how bad I hate them... But after reading this forum about the heat issue others were having with this style and brand I thought well maybe I can fix it myself so I got right to work.

After trying everything else others had mentioned here, I removed the side and the main control panel and started looking and poking around and then I noticed the small (Circ) pump was hot and not spinning at all! My first thought was OK, I guess I need a brand new pump but noticed that the pump had a sales sticker on the side of it that was not from Jacuzzi but from Pool and Spa Depot were I had bought it!.. This was strange since I bought it "supposedly" brand new, but never the less it said the pump cost $219.99! So by this point I was boiling mad and was ready to try anything... So I took the whole pump out and took it apart completely, motor and all!.. Cleaned the inside and greased the moving parts and put it back together and re-installed it. I turned the main power breaker back on and wham, IT WORKED! the heat light came on after a few seconds and its back to running normal again :) This only took me about 10 minutes and didn't cost a dime! WhooHoo.. YES!

So *IF you have this same POS Jacuzzi hot-tub it may simply be the little small (CIRC) motor/pump that is not spinning and just needs cleaning and greasing. Worked for me! :)

Hot Tub Forum

Re: J345 FL1 error
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2010, 12:35:31 pm »


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