Leisure Concepts used to have it. Basically if you didn't follow it, they wouldn't sell to you. The amount of work to enforce it was so overwhelming, they dropped it after about 2 years...and yes, there WERE easy ways around it

This new company (and for now I wont mention the name...though, PH me if you really want to know. There's a web page on their site about it) has addressed many, if not most of the "ways around it"...though I question the legality of their MAP, I ain't spending the money on attorneys to try and argue it. For one thing, their MAP program singles out internet dealers and specifically says brick and mortar companies don't need to follow the MAP pricing (not really an issue as far as I'm concerned, but still....I'm not sure the legality of this singling out). Their "penalty" for not following the MAP is denying the use of any of their trade marks or copyrights (how can you sell a products if you can't even mention it's name

). They even have tried to cover ebay sellers.