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Author Topic: Yellow Scum  (Read 33681 times)


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Yellow Scum
« on: March 03, 2009, 12:02:08 am »
I have a one year old Caldera hot tub. We love it and use it often. Due to where we live, we keep it in a garage, by a window and keep the window cracked for ventilation.

Every time I turn the jets up a bit (off low), I get a heavy yellowish foam that leaves a thick cottage cheese ring around it. I use the test strips & chemicals per manufacturers instructions (as well as a local spa store 1 block away), get the water tested, change water every two months, change the filter every time, have the oxygen thingy, and have used a couple of times the fluid that kills every living organism for 8 miles around. Still, the problem is getting collectively worse every month.

The only thing the store people can figure out is that we have some college kids use the spa a couple of times per month and they use all the lotions, hair goop...

Does anyone have any thoughts as well as to what this may be and if there is any way to get a handle on it?


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Yellow Scum
« on: March 03, 2009, 12:02:08 am »


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Re: Yellow Scum
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 07:58:13 am »
The only thing the store people can figure out is that we have some college kids use the spa a couple of times per month and they use all the lotions, hair goop...


This is where I would put my money. If you can't change the water now, shock it heavily with MPS and then rinse the filters off a day later.
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Re: Yellow Scum
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2009, 05:38:56 pm »
Oh yes, that sounds familiar!!  You can be proud that you are sending those kids home with cleaned out pores!!  

We have a no-hair-in-the-tub policy that mostly works....

The rest is lotion and deoderant and whatever is on their face.   :P

You could have YOUR children help clean all of that out one day.  I'm sure they would tell their friends to shower and scrub down before the next soak!  
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Re: Yellow Scum
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2009, 09:54:48 pm »

This is where I would put my money. If you can't change the water now, shock it heavily with MPS and then rinse the filters off a day later.

What is MPS?

In Canada eh

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Re: Yellow Scum
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2009, 10:06:15 pm »
Monosodiumperoxysulphate.  My God I may have even spelled that right. :D

It's non -chlorine shock in much simpler terms
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Re: Yellow Scum
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2009, 10:00:14 am »
After we have guests in the tub, I pour an ounce of clarifier in (the one I have is Blue) and run the pumps.  It sequesters the oils to the top (the yellowish film).  I scoop it out and wipe down the sides with papertowels until it's no longer producing that yellow scummish film.  Then I rinse the filters really well and turn on the tub again.  Sometimes you will get yellow scum again....scoop and wipe the edges again til it's gone.  Then I shock the water and let it sit overnight.  It's a lot of work, but sure beats dumping and refilling.
After the last time we had guests over, I have a new rule....they have to use the suits I provide, or they don't get to use the tub.
Cleaning foam out from soap on top of the yellow scum is way too much work.  
ESPECIALLY in the winter time when it's freezing cold outside.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 10:03:29 am by rnblase »


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Re: Yellow Scum
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 10:17:59 am »
You guys jump right in if someone says Hotspring or Arctic but it looks like latey few people try to help anyone that really has a question.

I would hit it with a heavy chlorine shock with the cover open...about 2 to 3 oz and run the jets. After which I would wipe the sides and rinse the filter. You don't have to use the chlorine all the time with it being inside but if there's something growing in there it will kill it.

It's more than likely tanning lotion, makeup or other lotion but we need to make sure there is nothing growing.

I always hit my spa with Di-chlor after guests simply because they have different bacteria’s than I do and I want to kill anything that could grow in there.

After you do this it wouldn't hurt the use the MPS as suggested as it will help burn off the organics.

The other thing that I've seen is if you have cracks in the shell and are using bromine you can create a brown sticky substance with the older fiberglass.

What kind of system are you using?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Yellow Scum
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 10:17:59 am »


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