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Author Topic: Tip or not to tip  (Read 17121 times)


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Re: Tip or not to tip
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2009, 12:59:13 pm »
2. The delivery people and how much per person and do I give it to each or the head guy?

My delivery people were lucky to leave with their lives!  >:(  But that was 5 years ago and you weren't here for that story.  ;D
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Tip or not to tip
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2009, 12:59:13 pm »


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Re: Tip or not to tip
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2009, 01:49:16 pm »
Tipping is a gesture of appreciation.  My employees have been tipped on several occasions because of what and or how they did things.  While it is not expected and I would say less than 5%of the people tip, it is noticed and appreciated.  

While our company wants no part of the tip, staff is required to disclose that they did tip.  How much is not important, it is just that that particular customer appreciated the effort put forth for their benefit.  This gesture is also remembered putting that customer on a preferred status NOT because they tipped, but because they cared enough to show their appreciation.  

The other 95% of the people probably feel they paid to much in the first place that they would never consider showing appreciation for many of the outstanding physical accomplishments required in getting a 1,000 pound object over obstacles, up hill, down steps, on an elevated deck, over the fence, alongside the pool, lowered into a recess.  Besides, like others have said, it never crosses their mind because they bought it and are entitled to their expectations.

Bonnie, you would be remembered as a caring person, and when the call came in for whatever it was, it would be attended to immediately with consideration in “like kind”.

God Bless you and those that care.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Tip or not to tip
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2009, 01:49:16 pm »


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