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Author Topic: I replaced the Circ pump, now bubbles!!!!  (Read 2028 times)


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I replaced the Circ pump, now bubbles!!!!
« on: February 04, 2009, 07:52:22 am »
About a year ago I replaced the circulation pump in my late 90's Vita Spa, ever since I have been getting large air bubbles through the return into the tub.

If I partially plug the return in the tub with my toe tie bubbles stop.

Where could the air be coming from? The suction side of the pump comes directly from one of the filter bases, though there is a "T" off on it.

EDIT:  All fixed, I called Vita Spa who told me to check to see if the end of the clear line going into the ozone unit was restricted at all, it has some glop in it so I just cut the tube shorter (there was excess), now not more big bubbles, back to normal (Alka-seltzer) ones.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 04:37:05 pm by Hubjeep »

Hot Tub Forum

I replaced the Circ pump, now bubbles!!!!
« on: February 04, 2009, 07:52:22 am »


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