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Author Topic: PURE ENTERTAINMENT OF JA  (Read 25421 times)


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« on: August 28, 2005, 06:55:47 pm »
Our resident looney tune has fallen off the wagon once more. His sites are back on me as they have been coutless times over the years. I figured Chas, Hotsprings in general and Cal Spa needed the break...

This is a word for word exchange on how he's going to sue me, blah, blah, blah... ;D

Author: Jim Gruver Arjuna (---.hlrn.qwest.net)
Date:   08-28-05 08:33

Steve; You are warning me. That is like really funny! You have the credibility of a piece of dirt, and you are warning me?

There is only several things wrong I have all the court records with my dismissal of my case. After two years of appeals, the judge finally got all the evidence in front of him. I had to hire private investigators and new lawyers and it is all over. There was no physical evidence, because it never happened. Isn't that funny, how the truth works.

I have no criminal record. I am a free citizen and I can vote and do Jury duty and all the rest.

In the mean time, if you continue to defame me or my wife, in any way, you are going to pay. I have been studying international law, and there are ways to have you face me in court, and to have your life ruined for real libel and slander. Not to mention that you will never get a job of any kind anywhere, in which there are women at work, You will be luck you work in a gas station on the graveyard shift.

You are so darn stupid, that there are no words for it, but let me give it a try. You cannot defame another man's wife over a silly discussion of hot tubs. No body can be that stupid, except you.

I have told you that I have had discussions on the subject of hot tubs with at least 300 spa professionals, and none of them would stoop that low.

Here are the words to describe you. This is all I could come up with on short order.

Idiot, moron, imbecile, mentally ill, fearful and stupid, illiterate, immoral, disgusting waste of human flesh.

You already lost one job because of your statements about me and Sandy, how many jobs are there in Canada for you. Can you push a broom and clean public toilets? I am going to tell you this just one time. If you don't issue a formal apology and swear to repentance, and swear to do something to make up for it and then DO IT, I am going to find each employer and all of them in the future and as soon as you start work, send them all of your writings.

I am also going to sue you, if you don't issue your sincere apology now for sure. I have the means to sue you.

I gave you some grace, by allowing you present employer to not have the email and posts from you in which you go crazy, and start libelous defamatory statements.

We have a good relationship with Vectra Bank, and still have an account with them. They have written off the debt and we are on to a new relationship.

The things that scare you, do not scare me, because I live my life according to God. Unlike you, I only speak the truth.

How can you be so stupid as to not know that insulting the mother of two boys, and the love of my life is not going to cause you harm. You have already lost one job. How stupid (driven by pride and ego) are you really? I guess you really do have fecal matter, for brains, because, you certainly have not shown otherwise.

I think that you are not aware of the laws of God. Let me give you a clue. "You reap what you sow." I have had my business grow and expand, because of all the hate from scum bags like you. There is no denying that you are just about the most illiterate and lacking in any intelligence or common sense, spa professional I have ever come across, and you are just plane fearful, egotistical, pompous and evil.

I can now sue you until you have nothing. You also place yourself in bad position with my children, who are now grown. I think they have grounds to sue you individually for you defamation of their mother.

All you have to do is a formal REAL apology. No back sliding, or saving your ego.

Let me tell you how to write it.

"I don't know what came over me to say such a horrible statement about Jim and Jim's wife. I am a real scum bag for doing it. It was a terribly dishonorable thing to do. I disgraced myself and my family by being such an horrible example of poor ethics and poor professionalism. I beg Jim and Sandy's forgiveness. I just wish there was something I could do to make it up. Just ask me, Jim, anything I can do to make up for being such a scum bag. Please, forgive me."

Until you make a statement that is exactly like that, I will keep sending all of your crap to your employers. They need to know what a scum bag they have working for them, just like Beachcomber now knows.

Is that clear. It wasn't magic or some unknown issue that you were looking for work a while back. Do you think that Beachcomber or Hydropool wants a loose cannon with fecal matter for brains? You are a mentally ill, TYPE A personality, idiot and a disgrace to the spa industry. I am taking this email and posting on the site along with your other nice posts that I have collected to sent to your employer.

After you apology, I don't ever want to see another post by you on any message forum, not on any subject.

James Gruver Arjuna

I know I'm not suppose to post anymore according to Jimmy but... ;)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 06:57:46 pm by Steve »

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« on: August 28, 2005, 06:55:47 pm »


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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 07:02:18 pm »
my response...

Very Christian response Jim!  lol

Sorry Jim, it took me a while to read that as I had to continually pick myself up off of the floor from laughing so darn hard! LOL

When people are backed into a corner and have no other adult solutions, they turn to threats and that's all you have been doing for years. Empty, worthless threats. I have a "puddin" file dedicated to your lies and slander dating back 3 years.

I beg you to take me on and that way, I can personally watch you loose everything instead of sitting on the sidelines while Cal Spa does it. It makes me feel good knowing you are so scared and effected by my actions. I must really terrify you! I'm harmless unless provoked Jimmy and you are a pimple in the spa industry that has zero impact even on the dealers around you let alone me way up here! You're a toy to play with and your mental instability is amusing to many including me.

Here's just how stupid you are... do you really think those "600,000 hits" are for real? I'll fill ya in one day! LOL

This was THE BEST though... "After you apology, I don't ever want to see another post by you on any message forum, not on any subject." LOL! You have a GREAT sense of humor ol boy!

Here's how your next e-mail to me MUST be:

Dear Steve,

I am so very sorry I have been an idiot all of these years and it's only because I have no people skills or knowledge in the spa industry that I must pretend to seem larger than life. I have called women SLUTS on a spa forum and I have yet to apologize for that so how can I expect anything from anyone else? I am a worthless human being and beg your forgiveness. I know I've caused many people harm over the years and done unchristian like things while hiding behind the cross and I promise to one day become half the honorable man you are Steve. Please accept my deepest apology for for my inhumane actions on people and on spa forums in general. I promise to stop over charging these poor victims and get out of the spa business entirely if you forgive me.


Jim Arjuna

I expect this to be completed within the next 24 hours please Jim.

Please tell me that don't really believe I was fired from Beachcomber? Please tell me you really don't think it was from any sort of communication YOU sent that it had ANYTHING to do with that! If you truly believe that, I feel so very sorry for you and your family. It's a joke and you'll pulling my leg right? Good one jimmy! I thought for a second you really believed that! I think you tried that same joke on Chas with telling him that it was YOU that prevented them form getting UL listed! That was a good one too!


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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 09:22:14 pm »
If Jim follows through and you get sent up the river let me know. I'll send a cake with a file in it (Sandy gave me the recipe).
« Last Edit: August 29, 2005, 11:26:57 am by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2005, 02:07:52 am »
Why do you guys pick on Jim? He's just a nice guy trying to do the best he can. I have never read a harsh word or threat from him - he is kind and compassionate to all.

He has room in his thinking for oposing opinions - unlike some who seem to think you must agree with them or else you are dumb or something.

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« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2005, 10:37:30 am »
I have pretty much stopped reading the crap on that site.  He is an absolute virus.  I was not around when he was previously banned on poolandspa, doc’s site, and this site, but I now understand why he was banned.  It is unfortunate because he basically has free advertising on that board and is turning it into an unproductive forum.  It is a shame.  I hope he can be removed from posting on that site.


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« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2005, 05:41:00 pm »
Wow Steve,
Congratulations on achieving a new level of attention with JA!

It looks like he is making you as much of a threat to his crusade as HotSpring and CalSpa is!

I really wish that he would not elude to Christian ethics with such hostility, violence and threat of retaliation. I would hate to think that anyone would ever think Christianity could encompass such a spirit!

I do agree with him however about the "Reap what you sow" statement....Years of alienating everyone can give you a personality of superiority and ruthlessness like he demonstrates in his posts....


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« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2005, 05:44:50 pm »
Yeah, I agree Chris. Usually once a year now, we go it pretty hard and then it dies off.

I post on his site periodically, but those darn posts never seem to see the light of day. ;D

I'll play with him a bit longer and see if I can bring out the monster within. We've only seen a small glimps.

Thanks for the suggestion of the file tech... ;) I can only beg him to sue to me and he's threatened so often, I hardly notice anymore. My best friend is a business lawyer and he says that I should sue him for  defamation of character and he would do it for free. I would drag that darn thing out so long, he'd be begging for food stamps! ;D

Not my style really...until provoked! ;D


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« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2005, 10:52:30 pm »
Steve I laughed so hard my guts hurt. I'm copying this one to take home for my hubby to read. Good job!!!


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« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2005, 12:02:42 pm »
When I see a post of his over 1 paragraph long, I can't make myself read it.  I've had problems with attention span lately, and I think if I did read it I'd have another grandmal seizure.
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« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2005, 03:37:21 pm »
I've read his stuff and find the whole thing very funny. It's like watching a train wreck ( if train wrecks were funny)

 I hope he keeps posting there as I cannot think anyone who reads his stuff actaully belives it?
« Last Edit: August 30, 2005, 03:37:57 pm by drewstar »
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« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2005, 09:32:17 pm »
After you guys gave me the 411 on JA I found a forum where he posts most likely not for long ;D. I just need to know one thing does the state of Colorado know they have a missing Inmate from the prison for the mental ill? No offence to any people who do suffer from things like that.


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« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2005, 01:29:40 am »
Hey folks im new here but i just cant believe the self rightous

BS that comes on his site He is literally derranged.  JA honestly belives he is the be all end all authority.
I couldnt stop laughing when reading all of the posts by steve on his sight  where does he find time to create his crap
when he in the chat rooms 20hrs a day  

I really hope its not the end of this saga ;D
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« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2005, 10:30:41 am »
Well they have NOT banned him over at the other board, but they have gone back to delayed posting. This, as a rule, causes him to calm down and post much less inflamatory statements. Either that, or they are editing his input before putting it up.

The person I talked to at 'big fish productions' said that they are getting ready to switch to a software that allows banning.  She did not say they would ban anyone.

Traffic sure dropped off now that they have the delay - did you notice?
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« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2005, 11:15:01 am »
It certainly changes the whole way the board functions. I agree that it's best to help eliminate the BS but unfortunately, the need for a babysitter does break up the interaction for normal posts regarding spas. It's tough to post a question and have it delayed days prior to even showing up then having the answer take the same amount of time in return. All of this for 1 question? Considering there's far more quailty forums on the net with realtime posting and no Mr. Gruver, I'm not sure why anyone would want to post there to begin with?



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« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2005, 11:46:28 am »
I don't post over there, but I read the posts every few weeks.  Mind boggling that with all his issues he still posts like usual, especially his ETL listing thing.  
He's a case study in human behavoir, that's for sure.  
Plus it's occasionally fun to watch him get caught in his rhetoric.

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« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2005, 11:46:28 am »


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