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I'd just leave it as is. The payback period isn't worth the cost of repair.
I certainly didn't say it's thousands...My question is, how long will it take you to recover that cost and is the benefit worth it? IMO, it's not and I'd put that money towards a years worth of free chemicals...
Ozone is essentially an oxidizer, which is what non chlorine shock is. Â At the rate that ozone is introduced to water, its effectiveness is open to debate. Â Actually, the amount that is absorbed into the water and not just "gassed off" is suspect. Â Most ozone supporters will say their customers find water maintenance easier or use less chemicals, but there is very little data to back this up.My ozonator never really died, but after four years the nitric acid ate the plastic piece that connects the tubing. Â I have been without an ozonator for two and a half years and find my water just as easy to maintain. Â I now prefer to add a couple of tablespoons of non chlorine shock once a week to get the same effect. Â This way I can leave my cover off while it off gasses rather than have all the ozone collect under the cover doing damage to the pillows and knobs (which it does).
So what did you do with the tubing, just cap it off or leave it open. Â The non-chlorine shock something like "renew"