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Author Topic: New tub suggestion  (Read 11651 times)

D.P. Roberts

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Re: New tub suggestion
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2009, 11:03:43 pm »
Here's something else to consider:

A very smart person on this board (I can't remember who) posted a different "30 day rule". This rule is that all new spa owners should drain their spas & refill after 30 days. The idea is that new spa owners tend to get obsessive about their new $10000K investments, and fiddle with the chemicals constantly - to the point that they've basically ruined the water in the first month. So, after the first month of chemical paranoia, you drain, refill, and become a "normal" hot tub user.

I think you're going through the same thing with your tub. I know I did with my first one. When your dealer said that you were asking way more questions than normal, perhaps he or she was simply trying to suggest that you "chill out" and enjoy your new tub. Worrying and constantly messing with chemicals is stressful for you & it's not helping your tub either.

Personally, my ideal tub would be mid-sized, with open seating and great foot jets. If I could have any tub in the world, I'd pick a Sundance Majesta. And although I know next to nothing about the hot tub industry, if I was worried about a company going under I'd pick one that's diversified (like Apollo/Jacuzzi or Masco/Watkins) and call it a pretty safe bet.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

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Re: New tub suggestion
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2009, 11:03:43 pm »


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Re: New tub suggestion
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2009, 11:21:33 pm »

I thought when Apollo bought Jacuzzi/Sundance they took it private.  I think Watkins, as part of Masco, is the only publicly traded manufacturer in the industry.

Yeah, kind of forgot about that.  You're right.  Hopefully, since I'd assume Apollo would eventually like to sell Jacuzzi and make a profit, they are continuing to fund the warranty reserve.  Just because you're a private manufacturer doesn't mean you shouldn't have a reserve.  Companies that want to be sold should have this as an asset to sell.  The company becomes much more valuable.
The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas and my Vanguard!!!


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Re: New tub suggestion
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2009, 11:24:32 pm »

Look...you have a great tub made by a top of the line company that has been around a
long time. Sundance is probably not going under and even if they did someone would buy
them. It's highly unlikely they would just shut down.

I'm sure Sharper Image, Bombay, Linens N Things, et al, thought the same thing.  But they are all gone.

I'm not saying Sundance will, I have no clue as to their finances.  I'm just saying there is no guarantee in this climate that a failing business will be purchased.
The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas and my Vanguard!!!


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Re: New tub suggestion
« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2009, 10:09:24 am »
Well you did buy a spa, and you bought a great spa with an outstanding warranty. It is truly sad that some Hot Springs salesman got you worked up and felt you had to attempt to pressure the company you purchased that spa from for an addl warranty guaranteed by them.
   Here was a 30 year old company without a single BBB complaint against them. Well they now have one. Those dont go away. I hope in the future when you need real service and you call that dealer, you come back on here and post how they came out and repaired your spa.
   5 Years is a long time, and I am sure you are aware this was a difficult way to begin that relationship. If they have been in business that long and have that great of a reputation, I am sure they will not remember that when you call them for service on a friday night. Again I hope you will take the time to come back and tell everyone how you have been treated over the next 5 years.
   The BCB " Better Consumers Bureau" was started many years ago. It is a private company for profit like the BBB with a data base for retailers for consumers that have not paid bills, bounced checks, acted rudley,  posted trash, DOA  "Drunk on arrival". And many other reasons. As a consumer you can pay to be a member and you are guaranteed you will never have a complaint against your name. I dont know if Your dealer is a member, but I am sure they will not list you.
  Everything has two sides, most problems can be resolved with communication. Most people enjoy doing good business with good people.. Most people will go out of there way to make someone else happy, a simple thank you goes a long way. You catch so many more bees with honey..

Klaida, what I don't get is where you keep saying that I was asking for an additional warranty. I never ever did. All I asked was for them to warrant it. My specific question, via email (twice) was: "Can one of you please assure me in writing that either you will honor the 5-year parts and labor warranty if they go under or what my options are?"
I don't understand where you are getting your information on asking for an additional warranty since I just wanted assurance that they would cover the tub.

As to the last paragraph; I was hoping to have a good relationship. I was very nice whenever I dealt with them except with regard to getting something in writing which I do require.

Anyway, I am not airing this issue other than again defending my comments that I never asked for an additional warranty, period.


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Re: New tub suggestion
« Reply #34 on: January 08, 2009, 09:19:03 am »
Michiganwinter, A warranty is provided by the manufacturer, not the dealer.  If the manufacturer goes out of business or changes hands it still remains to be the manufacturers warranty or responsibility.  Sundance, which was once privately owned then accquired by Jacuzzi, has changed hands and is now owned by Apollo.  They assume the previous warranty obligations in the price they accquired the company for.  That makes Sundance / Jacuzzi an old name but new owners with a specific focus.  

The dealer is only the service provider.  They too have an obligation to you to provide the service to implement the warranty.  If the manufacturer is gone defunct, you are asking the dealer to assume the obligation of the manufacturer to provide the parts.  The Manufacture has set aside money in the wholesale cost to provide the warranty obligations.

Your dealer is new to the Hot Tub industry and has been selling spas for about a year now.  He has had no hot tub experience otherwise in his past 30 years of their "family business".  You are expecting him to give you something in writing that will say that he will assume the manufacturer's obligation to you if they go out of business.  On the other hand, who will be providing the services when your dealer decides the Hot Tub businees is not for him or the economy takes him down too like Insideout who went BK.  You are expecting to get something in writing that is not going to happen.  Why are you so gripped with fear of failure in the future.

Enjoy the Hot Tub and the next five years will be over befor you even know it.  you may never have to call for service.  
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 09:24:54 am by clover »
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: New tub suggestion
« Reply #35 on: January 08, 2009, 12:11:19 pm »
Michiganwinter, A warranty is provided by the manufacturer, not the dealer.  If the manufacturer goes out of business or changes hands it still remains to be the manufacturers warranty or responsibility.  Sundance, which was once privately owned then accquired by Jacuzzi, has changed hands and is now owned by Apollo.  They assume the previous warranty obligations in the price they accquired the company for.  That makes Sundance / Jacuzzi an old name but new owners with a specific focus.  

The dealer is only the service provider.  They too have an obligation to you to provide the service to implement the warranty.  If the manufacturer is gone defunct, you are asking the dealer to assume the obligation of the manufacturer to provide the parts.  The Manufacture has set aside money in the wholesale cost to provide the warranty obligations.

Your dealer is new to the Hot Tub industry and has been selling spas for about a year now.  He has had no hot tub experience otherwise in his past 30 years of their "family business".  You are expecting him to give you something in writing that will say that he will assume the manufacturer's obligation to you if they go out of business.  On the other hand, who will be providing the services when your dealer decides the Hot Tub businees is not for him or the economy takes him down too like Insideout who went BK.  You are expecting to get something in writing that is not going to happen.  Why are you so gripped with fear of failure in the future.

Enjoy the Hot Tub and the next five years will be over befor you even know it.  you may never have to call for service.  

You are the voice of reason.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: New tub suggestion
« Reply #36 on: January 08, 2009, 12:40:30 pm »
Thank you Clover, I really wish the dealer would have put something like that in writing. It makes sense and explains the process. Note I did ask what my options were, and here you explained it. This type of communication is good customer service (and you don't even sell this spa I assume).  FTR, I checked the state business website and they have been in business as a spa shop since 1985, not one year. Perhaps you are thinking of someone else.

I am going to relax and enjoy the heck out of my tub and hope I never have to have a service call.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New tub suggestion
« Reply #36 on: January 08, 2009, 12:40:30 pm »


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