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They rate themselves.....even more confusing....
It is to bad Master cannot get there stuff together, I have met and talked to Bob and he really is not a bad guy.  They certainly have had there share of quality issues, but they are also not an easy company to do business with. That only makes it harder for a dealer to take care of there customer as well as they should.  But I think the biggest turn off to many legitimate dealers out there is the type of deceptive promotions they seem to come up with. A few years ago they had a promotion for there dealers to sell  a spa to the public with a form for the customer to fill out to get there money back in I think ten years or something. They would pay some company like 20% of the sale and the customer gets this form to fill out and send in and there are some special things they need to do over the years but if they do them all they get a full refund. The money was supposed to be invested or something but it just sounded like a scam to me. The parent company was overseas. I have never heard if anyone ever got there money back, but I know they were selling spas for a ridculous price to cover the cost and people believed them.  Now they run and advertise a Spa Show. People are led to believe they are going to a home show type show where they can compare different brands and dealers.  All the different brands are actually made buy the same manufacturer(Master) and the show has the Pro show sales guys there to close the deal. Many people I have talked to felt deceived into going and could not believe they had to pay an entrance fee to actually go to a spa show that was just a spa sale for 1 brand.  With all that, I have also talked to people that loved there Master Spa. I guess there is something out there for everyone.
It is to bad Master cannot get there stuff together, I have met and talked to Bob and he really is not a bad guy.