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Author Topic: Started my experiment with bleach  (Read 9038 times)


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Started my experiment with bleach
« on: July 02, 2008, 08:24:12 pm »
Well when I opened my pool I found my calcium levels high and my cya level at under 30 - so it is time to use bleach. I am going on vacation next week so that will be adding CYA tto the pool but back to the spa ...

I figured if I have to add bleach to the pool what a great time to add bleach to my spa and my spa is now out of warranty as it hit 3 YO in June. I've started using it now for about a week as I was having chlorine lock issues and tested the CYA in the spa and it was at 70 - don't know how!

Anyway, my PH has stayed stable and the chlorine is staying in the tub for about 2 days, I think this is due to chlorine lock. I had 3 PPM 2 days ago and tonight it was about 1 PPM so I added more. I have stopped the ozonator and I will see how the tub is with shocking it with bleach, no ozonator and not looking at it for a week. I have gone about a week before with shocking and ozonator running 24/7.

I guess time will tell.

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Started my experiment with bleach
« on: July 02, 2008, 08:24:12 pm »


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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2008, 10:54:33 am »
Vinny, I'm still with bleach and shock with MPS.  No ozone or N2.  Still satisfied.  Its just too easy.  I'm interested in your experiences.


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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2008, 12:39:03 pm »
Tell me more about this bleach method. Do you use it instead of dichlor?  
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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2008, 01:26:30 pm »
Basically, it's a method that we learned from a pool forum similar to this.

You need to get about 25 PPM CYA before using bleach ... 25 PPM CYA is approximately 25 PPM chlorine. The chlorine goes but the CYA stays. After that start using bleach the same way you use dichlor. I think 0.64 oz of bleach gives you 3 ppm per 100 gallons of water (1/2 oz per 100 gallons is close enough or just add another 1/2 oz to the total to be safe).

The difference between dichlor and bleach is that you aren't adding CYA and the chlorine remains effective killing the hot tub itch bacteria because of the low CYA. Generally speaking the higher the CYA the less effective the same PPM of chlorine becomes. Using dichlor after 3 months we are probably over 300 PPM CYA which really hinders the chlorine effectiveness.

Ask away if you have any more questions.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2008, 01:27:05 pm by Vinny »

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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2008, 09:29:50 pm »

  Let us know your results.  Dosing with sodium hypo sure would be a lot easier
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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2008, 05:33:20 pm »
Lithium Hypo is also good.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2008, 07:02:10 pm »
I like Lithium Hypo as well. In the past I've used it to shock with, however, lately I've been using it on a post soak application. I started using it exclusively after my last water change, after the CYA had reached 30-40 ppm through the initial use of Dichlor. The only downside I've observed is the need to periodically add a small amount of granular acid to keep the pH in check, and the cost and availability of Lithium Hypo. So far, the upside is that the water seems a little fresher and the combined chlorine is less and easier to eliminate. Time will tell.


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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2008, 07:57:53 pm »
We inherited an above ground pool when we bought our house.  I never owned a pool before, but my hubby did.  We have one heck of a time getting our water clear.  Now, we have a sand filter--changed the sand twice this year, backwashed, rinsed,... and while I don't have test strips, it does seem since we started adding bleach ab out a week ago, I have better chlorine readings on the test kit I do have, and the water is clearing.  Hmmmm...  seems I'll rather go with a $2 gallon of bleach, instead of or in addition to regular pool chems.
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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2008, 10:39:14 pm »
Lithium Hypo is also good.


My local HS dealer recommends using Lithium Hypochlorite. All of their spas in their showroom are on Lithium. It's a recipe that was derived by Gary Keegan.
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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2008, 05:08:56 pm »

My local HS dealer recommends using Lithium Hypochlorite. All of their spas in their showroom are on Lithium. It's a recipe that was derived by Gary Keegan.

Lithium is somewhat similar and does work well.  It is a fast dissolving granular chlorine with a pH similar to bleach.  It also does not add to CYA.  The differences are that lithium will add to TDS at a much faster rate with its 35% chlorine content and it is one of the more expensive chlorines on the market.  Although bleach is only 5-6% chlorine (or 10-12% for liquid pool shock), the rest is almost entirely water.  It does release salt as a byproduct, but all chlorines revert to salt and the amount of salt added is minute compared to what a salt water generator would require.  The biggest disadvantage to liquid chlorine is that it is a liquid and you must be very careful when adding.  I use a 24 oz bottle of Chlorox and a small measuring cup at the spa itself.

Not that this is important (because it really isn't), but bleach is probably the most cost effective chlorine to use.


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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2008, 04:59:31 pm »
I have a tub similar to Vinny's, but smaller- a 2005 Artesian Captiva, about 325 gallons. I originally used bromine in a floater. Worked fine, but I developed a sensitivity to bromine and switched to diclor, basically the "Vermonter" method. Again, worked fine, but the effectiveness of diclor seemed to decrease over the 4 month water cycle and the water sort of went "dead" in its feel. I am now on my second water cycle with bleach. I shock the water with diclor when I refill, and use about a teaspoon of diclor after each soak for about two weeks. I then switch to two ounces of bleach after each soak (or every couple of days if the tub is not beeing used) and shock about every two weeks with MPS. I run ozone 24/7 and use Nature2 or a Frog in the circ pump filter. My water seems to stay fresher longer and the bleach does not seem to lose its effectiveness (ie, I do not have to use more to reach the same clorine levels). This lets me feel like I can use more sanitizer to keep a higher margin of safety with my water without negative side effects. With diclor, I was always using the least amount I thought I could get away with. I do have to watch my PH, as it tends to rise with bleach. Nothing dramatic, and very easy to control. Overall, I like using bleach so far and intend to continue. I am the primary user of my tub, 3 or 4 times a week. Others use it, but not regularly. Jeff


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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2008, 12:30:37 pm »
Well, I came back from vacation and I had 2 PPM chlorine left. PH was at 7.8. I guess I do have chlorine lock as I put a heck of a lot of bleach in the tub and it lasted all week and then some. I didn't know what I would find with the ozonator not working and I forgot to drop the temps.

So far the bleach seems to be working out OK.

I am continuing with my experiment


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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2008, 05:27:17 pm »
Well, How goes the experiment so far?  :-?
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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2008, 07:14:38 pm »
The experiment went well and I forget why but I started using dichlor again ( I think it was rainy or something like that). Once my CYA got too high I decided to just continue with dichlor.

I just changed my water so my CYA is (was) at 0 and I am planing to use bleach again once my cya makes it to 20 to 30 PPM. I'll see how tough it is in winter pouring liquid vs tossing in granules.

I have to say, my PH stayed rock steady (if I remember correctly around 7.8), my tub stayed clear and I really had no problems. The only thing that I worried about is getting bleach on clothes or somewhere else that may be destroyed by the bleach if it got on it. I even used bleach to shock.

Anyway, I would recommend trying it once you have the water care down pat so that if problems arrise you'll know how to deal with it.


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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2008, 09:11:51 am »
The only thing that I worried about is getting bleach on clothes or somewhere else that may be destroyed by the bleach if it got on it. I even used bleach to shock.

IMO, this is the only downside of using bleach and I believe the only reason that spa manufacturers do not recommend its use.

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Re: Started my experiment with bleach
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2008, 09:11:51 am »


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