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Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
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Topic: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall? (Read 3964 times)
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Posts: 1476
Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
November 17, 2008, 04:00:57 pm »
So I had a mover go look at the new house. He said the gas meter is in the way of getting the spa through the gate. A crane would cost $350 in addition to the $275 the spa mover wanted. This seems like a lot of money given I bought this tub used for dirt cheap, regardless how awesome of a tub and deal it was. So I started wondering if I could just remove part of the block wall. Is this possible without making it look ghetto afterwards? Would the work be worth saving $350 or will I be cursing up a storm saying I shoulda just hired the crane? Any advice appreciated.
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Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
November 17, 2008, 04:00:57 pm »
Mentor Level Member
Posts: 6481
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Re: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
Reply #1 on:
November 17, 2008, 04:56:53 pm »
I have craned spas over fences many times - some of them looked like it would have been better to knock down and replace just because they were in such a sad condition.
But if your fence is still doing well, I would say crane.
Call "Campbell Crane" and see if they have anything in your area. Mention my name and see if you can get a better deal. He is based in San Fernando, but he drives all over and may be able to combine your job with another close by.
Another thought - get a handyman to look at removing and replacing the gas meter. It is really no big deal, and the gas company will come inspect it for leaks later at no charge... I have moved a few of them to get a spa through over the years. There is usually a pipe left sticking out of the ground, but sometimes it leaves enough room to get past. Other times I have removed the meter and then lifted the spa over the pipe with the help of some extra friends.
Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 04:59:32 pm by Chas
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
cedar tub
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Re: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
Reply #2 on:
November 18, 2008, 02:08:43 pm »
Your gas company will probably move and/or upgrade your meter for no charge. Originally, I was going to heat my tub with gas and the gas company told me they would do the upgrade for no charge. However, running the extra gas line required was going to be expensive.
Last Edit: November 18, 2008, 02:09:46 pm by cedar_tub
I've got wood and it's 5ft x 4ft
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Re: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
Reply #3 on:
November 18, 2008, 03:21:41 pm »
I think I will call the gas company and see what they have to say. Here are some pics of the meter, the fence, etc. A few minor things showed up in the inspection so I don't want to have to spend anymore $$$ on the hot tub move than I have to.
Mentor Level Member
Posts: 6481
Hot water is Cool.
Re: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
Reply #4 on:
November 18, 2008, 05:49:24 pm »
Could you go into your neighbor's gate? I see that the fence between you and the next house is wood - so if you can get in the gate next door, you could have a handyman take down a section of
fence and go through that gap.
That is MUCH less expensive than block wall stuff, and if you have them put it back together carefully with screws, you can reverse the process down the road as needed. I have taken down tons of wood fence sections and put them back up better than they were.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
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Re: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
Reply #5 on:
November 18, 2008, 06:40:16 pm »
I'll check out the neighbors next time we are out there. Might be a fun way to meet the neighbors, lol.
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Posts: 1476
Re: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
Reply #6 on:
November 20, 2008, 01:13:25 pm »
So the neighbors house is set up just like ours, so that is a no go. I called the Gas Co. and until the account is in my name they couldn't do or tell me much. They said that once its mine, I can call and schedule a move, at which point I would put a $150 deposit down. Then within 3 days someone would call me and schedule a planning meeting. She didnt know if the $150 would cover what needed to be done or how costly it could get. She also didn't know how soon I could get the work done. We don't want to leave the tub at the old house for very long... so I'm not sure how real of an option this is.
Mentor Level Member
Posts: 6481
Hot water is Cool.
Re: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
Reply #7 on:
November 20, 2008, 05:23:52 pm »
Get eight strong people and lift the thing over the block wall.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
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Re: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
Reply #8 on:
November 21, 2008, 09:15:37 am »
IMO, the crane is the least expensive way to go, except of course eight strong friends lifting over the wall. Every other option is going to have additional unknown costs. With the crane, you know upfront what you are dealing with and that the spa will be placed in the correct place without damage.
When my spa was new, the company I purchased from did all their installs with a crane. The crane was mounted on a flatbed truck so the truck did the moving and the install. Perhaps you could find a crane that would do the move and the install thus saving on the movers charge. I'm sure the crane is charged out with a three or four hour minimum for what will probably amount to a fifteen minute job.
Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 09:22:18 am by tony
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Crane or Tear Down & Rebuild Block Wall?
Reply #8 on:
November 21, 2008, 09:15:37 am »
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