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Author Topic: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?  (Read 23446 times)


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Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« on: November 03, 2008, 07:32:15 pm »
Emerald and Caldera offer the option of the Spa Frog system in their spas....It sounds great in theory, but is it just a gimmick? Does this really reduce maintenance and baby sitting? Does it lessen the cost in chemicals and reduce the need for chlorine or Bromine in the tub or do you end up spending the extra cash on Spa Frog catridges?

so far I've been able to establish that the costs associated with the Spa Frog itself are:

Mineral Cartridge ($20+) lasts exactly 4 months
Bromine Cartridge ($8+) lasts 2-4 weeks depending on use

This is not even counting regular bromine you must add to the spa to maintain the proper levels. Also this is not counting the initial cost of the Spa Frog option.

I guess the million dollar question is does the spa frog system significantly decrease the amount you need to spend on Bromine?

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Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« on: November 03, 2008, 07:32:15 pm »


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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2008, 08:01:10 pm »
I have the Spa Frog built into my Epic. Initally I didn't care for it, but that was because I didn't really understand the whole water management thing. You don't typically need to still add bromine. I think it is easy to maintain the tub when you aren't using it real often therefore eliminating what you are calling "babysitting". I would definately say it is NOT a gimmick.  Marquis has the Frog built in and so I didn't pay anything extra for it. Since I am happy with bromine, I would definately get it again. It is probably the best system to simplify water care..but that is my opinion. ;)  Put the Frog on the plus list (see he's in my avitar)
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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 09:48:25 pm »
I guess the million dollar question is does the spa frog system significantly decrease the amount you need to spend on Bromine?

Anytime you get something pre dosed it will cost more. Buying the Frog is the same.

If you plan on using bromine this may be a great way of doing it - I assume you adjust the dispenser once for the correct amount of bromine and every few weeks you put a new one on. It certainly better IMO than having a floater in the tub, but then again I hate floaters. As Boni said, it probably is more of a convienence than anything else and it would be tucked away. Also, you aren't handling the raw bromine pucks that you'd have to with a floater or other dispenser.

The idea of using less chlorine (I assume bromine will be the same) has been discussed and some people have had success using less sanitizer but I have not had any luck with chlorine and the Frog/Nature 2 - my water feels the same, reacts the same with or without the addition of the frog and I use the same amount of chlorine.

Spending $20+ on a frog vs spending $20 on bromine is something I can't answer, I don't know how much bromine you'd get. But I can tell you that $20+ on a frog and spending $30 for 5 lbs of chlorine is a no brainer - that's about a years worth of chlorine... much cheaper than adding a frog or Nature 2.


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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 10:51:25 pm »
Ok, I am under the impression that the Spa Frog alone cannot sanitize a tub. Even a tub with Ozone and a Frog still needs Bromine or Chlorine, at least thats what I thought I read.....


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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2008, 08:29:36 am »
You are 100% correct!

But the questions that have to be answered are:

Is it worth the price of a Frog? Will I see a difference in my water or chemical use? By spending that $20+ how much bromine (chlorine) will I be able to buy and how long will that last?

The answers that I found were - No. No. About a years worth (chlorine) and Frogs would have cost $80+ for the year. But with that said there are some people who swear they get good results from it.


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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2008, 08:48:08 am »
Ok, I am under the impression that the Spa Frog alone cannot sanitize a tub. Even a tub with Ozone and a Frog still needs Bromine or Chlorine, at least thats what I thought I read.....
Not so. The Frog is a bromine system. I have a Marquis Reward purchased over 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure all the Frog systems work the same way. It uses two cartridges, a bromine cartridge and a mineral cartridge. The mineral cartridge is meant to stay in place until the next water change. The bromine gets replaced every few weeks, depending on usage. Fortunately, I figured out how to reuse the bromine cartridge so I'm saving money as I can now buy bromine tabs in bulk and just refill the cartridge when it gets low.

I think I'm saving money. If not, I still like the convenience of bromine. If I'm out of town for a week or so or just don't bother to check, I know the water is still going to be in good shape. And, after a soak, I can just shut the cover and walk away. I don't have to add chlorine, leave the jets on and the cover open to allow the chlorine to vent and then come back later to close the cover.
It's been very convenient for me. Plus, the Reward includes an ozone generator so I can keep my bromine levels very low and its still properly sanitized.

I've heard on this forum that I may have to replace my cover sooner since the bromine may degrade it (since bromine is always in the water albeit, at a low level) but its still worth it to me for the convenience.
Not a mountain lake? Then it's still a chemical soup!


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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2008, 10:07:36 am »
Yes...me and my Frog are in agreement with Phil!! ;) ;)

I think they call all of the systems made by King "Frogs". Even the ones that go in the swimming pools. What is particularly nice on the Marquis tubs is that the tub will remind you when to change out your cartridges (as well as when to change your filters and water). I buy my cartridges in bulk from my dealer and I have never even checked on my costs (as far as comparison to chlorine or bromine tablets). It is worth it to me for the convenience....some things just are.

Spa_..my thought is that if you opt for the built in system and don't like it, switch to chlorine. If you like the cost savings of chlorine, but find that at one point you are not using your tub as often, you can switch to bromine. It just allows you more options. I, personally wouldn't like a floater in my spa.. :-/
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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2008, 10:15:46 am »
If I were to use a bromine product, I believe I would opt for the Brilliance 100% bromine and probably use their Mermaid dispensing system that fits in the filter area.  I could also add a standard Frog cartridge if I please.


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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2008, 10:19:48 am »
What more could you ask for...Frogs and mermaids in your hot tub!! ;D ;D

Actually, I am going to suggest the Mermaid to my friends who have decided to switch to bromine, but put the pucks into their filter area..My dealer said that wasn't such a great idea.
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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2008, 10:29:19 am »
Emerald and Caldera offer the option of the Spa Frog system in their spas....It sounds great in theory, but is it just a gimmick? Does this really reduce maintenance and baby sitting? Does it lessen the cost in chemicals and reduce the need for chlorine or Bromine in the tub or do you end up spending the extra cash on Spa Frog catridges?

so far I've been able to establish that the costs associated with the Spa Frog itself are:

Mineral Cartridge ($20+) lasts exactly 4 months
Bromine Cartridge ($8+) lasts 2-4 weeks depending on use

This is not even counting regular bromine you must add to the spa to maintain the proper levels. Also this is not counting the initial cost of the Spa Frog option.

I guess the million dollar question is does the spa frog system significantly decrease the amount you need to spend on Bromine?

In my industry, I would compare this to a sat-nav system.  Necessary? NO.  Convenient, Yes, do people  buy it? Oh Yes, does it cost a lot???  Yes.  I have seen this on the Calderas, and as described to me, it would provide the majority of the chemicals that my tub needs to operate cleanly.  I am not a huge fan of Chlorine, so I like this option, and the fact that it is inline and does not increase the cost of the tub is very nice.  Many tubs I have looked at have an upgrade item that you can get that will do much of your water sanitation for you, and they charge a pretty penny for it too.

You dont need the Sat-Nav system in a new car, the paper map works just fine.  But many of my customers have got to have it...  But if you like their tub, it test drives nice for you, this is a great no cost added feature that you can use or not.  


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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2008, 11:12:03 am »

In my industry, I would compare this to a sat-nav system.  Necessary? NO.  Convenient, Yes, do people  buy it? Oh Yes, does it cost a lot???  Yes.  I have seen this on the Calderas, and as described to me, it would provide the majority of the chemicals that my tub needs to operate cleanly.  I am not a huge fan of Chlorine, so I like this option, and the fact that it is inline and does not increase the cost of the tub is very nice.  Many tubs I have looked at have an upgrade item that you can get that will do much of your water sanitation for you, and they charge a pretty penny for it too.

You dont need the Sat-Nav system in a new car, the paper map works just fine.  But many of my customers have got to have it...  But if you like their tub, it test drives nice for you, this is a great no cost added feature that you can use or not.  

There's a misconception here - bromine tablets have chlorine in it. Bromine is in the same family as chlorine in the element (?) table but chlorine is a lot stronger ... florine and ozone are stonger than chlorine. You can soak in chlorine but most here do not or we soak in a very low level of chlorine.

I assumed when I answered this that it was known that it is a system - bromine and the frog. You can buy the frog seperately for using chlorine. I only use chlorine since my tub didn't have a dispenser and as I said I hate floaters. I thought about the system Tony said but I am cheap and buying dichlor in the amounts that I use is extremely economical IMO. Adding bromine the same way as I add chlorine seems to me rediculas - the mermaid did make sense.

Now on to Nav systems ... some of us are dumb as dirt when it comes to directions. I personally have one but wouldn't buy an in car system. Buying a removable system (Garmin, Magellan, Tomtom, ...) makes it convienient to carry around and swap cars. I own a Mio which is extremely nice although I wouldn't recommend the company. I am able to use a paper map, traveled that way for years but the nav system makes it easier to detour or get around. My wive laughed at me when I bought it as she has a great sense of direction but it has freed me up tremedously. BTW, I also can use a map and compass but nobody wants to learn that anymore. Also, trying to read a map while driving is hard and dangerous! I've done it so I can speak from experience.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 11:13:56 am by Vinny »

Hillbilly Hot Tub

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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2008, 12:31:08 pm »
Brilliance Bromine sanitizer and the mermaid have no chlorine in them at all.

Chlorine disipates quickly in hot water and is gone when used up. Bromine stays in the water and can be reestablishes with shock, thus once creating a good bromine bank you can esstially remove the bromine from the tub and just shock as needed for your spa use.

I use Brillance now, but used N2 for 4 years previous. I noticed a big difference with the N2 as do many of our customers. You can keep a lower risdual of chlorine with N2 and the water is not as harsh, seems softer and cleaner smelling oposed to chemical smell, plus a little more piece of mind that if your sanitizer level does happen to fall to zero, the mineral will pick up the slack and help prevent bad stuff.

Clearwater Spa Dealer, Great Lakes Spa Dealer, Helo and Almost Heaven Saunas. Authorized service center for several spa lines, CPO. APSP member. Good old fashioned New England service!

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Re: Is the Spa Frog dispensing system worth it?
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2008, 12:31:08 pm »


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