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Author Topic: expensive tubs  (Read 5105 times)


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expensive tubs
« on: October 22, 2008, 11:51:39 am »
So I was just thinking about what we will see in Vegas.... we all know that Marquis came out with their new "Bling" tub, I know that Hotspring has been working on a TV Spa for the last few months (perish the thought), D1 already beefed up their "bling" line.

TM industry is trying to make the Coleman with their own signature but still different (More bling less flowing lines) and even Nordic and freeflow have tried to get into fancier and higher priced models.

Everyone has been looking hard at the swim spas and I think we will see a lot of focus on them in Vegas.

Is this what we need in this economy? Don't we need to start selling the benefit of hot water and hydrotherapy again and get back to basics? Even though there is a great market for the high-end stuff I think all the manufactures should be selling less on the bling and more on the benefits of spa ownership and working price wise to get a spa in every backyard they can!

We’ve priced ourselves into a corner with more jets, more flash, more gadgets and more expensive warranties. Now that the economy is struggling consumers are really afraid to come see us because “it’s just to much of a luxury”. We really need this industry to pull together and sell why owning a spa can be more important to your family and your health then that Big Screen.  No one wants to be the first one to stop the madness….

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expensive tubs
« on: October 22, 2008, 11:51:39 am »


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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2008, 12:09:35 pm »
Can't they do both? It just seems all the marketing is in the one direciton.  MAybe someone should be working with locals to help get medical breaks/coverage.
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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2008, 12:42:42 pm »
we all know that Marquis came out with their new "Bling" tub

I didn't see the "Bling" tub on Marquis' website or maybe I just didn't look hard enough. Is there a link you have or can get for this tub? Thanks.

Hillbilly Hot Tub

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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2008, 12:54:13 pm »
Some manufactures are doing both. Clearwater has the XS and Rythem series tubs for the more modest tub and the beachcraft and resort series to get the bling.

IMO TV's are a huge waste of money for a tub. I can not imagine they hold up well to the envioroment for very long.
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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2008, 01:18:05 pm »
Well said Stuart !
I feel that Beachcomber as a manufacturer does this very thing, and we as a local store certainly do.


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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2008, 01:21:01 pm »
I think most manufacturers are trying hard, but in the end they end up taking out too many sellable features to make the tub appealing. Right now in this economy I am seeing people want "more bang for the buck". This is full circle from a year ago when I was presenting everyone who came through the door an Amore Bay @ over $14k and landing almost everyone we spoke to, now it is "what ya got for 5 grand"? and "what ya got used"? I present them with a midrange spa that is bigger and shows better than what they have seen, the value speaks for itself. When you have a tub on your floor that resembles the spa down the street that the customer has looked at and been quoted over $10k, placing value is a cynch. Bottom line is if the spa "pops" on the floor and the value is better than the customers expectations, we will close nearly every customer walking through the door. Last month is one of the best months we have had in a long time, this is attributed to value and presentation of quality. I will say that the spas on my floor have better framing and insulation than anything I have dissected recently, the spas dwarf other brands and the pricing is incredibly low. If you are not selling spas now, and are tired of replacing RMA tubs, I would encourage you to give me a call and atleast hear what is going on.

Look for one brand to have an enormous showing at the Vegas show! I am hoping the debut of a SpaMan invention to be unvailed, but who knows. ::)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 01:22:18 pm by spaman_dot_com »


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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2008, 01:23:51 pm »
I understand your point Stuart and sometimes the benefit of ownership gets lost in the marketing of spas.

I believe this lands on the shoulders of the manufacturers reps in TEACHING their dealers on the benefits of spa ownership FIRST! In my travels over the years to various spa dealers, I was surprised the number of sales people that really didn't understand the true benefits of spa ownership and hot water therapy.

In my sales presentations, I always began with that and WHY owning a spa is such a wonderful thing. If you can't convey that clearly and build value, all you have is a tub of hot water with useless feature that become boring after time.

That said, I believe that having "bling" and teaching the benefits are two distinct different things. Once consumers understand the benefits, it is generally known that people with money will always have money and these are the people purchasing (and wanting) the bling. The sideways economy has a greater impact on the average Joe & Joanne along with the lower income bracket. It's for this reason that higher end spa sales usually stay consistant and manufacturers tend to focus on that in tough economic times I've found.

If your line doesn't have bling, the consumer will go elsewhere. The WOW factor sells spas but it's up to us (you guys  ;) ) to make sure your prospects understand the keys to ownership and the real health benefits of spa ownership because chances are, the spa store down the road is JUST selling bling and marketing...



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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2008, 01:30:56 pm »
Well said Stuart !
I feel that Beachcomber as a manufacturer does this very thing, and we as a local store certainly do.

Being with Beachcomber for over a decade was a wonderful experience for me. They do focus on the "reconnection of family and friends" and the overall benefits of ownership. Understanding that, we still lost sales to companies that offered what we couldn't and sometimes even beating people over the head and trying to explain that the TV ISN'T what a spa is all about still fell on deaf ears....

If they wanted any sort of bling, they weren't a Beachcomber customer and chances are, we lost the sale because of it. They have changed and are offering more now then when I was with them many years ago so maybe it's not as challenging. Still a great company!



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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2008, 01:44:49 pm »
Don't get me wrong...I think we have to follow the trend, the problem is that usually by the time the more reputable brands finish planning and testing the trend is petering out or has been ruined by the brands that really don't care and will just throw gadgets on a spa to sell them. It’s a precarious juggling act…I understand that.

Manufactures need to get the engineers and the dealers together more often. If you have aggressive dealers that work every show and get into the public arena a lot then listen to them. Just because a dealer has more longevity or is in a better market and moving a lot of product doesn’t mean they have their finger on the pulse of the market. Look at how their competitors are doing in the same market. It could have nothing to do with the spa and everything to do with the marketing with that dealer so don’t design your spa around their marketing. Design it around national trends….

Most dealer advisory councils are either based off of a “good ole boy” philosophy or and elitist thought process. Let use Bob because he’s been with us for years or lets use Bill because they’ve got a big store. The bottom line is that you need to pick your most aggressive, most in the field and most aware dealers to help find trends. If you don’t someone else will….

Selling the benefit is all of our jobs however the manufactures need to get on the stick and start doing more generic consumer awareness campaigns. They are counting on dealers to do that and that just isn't reasonable. We can affect a small market but with the sheer # of different brands represented in most markets you have to target your advertising more to you and less to the reasons on own a spa.

Motorcycles, boats, automobiles and many other industries sell on the benefits of ownership while they are working on brand recognition at the same time. We need that.

Right now the trend is the economy so lets jump on it....Next summer might be the time to work on a bling tub but don't try to confuse the market at the show.


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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2008, 02:22:08 pm »
HotSpring is not making a TV spa...someone gave you faulty information.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2008, 03:58:12 pm »
HotSpring is not making a TV spa...someone gave you faulty information.

They may not come out with it on the HotSpring line and it may be an add on accessory but they are absolutely looking at TV's


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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2008, 04:03:39 pm »
They may not come out with it on the HotSpring line and it may be an add on accessory but they are absolutely looking at TV's

Possibly, but that is not the same as a HotSpring TV spa (whereby the TV is physically incorporated into the spa itself, which is the worst idea ever.  Attaching a TV to the spa is the second worst.  Having a TV visible from the spa is the third worstest!). :-X

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2008, 05:45:57 pm »

Possibly, but that is not the same as a HotSpring TV spa (whereby the TV is physically incorporated into the spa itself, which is the worst idea ever.  Attaching a TV to the spa is the second worst.  Having a TV visible from the spa is the third worstest!). :-X


   I agree, Jacuzzi went the TV built in route sort of and had to tough a time with UL listing or something to that effect, then they found the SunBright system.  I have yet to sell one or even really try, coming from a service background and being practical in nature they are not worth near the cost or warranty they come with.

 The Sunbright 21" starts at like 5 to 6000 I believe, I bought a 46" Toshiba for 1300 enough said. I say if you want a TV go to a pawn shop or Wallmart and buy a cheap one,if it breaks who cares you can go buy another.

 I do think they are a great attractor in a show room or at a fair, but most people I have ever talked with about it wouldn't want one even if it was inexpensive.


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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2008, 06:23:04 pm »

I didn't see the "Bling" tub on Marquis' website or maybe I just didn't look hard enough. Is there a link you have or can get for this tub? Thanks.


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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2008, 12:59:00 pm »
Yes back to basics would be wonderful.  Not only is hydrotherapy great it is a perfect opportunity to discover your wife and kids without the distraction of TV, Computers, Games etc.
As usual Stuart you are right on.
say hi to Steve for me.
Regards, Zz
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 01:01:21 pm by ZzTop »

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Re: expensive tubs
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2008, 12:59:00 pm »


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