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Author Topic: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?  (Read 16906 times)


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Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« on: October 13, 2008, 05:25:59 pm »
Hello and first of all thanks for any help.  looking for a new tub and my choices are limited due to location.  can't even find a dealer that will wet test.  best dealers in the are carry  jacuzzi j-345  $6900   bullfrog 451 $6500,  three rivers spas 840-d  $6200.   any suggestions or thoughts are welcome..  once again thanks!!!    

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Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« on: October 13, 2008, 05:25:59 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2008, 12:44:45 pm »
Hello and first of all thanks for any help.  looking for a new tub and my choices are limited due to location.  can't even find a dealer that will wet test.  best dealers in the are carry  jacuzzi j-345  $6900   bullfrog 451 $6500,  three rivers spas 840-d  $6200.   any suggestions or thoughts are welcome..  once again thanks!!!    

  Cant help you with 3 rivers spas never heard of them, the price you have on the J-345 is very very good! The Bullfrog is a decent spa but don't know a lot about those either.  Never really got into the whole change a pack theory.    Have you wet tested?  If not you should and see what you like and don't like about the two spas.  

Chubby Johnson

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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2008, 07:48:41 pm »
Three Rivers has some great points that I like.  For one thing they do not have diverter valves so you can use all of the jets at the same time. Nobody gets robbed of a massage.

No circ pump means one less thing to break down.

Icynene foam is also used by Marquis.  Icynene is used to insulate homes.

You gotta wet test before you lay down the cash. It's the only way to find out if the seating will properly fit you and if the jetting massages you well enough.


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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2008, 10:33:32 pm »
Three Rivers has some great points that I like.  For one thing they do not have diverter valves so you can use all of the jets at the same time. Nobody gets robbed of a massage.

Thats a negative for me, we usually have 2 people in a 6 person spa, so I like to steal all the power to my seat on occasion.
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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2008, 10:02:12 am »

Thats a negative for me, we usually have 2 people in a 6 person spa, so I like to steal all the power to my seat on occasion.

I agree.  I feel the ability to divert power to different seats is a plus.  I also like circ pumps.  Different strokes for different folks.


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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2008, 10:39:55 am »
The diverter can give you more jet variety. For example, there is a seat in the HotSpring Envoy which has 16 jets. You have jets from your neck to your feet. But you would go nuts with all that action all the time. By splitting the seat up with a diverter, and by putting some jets on different jet pumps, you can get it all, or various different groups of jets.

Also - most diverters can be set to the mid-point you like. That gives you wonderful control over the pressure of the jets from mild to wild.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2008, 10:53:01 am »
Chubby, Can you tell me how long Marquis has been using Icynene?
Did they just switch lately, or have the used it for several years?

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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2008, 11:06:48 am »
There just isn't any other way to get maximum power to the minimum number of jets in a spa than to divert. A spa without diverters simply cannot give the same massage short of being inefficient and putting more pumps or just plumbing in a few jets per pump.

I would personally avoid three rivers...The guy that started that was a VP at Master spas and is giving it a try on his own. They sell about as much as a factory as I do as a retail store and don't have enough history for me to be comfortable with.

I talked with one of the owners of Master a few years ago after he left and they blamed just about all their quality control issues on him. I'm not sure if that was just sour apples or the truth but when I brought it up with someone at Balboa they concurred with that statement.

Looking at their product I see a lot things that other manufactures put on their entry level just to get down to a price point. Their Equipment packs, Jets, filtration and even pillows are pretty “entry level”


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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2008, 11:43:53 am »
I sell Three Rivers along with several other brands.  I also service many other brands from other dealers and homeowners.  I really like the Three Rivers and can honestly say that I would recommend them to my own family.  They are a great mid priced spa with nice features and craftsmanship.  You get a lot for your money and they have very consistent quality.  The company itself has also been excellent to work with.  

As for diverters, some may like them, I don’t.  I often have many people in the spa and like to have full power to all of the seats.  If I’m alone, I just turn on one pump, no need to adjust anything.

I sell spas with and without circ pumps.  They both have their pros and cons.  Circ pumps are quiet, and can add more ozone (if equipped) to the water by running constantly.  Spas without circ pumps have one less thing to service and you can set the filtration time to meet your exact needs.  More filtration when you need it, and less when you don’t.


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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2008, 12:41:33 pm »
This is quite the little comercial these "newbies"are Putting up, why not just come on and introduce yourself and your brand, talk about your construction and opinion of how a spa should be built. I can tell you from experience, diverters are simply another dimension of directing the water, and giving you one more option of changing the whole spa experience. Most small companies cut them out in order to cut the cost of manufacturing. The same goes with circ pumps, spa companies should atleast offer it as an option. The Three Rivers Spas seem to be at best an economical option to go against the walmart spas. Good luck with that! I went on their site and heard birdies chirping "cheep,cheep,cheep"

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2008, 12:54:53 pm »
  I still don't know or need to know about 3 rivers spa's,  I did however think to myself, what a coincidence.

If he is gonna hang around welcome!   If not see ya!!  
« Last Edit: October 15, 2008, 12:55:57 pm by Jacuzzi_Jim »


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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2008, 01:09:45 pm »
 I still don't know or need to know about 3 rivers spa's,  I did however think to myself, what a coincidence.

If he is gonna hang around welcome!   If not see ya!!  

I'll chime in because I recognized that name since it is rather unique. MaRiSpaTech is someone who semi regularly posts on the poolspa forum. I know when we see someone make their first post and its on a brand seldom talked about it seems coincidental but he's just new to this site.
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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2008, 01:18:49 pm »
I have some questions about Three Rivers spas. On the TR840, which filters are you using? I do like the location of the filter housing, I am wondering about removing 2 50' filters from this small opening. How much insulation is under the footwells? What is the construction under the spa like? One suggestion is that in fact if you are using 2x4's in the framing, is it on all 4 sides? WHy not use pressure treated lumber. Are there any supports under the step and the lounge? What is the bonding agent between the acrylic and the fiberglass? Are you using slice valves? Though it may cost more, why not go to the 5 yr warranty?Hey I am just curious!


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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2008, 01:31:52 pm »
Well, let me formally introduce myself (sorry to hijack the post) I have been lurking on this site for perhaps years.  I have been a member of another forum for over a year.  I’m not one to tout the brands that I sell whenever someone comes on asking “what should I buy”.  However, if I can offer my opinion or experience when someone asks a specific question that I have more knowledge about, I will do so.  I have had my head in and hands on a wide range of spas. Sure, not as many as some of you, but enough to form an opinion.  I am perhaps the only person (dealer) in this forum to have experience with Three Rivers beyond visiting the website.  I never said that they are the best spa or better then any other brand, but I feel that they are a good quality, well built tub with great customer service.  I have no intention on arguing about diverters, circ pumps, or full foam vs. not.  Some stuff cost more, which is reflected in the price.  Not everyone wants or needs these things, but still want something built well.  


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Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2008, 01:52:13 pm »
Thanks for all the input.   I couldn't find any thing on three river spas and that why I asked.   they seemed to have what I needed in a spa at an affordable price.  I have found that the price I was quoted for the jacuzzi is a pretty good deal,  but being the newbie I am,  22 jets didn't seem like enough.     I do have questions about the 3 rivers structure.    I have called a few refrences and they did say they have great customer service and the spas have been problem free.   I just don't feel like paying $10,000 for a hot tub right now.  and I feel comfortable with the dealer.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Anyone ever heard of Three rivers spas?
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2008, 01:52:13 pm »


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