Original > Hot Tub Forum

EZ Pads vs Concrete slab

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So my jaw dropped when the major dealer in my area said the going price for his customers who were hiring someone to lay a level 8'x8' concrete slab was about $1300.

In Lieu of that, how are these http://www.ezpads.com/

I live in New England, where we get pretty harsh winters. If I dig a 8'x8' trench, fill, pack and level with mason dust, will a set of EZ Pads be a durable alternative? I mean I would lay the pads down, put the tub on the pads, then cover over the remaining edges with landscaping to hid the plastic. Same goes for concrete, from a aesthetic perspective. But will I have to worry about the EZ Pad cracking, freezing, breaking, tipping, sinking, etc? What are the Pros and Cons here? I can save quite a bit by going the EZ pad route.

I have the ezpad. I took out my grass,  filled the area with play sand, then the ezpad and finally the tub.  So far no issues at all.. but the tub has only been installed since early spring.  I did not want to pay for concrete.  FYI I live on Long Island.

A lot of people on these boards definitely don't like the ez pads and thing concrete is a better alternative.

The only problem that I had with the ez pad was that my wife found out it could move and we located the spa 3 times in our yard before I built the deck. ;) :'(

I have had my Marquis on an EZ PAD for over 5 years without a problem.  After you have done all your prep work you need to place it on a bed of construction sand not play sand.  Level it off with a long and straight 2x4 and then place it.  Alot of folks on this board swear by a concrete base and have little good to say about EZ Pads but in my case I have had no problems

I live in New England, and I have a compacted sand base  with pavers and it has worked fine.   :)


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