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Author Topic: Bosco?? jets degrading  (Read 4988 times)


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Bosco?? jets degrading
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:08:04 pm »
Found this and was just wondering what was happening with your jets.
ie. why they needed to be replaced.

Since day 1, my jets would never stay in the "open" position. I suppose they were loose enough in the housing that general brushing of the ring by my back or arm, or possibly the spinning of the nozzle created some sort of force enough to eventually spin the ring closed.
Irritating to be "trying" to relax and have one or more jets repeatedly turning itself off while you're sitting there.

Since then, I've also noticed the jets more frequently popping out and ending up just sitting in the footwell of the spa, and I've also had the backs of the jets (the parts that inserts into the housing, as well as the back of the ring) start to peel. Seems the plastic is degrading and flaking off, I guess from the force of the jets.

Also one or two have had the "x" break off that holds the rear end of the stainless pin the nozzle spins on.

I bought my spa shortly after you, IIRC, Delivered around this time of the the year, in 2005.
The spa has seen little use in the last two years. Wife pregnant, and then having a new baby in the house doesn't leave much time for tubbing. I should have taken that time to have this looked at, but other things took priority.


30 of my 33 jets now replaced as they have all needed replacement.  Arctic says in the warranty that if we change anything on our own it will void warranty.  So if the jet housing goes for a dive now, does that mean I am not covered because I put new jets in???

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Bosco?? jets degrading
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:08:04 pm »


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2008, 11:15:20 am »
  Arctic says in the warranty that if we change anything on our own it will void warranty.  So if the jet housing goes for a dive now, does that mean I am not covered because I put new jets in???
The exclusion refers to unauthorized alterations, replacements,  additions or repairs.  The owner is authorized to perform routine maintenance such as replacing jets, fuses and LED lights and  tightening unions (you may also pay your dealer to do these things).  

Provided you followed instructions given in your owner manual or other factory material or by your dealer, you should be okay.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 11:18:47 am by Graybeard »


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2008, 09:28:38 pm »
Thanks for the reply Tom, but the part you quoted in your reply was Bosco's comment from another thread of his. I was asking him what happened, why he had to replace his jets, if it was a similar issue to mine.




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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2008, 08:31:18 am »
hey keating, the 2005 jets were not made by arctic.  they were a generic jet.  on the inside of the jet there are two ridges that are suppose to keep the jet in place.  Well this plastic was not strong enought and those ridges weakend over a quick period of time.

I too, constantly found that the jets would auto shut off and spin.  They replaced the jets and have replaced again.  The new jets fit tight, and I find that they dont spin as freely as they use to which is good.  I have not had a jet pop out issue yet, but every once in a while I will spin the jet while the tub is running and a jet will pop out.  Hope that this helps you a bit.

and if all else fails, arctc may say that its your fault due to poor water chemistry.  


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2008, 08:52:29 am »
hey keating, the 2005 jets were not made by arctic.  they were a generic jet.  on the inside of the jet there are two ridges that are suppose to keep the jet in place.  Well this plastic was not strong enought and those ridges weakend over a quick period of time.

I assume you're talking about the little square "tabs" on the sides of the jet that retain the jet in the housing?
It's like a three sides of a square were cut out and the end of the tab has a little ridge?

I too, constantly found that the jets would auto shut off and spin.  They replaced the jets and have replaced again.  The new jets fit tight, and I find that they dont spin as freely as they use to which is good.  I have not had a jet pop out issue yet, but every once in a while I will spin the jet while the tub is running and a jet will pop out.  Hope that this helps you a bit.


and if all else fails, arctc may say that its your fault due to poor water chemistry.  

It did occur to me.....
I'll take a half dozen of them into the dealer the next time I'm in the area.
Everytime I lift the cover now, there are 5 or 6 jets in the footwell.
I pick them up and replace them, relax in the tub for a bit till the heater&pump#1-low kick in, then a few pop out again, I try to put them back in, gets pi**ed off cuz they won't stay, then get out of the tub less relaxed than when I got in. LOL

I heard the jet housings were Waterway, so I priced out new replacement Waterway jets for the whole tub....*cough*


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2008, 09:59:10 am »
So the jets are not under warranty?
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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2008, 10:13:31 am »
So the jets are not under warranty?
Bonibelle, the Arctic warranty covers the jets.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2008, 10:14:10 am by Graybeard »


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2008, 11:25:53 am »
thought so, Tom
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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2008, 11:36:42 am »
So the jets are not under warranty?

Of course the jets are under warranty. However, depending on the dealer and even who you deal with, getting warranty coverage isn't alway's black and white.

I'm not referring specifically to Arctic, or even spas in general.
In the grand scope of warranties, reponses can range from "No problem, here's a brand new one" to something like the fiasco with the new Nissan GT-R, where the car is advertised as doing 0-60mph in 3.9 seconds, with explicit instructions in the Owner's manual on how to accomplish it. However, following those instructions and actually doing it is considered "abuse" by the factory, so there are quite a few owners out there with a brand new car with a junked transmission that costs $20k, and a warranty denied by the factory.

I have no idea how it will play out here.
I haven't spoken to my dealer since about a month after I got my tub, however he was more than helpful every time I've dealt with him, so I'll hope for the best.

I usually go into this sort of thing expecting the worse. At least then I can be pleasantly surprised.


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2008, 12:02:47 pm »
So as my husband would say...You're crying before you're hurt ;) :)
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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2008, 12:07:35 pm »
So as my husband would say...You're crying before you're hurt ;) :)

Good one.


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2008, 01:05:13 pm »
Yeah...I should know..I do it all the time. Hopefully, you won't have a problem  and your jets will all stay in place.  Good luck  ;) :)
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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2008, 01:37:57 pm »
Yeah...I should know..I do it all the time. Hopefully, you won't have a problem  and your jets will all stay in place.  Good luck  ;) :)

I'll follow up when I finally get around to visiting my dealer.
They moved a while back, so I need an excuse to check out their new digs anyway.


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2008, 02:19:10 pm »
Thanks for the reply Tom, but the part you quoted in your reply was Bosco's comment from another thread of his. I was asking him what happened, why he had to replace his jets, if it was a similar issue to mine.
Sorry, Paul.  I guess this is yours then:  

Since then, I've also noticed the jets more frequently popping out and ending up just sitting in the footwell of the spa, and I've also had the backs of the jets (the parts that inserts into the housing, as well as the back of the ring) start to peel....Also one or two have had the "x" break off that holds the rear end of the stainless pin the nozzle spins on.
Just take them in to your dealer for a replacement.  Ask if you can have the new "screw-in" jet bodies.  I'll PM you more info.


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2008, 03:41:52 pm »
Sorry, Paul.  I guess this is yours then:  

Just take them in to your dealer for a replacement.  Ask if you can have the new "screw-in" jet bodies.  I'll PM you more info.

Screw in, hunh?
The current jets just push (I hesitate to say "snap") in, and if you rotate them counter-clockwise, they "pop" out.
Funny thing, try to remove one for some reason and you can almost break your fingertips trying to get it out, then turn your back for 2 seconds when you're trying to relax and it ends up in the footwell. LOL
I'll check my PMs, but I assume the change doesn't require changing the housing in the shell?

Thanks Tom.
Would I be correct in assuming you're the former "Greybeard" I exchanged some PMs with a couple years ago?


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Re: Bosco?? jets degrading
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2008, 03:41:52 pm »


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