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Last Friday when the Stock Market was crashing aroung the world I decided it was time to purchase a hot tub I have been looking at for about a year. Â I called my dealer and ordered a Jacuzzi 365, sound system, stainless jet surrounds., dark brown cabinet and sand interior. Â The world must have found out about my purchase and my faith in the econmy as on Monday the Stock Market soared over 900 points! Â Maybe if more people bought hot tubs things wouldn,t be so bad out there! Â Â Kidding aside I need to hear from folks about the ozonator option that I have been reading about on this forum. Â Is it worth the money and what exactly does it do? Â Being new to the hot tub world any and all help is appreciated.
I hope you beat the salesman like a rented mule to get a good price on that spa. They are giving them away around here at 10% over cost at certain stores.
thats the question, even fer da less edge-ya-mah-kated  are these stores that are selling at 10% over cost really in trouble or are they actually using the economic down-turn as a starting point to try to run their competition plum out of business?
FYI - That sign above ^^ is not a "Going out OF business" sign. Â It's a Going out FOR business sign. Â Yep, it seems that the less educated among us (or just us educated ones reading it too fast) don't realize that going out FOR business is actually just a sign telling you that they want to sell you something. Â It doesn't mean the business has any intention of closing anytime soon...
I'm pretty sure that's a typo from the sign company as it makes no sense. Anyone who glanced at it quickly would see it as a "going out of business" sign just as I did.