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Author Topic: Sundance Filter Question  (Read 3440 times)


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Sundance Filter Question
« on: September 21, 2008, 11:03:20 am »
I own a 2006 Sundance Marin.  

Earlier this year, I went to my dealership to find that they pulled out of Michigan and so I found the current dealer.  The current dealer did not carry the MicroClean Filter II, which is what has been in my tub since purchase.  I bought the MicroClean Plus filter which I'm told is the replacement.  (The new dealership didn't even know anything about this filter.)

After I installed the filter, my waterfall flow decreased signatifcally which I did not attribute to the filter until I changed the water yesterday.  I tried to reinstall the 4 month old filter and got a FLO error.  Because of tring to figure out what was causing the flow error, I realized it was the cause of the decreased waterfall flow also.  Because this filter is so dense, my circulation flow has decreased.

Is this a problem?  It seems to me that my circuluation pump will now have to work harder, potentially breaking down sooner to compensate for the denser filter.  

What are your thoughts and can I still buy the MicroClean II filter anywhere?

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Sundance Filter Question
« on: September 21, 2008, 11:03:20 am »


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Re: Sundance Filter Question
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 03:05:45 pm »
I am the manager at a Michigan HotSprings Dealer.. I can direct you to the new local Sundance dealer if you would like.  Just PM me and I will give you that info. it may help depending on where you are located in Michigan.  Also I can give you info on a retro fit filter  and you can use the Nature 2 system which would be similar to what you have now. ;)
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Re: Sundance Filter Question
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 10:32:02 pm »
I am in Southern Cal, and the local Sundance dealer went out of business. I have had plenty of folks coming in with the same questions you have posed. There was a company making replacement filters for the MC II, but they just couldn't get them the right size and shape, and had some other problems which finally convinced them to give up.

Unicel does make a single filter which can replace the two filters - the pleated one and the MCII. It works great, can be cleaned in normal spa filter fashion, and will last for years. It is divided in to sections so it still has one end for the small pump and one end for the large pump.

The only problem is that I am at home right now, and I can't look up the filter number. But I do seem to be getting good results with it from the people who have tried it.

It is not cheap - I think it is around ninety bucks, or thereabouts. But you no longer have to buy the disposable filters, and if you have somebody get in covered in lotion, you can clean the filter instead of throwing it away. And it will restore the flow to your heating system and fountain. Should last you two to four years, could be more if you clean it now and then, and that will pay for itself in the small filters you don't have to buy.


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Sundance Filter Question
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2008, 10:29:27 am »
I own a 2006 Sundance Marin.  

Earlier this year, I went to my dealership to find that they pulled out of Michigan and so I found the current dealer.  The current dealer did not carry the MicroClean Filter II, which is what has been in my tub since purchase.  I bought the MicroClean Plus filter which I'm told is the replacement.  (The new dealership didn't even know anything about this filter.)

After I installed the filter, my waterfall flow decreased signatifcally which I did not attribute to the filter until I changed the water yesterday.  I tried to reinstall the 4 month old filter and got a FLO error.  Because of tring to figure out what was causing the flow error, I realized it was the cause of the decreased waterfall flow also.  Because this filter is so dense, my circulation flow has decreased.

Is this a problem?  It seems to me that my circuluation pump will now have to work harder, potentially breaking down sooner to compensate for the denser filter.  

What are your thoughts and can I still buy the MicroClean II filter anywhere?

The only difference between the Microclean+ and the Microclean II is that the + version has an extra layer of filter media instead of the mesh that the II version had.  
That said, I can almost guarantee you that the issue your having has nothing to do with your filter.  Go ahead and take the filter right out.  Under it, there should be an intake.  There should be a mesh screen on that intake.  If that is not there, then it go sucked into the circulation pump.  The pump will run, but there will be very little output.  


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Re: Sundance Filter Question
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2008, 11:59:19 am »
dptubber, yes, it can have an effect on the life of your circulation pump.  I would say it is probably one of the more common service issues.  I am in your area and have extensive knowledge of what you are dealing with.  I/O is out and gone, and AB is not well informed.  

We have been servicing SD for over 18 years.  The all pleated filter that is used to eliminate the micro-clean filter that Chas has refered to is $80.10, while the Micro clean disposable filter itself is around $15.  The pleated filter can be cleaned regularly and reused, lasting several years, while the disposable filter is disposed of causing many people to keep them in longer than they should.  The reduction in flow eventually tells you that you have a problem developing and your circulation pump is being chooked to death.  This will eventually lead to replacement as the damage inflicted is not easily reversed and can shorten it's life expectancy.

If I can be of any help, PM me with contact info.  I am local to your area.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Sundance Filter Question
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2008, 12:55:33 pm »
A brand new filter will not reduce your flow.  Your circulation pump is not working harder because of the new filter.  Something else is wrong.  

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sundance Filter Question
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2008, 12:55:33 pm »


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