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Author Topic: The Dark Side taking over...Cal Spas  (Read 27106 times)


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Re: The Dark Side taking over...Cal Spas
« Reply #60 on: September 18, 2008, 02:09:53 pm »
Congratulations Stuart, for having the hutzpah to stand tall.  

With 26 years of experience in this industry, regardless of the Brand you carry, it is the DEALER who is on the Front Line when it comes to the consumer.  Their Problems are not always the fault of the product (warranty), but it is the dealer that makes them right.  I fought the old marketing methods of CH and his team of loose liberal dealers, as well as the "rebates" of Master Spa that all had your best interest at heart only until your check cleared.

I have experienced what Stuart explains.  You can be a dealer of any uppity manufacturer, but it is still the dealer that resolves the problems.  That is what we do, and that is what Stuart does.  When your customer shops you, and you lead him to the premiere model line up of your wold famous manufacturer that tends to be sold in the upper price strata, and your customer stops you to say, HEY what about this one here with all these jets, motors, lights, etc, plus all the bling and they literally choose to purchase that one because of WHAT THEY SEE, but WAIT, I want to show you this ONE.  It is just a little more $, but it is the world's best, as a matter of fact, I will make it the same price as that one if you buy it tonight.

People buy what they want, and Stuart has been around long enough to want to give the consumer what he wants (sometines it is easier, as the old dog gets wiser).  That is what he is in business for.  HE WILL MAKE THEIR EXPERIENCE the same whether it is D-1, Marquis, Master,Cal, or any other uppity manufacturer you want to add in.  It is Stuart who puts his business on the line and it is his responsibility to make their experience both positive and memorable in order to stay in business and thrive.
Thanks buddy, hope your getting time to ride both bikes!

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Re: The Dark Side taking over...Cal Spas
« Reply #60 on: September 18, 2008, 02:09:53 pm »


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Re: The Dark Side taking over...Cal Spas
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2008, 06:36:30 am »
I'm not sure if this is in defense of Stew (like he needs that) or the other way...LOL

Because I have only been servicing tubs for 6-8 years, and we have had about 3-4 Cal dealers close by come and go. The independents get to see alot of these Cals, and there is only a couple independents in about a million mile radius it seems...duhhhhh Any way I have had the chance to see a change in Cal. I am married to a few older ones that are total pieces of crap and I am learning a few newers one that aren't that bad. Don't get me wrong they have to prove themselves yet but there seems to be some improvement being made.

Good luck Stew


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Re: The Dark Side taking over...Cal Spas
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2008, 02:00:15 pm »
How are these things doing these days?

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: The Dark Side taking over...Cal Spas
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2008, 02:07:26 pm »
How are these things doing these days?

You know, I'm not sure...It's a cool concept but I haven't got to try it out myself yet! I will let you know though ;)

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Re: The Dark Side taking over...Cal Spas
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2008, 02:07:26 pm »


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