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Ok I don't know if I missed something but if my spa dealer gave my contact info to one of his other customers I would not be very  happy.  Do all dealers do this?  Shouldn't a customer have to consent to their contact info being given out?  Like I said, I may have missed something but I would love some light shed on this topic.Thanks!Jen
Vinny and Srarsky well said.Steve I disagree on part of what you said.This is my point of view. I have been resarching spas for the past 3 months. I look to these forums for open true feed back on different manufactures spas from people who have owned them for some time. Local dealers are not going to give me a customer list that is not in there favor where their customers never having any issues or service problems, its just not going too happen. I and many other potential spa owners would agree on this. I 've read a lot of great post on here and other forums about different spas that I was cosidering. I really found what I needed to know about each spa that I thought I wanted to buy both positive and negative. It is very easy to find positive feed back, but most importantly for me is finding any negative feed back on common continuous problem(s). How the company and dealer handled the problem(s) and so on. I have found most dealers and service people on these forums too be very helpful in assisting the consumers with there problems no matter how large or small. Without these forums we as consumers would not get a clear and full insight as to how problems are handle. These forums are a invaluable tool. If I as the consumer see a pattern with a particular  spa that has on going problems year after year you can bet that I will remove that spa from my list in a N.Y. second.This is my 2 cents
So if a customer posts  I jsut got my Arctic Spa and it's the bestest tub in the world!!!!!We should all pile on and say "Heeeeeeey  wait a minute, youre just one person and an isolated case, and your satisfaction should not be any indication on the true nature of the product? Everyon just calm down with all these congratulations and stop this feeding frenzy!"Riiiiiiiiight. Â
steve i couldnt agree more, my post a few ahead, telling the guy not rule out arctic just based on a run of my bad luck.As for tom, I think that he has handled this situation very well. Â Perhaps his influence from head office down here, has caused much of the discomfort that the service department is feeling, and maybe thats why this whole expierence has become personal with them and not just the cost of doing buisness.I have said it so so many times, I love my tub, I love arctic tubs, they are so great in my honest opinion. Â A ball was dropped, and some warranty issues and service policies I do not agree with, but I still love this tub of mine.Have I mentioned that I love my arctic!!
Bosco, thank you for your honesty and your advice. Â My decision is based on much more than your situation. Â As a person in the Auto Industry, sometimes a car comes out of the factory with too many bugs, and not all dealers take care of their customers like they should. Â That is life. Â Your issue, plus my concerns over some of their warranty items, the limits of lifetime pay out, DIY requirements, and others to name a few, have led me to move in a different direction. Â My compliments to Tom for trying to take care of your situation, but what do you expect? Â One of the most popular boards on the internet, and this is one of the most active issues on that board. Â I would want this to go away also if I were Tom or Arctic.
I also think that Arctic and Tom are doing something right - listening for some underground rumblings of problems. In the few years I have been here, Arctic is the only one UNLESS the dealers that are here report back to their respective manufacturers.
Just a little side note to this, Â Bullfrog also follows web boards.Webboy who contributes to this site is Bullfrogs website designer and manager. Â He regularly follows the Internet forum boards and passes info back to Bullfrogs customer service department. Â I do agree that Arctic is going one step further in that it is Toms job.
My only gripe with Bullfrog was back when I was looking they wouldn't send me brochures, they wanted me to visit the dealer! Take that back to them!!!! Â
Vinny,  You must have done something right, now days they send you a interative DVD with all kinds of great info on Bullfrog and thier spa design software.  It really was cool  8-)