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Author Topic: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!  (Read 25314 times)


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2008, 11:43:45 am »
I never once said not to buy an arctic.  Again for the record it is a great tub.  I too, have concerns with the warranty, but im working through it as I go.  I will say that I have been pleased with the way that Tom from Arctic Spas management has helped and dealt with this,

I am impressed with the technician Norm who came out, wonderful person,

I am saying that the service department has dropped the ball in my case only!!  It will all get worked out, and lets face it, things break, just feel that I am not getting a fair shake with the people that you call to get it fixed.

I would buy another arctic spa, I love the tub man, such a good fit for me and the family.

Please understand that my frustrations with some current and past issues has jaded me a bit.  But honestly, any tub you choose will come with issues.  Maybe your local arctic dealer has a better team that will care for you needs.  Before you rule arctic out, just check into other customers ask for some refferrals.  You may go with a company that is even worse.  

So before you discard arctic, which in my opinion would be a mistake, just do a little more work.  A remember that whatever tub you get, you will have issues!!!

This will all get worked out in time, it is just dissapointing that the people that I am dealing with at the service department, have taken this as a personal attack.  

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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2008, 11:43:45 am »


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2008, 11:46:28 am »


This is Mary from the Arctic Spas Service Department. I spoke with you, bosco, this morning. I just wanted to clarify the conversation this morning and our policy for all service calls.

When you called and told me about leaving a message I had indeed checked the messages from over the weekend and at the time of your 2nd call I had not received your message that you had left on Monday morning at that time. (it has since been listened to)

When you had mentioned that there is water pooling under the cabinet again it is my responsibility to ask if you have checked the Union connections. This is to ensure that the EVERY customer is aware of the possibility of having a labour charge because Union connection leaks are not covered under the warranty. By telling me that you have checked them, again, I can pass that information on to the tech before he arrives and this info is kept in the customer’s notes for any future discrepancies about union leaks in the future.

That being said, I took your information about the noisy pump and placed the service call in cue with all other calls we have received over the weekend. You asked when we will be out and I told you that we would have someone back out as soon as possible and I explained that we do the scheduling in the late afternoon for the following day. As a call back you are in high priority to us and we should have Norm back out tomorrow or the next day depending on when he will be back in your area.

I hope this clears up any questions as to when Norm will be back out. If you require anything else or have any more questions please feel free to contact me directly.


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2008, 12:15:15 pm »
Looks like Arctic is all over this.
Inquiring minds want to know.
What is the noise and where did the water come from.

Scott  8-)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2008, 01:02:51 pm »
Appointment has been set up, and I am not going to comment on any more issues that I am having with the service department.  This was some advice that was given to me, so I will follow it.  

I hope to keep you all informed about the progress.

Take care for now


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2008, 01:18:12 pm »
Appointment has been set up, and I am not going to comment on any more issues that I am having with the service department.  This was some advice that was given to me, so I will follow it.  

I hope to keep you all informed about the progress.

Take care for now

Bosco, by not commenting on any more issues with the service department at Arctic you are doing a disservice to anyone who may be considering buying an Arctic Spa. This board was designed to help and inform not only about "progress" but also the lack of service and performance of warranties and product. My advice is to share the true story as to how it unravels.


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2008, 01:39:05 pm »
Looks like Arctic is all over this.
Scott  8-)

All over this? Huh?
With all the exposure Boscos's problems have been getting? If they were "all over it" they would bump him to the top of the list and not just "in the cue of calls from this weekend"
Bullfrog 562


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2008, 01:43:53 pm »
im leaving the personal issues that im having out, so I delted 3 of my posts as per my treatment today when I called.  This is why you see the respnse from maryc.  I have agreed to stop commenting with this respect.

But I told Tom, that I cant believe what has gone on.  I have deleted what was said on the phone, and my response to MaryC post.  I just cant believe that it took this long to get someone from the service department to respond.

I will say this, MaryC, if you would have told me on the phone what you posted here, I wouldnt have had any issue.  You and I know thats not how our conversation went down, but I will leave it for now.  

Too Tense

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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2008, 01:57:58 pm »
Appointment has been set up, and I am not going to comment on any more issues that I am having with the service department.  This was some advice that was given to me, so I will follow it.  

I hope to keep you all informed about the progress.

Take care for now

I guess Arctic Spa is no longer allowing FREEDOM OF SPEECH to continue.  I am sure that in order for you to receive any more warranty work they made it clear to stop posting the problems you are still having. This way Big Brother can control what is being said on this and any spa forum.

Do you have lemon laws.


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2008, 02:10:11 pm »
not arctic at all.  I asked for some advice, and agreed not to bicker my problems with the service department on this forum. That helps nobody here.  

I will comment on the work and the warranty, I just dont want to dignify a fight with MaryC who signed up today to address her comments to me rather than calling me.  

Everything else is fair game


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2008, 07:11:15 pm »
Tub looks so good that I want to go for a soak tonight, but.......

Soon enough, Soon enough!!!!!


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2008, 02:15:02 pm »
Ok just to update everyone,

Norm came to the house today, saidt that the brand new pump and motore were shot.  It was infact siezed and there was an issue with the electrical to it.  I dont know....

Anyways, Norm is the man, added the new 2008 yellow pump and it seems to be working like a charm, no FLO message yet, but I will keep an eye on it.  I cant tell you how nice it is to have someone like Norm representing this company.  He is a really good guy.

So fingers crossed, it is all resolved now, and hopefully the folks at the service department who I know will be reading this, will realize that this was never personal, I just dont agree with some of the practices, ie diagnosing over the phone, and giving you a warning about 100.00 an hour fee if not covered under warranty.  

I appoliogize for starting such a feeding frenzy, but far to often the little man, ie the consumer gets beaten up in the bigger picture.  I am glad that this forum exits so that i have the opportunity to fight back a little.  Perhaps next time, I may get a call and not ignored when I have an issue.

thanks again Tom, and Norm, I owe you guys.  


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2008, 02:26:11 pm »
Ok just to update everyone,

Norm came to the house today, saidt that the brand new pump and motore were shot.  It was infact siezed and there was an issue with the electrical to it.  I dont know....

Anyways, Norm is the man, added the new 2008 yellow pump and it seems to be working like a charm, no FLO message yet, but I will keep an eye on it.  I cant tell you how nice it is to have someone like Norm representing this company.  He is a really good guy.

So fingers crossed, it is all resolved now, and hopefully the folks at the service department who I know will be reading this, will realize that this was never personal, I just dont agree with some of the practices, ie diagnosing over the phone, and giving you a warning about 100.00 an hour fee if not covered under warranty.  

I appoliogize for starting such a feeding frenzy, but far to often the little man, ie the consumer gets beaten up in the bigger picture.  I am glad that this forum exits so that i have the opportunity to fight back a little.  Perhaps next time, I may get a call and not ignored when I have an issue.

thanks again Tom, and Norm, I owe you guys.  

O.K so minus this site and the thing you had to post to get their attention. Where do you think your situation would stand and be honest. My reasoning behind this question is on behalf of the tens of thousnads of people who do not know this site exists and are being treated as you were. My point is would you have been taken care of the same way had Tom not have gotten involved. Just curious.

P.S you owe them NOTHING its their job!


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2008, 03:25:55 pm »

O.K so minus this site and the thing you had to post to get their attention. Where do you think your situation would stand and be honest. My reasoning behind this question is on behalf of the tens of thousnads of people who do not know this site exists and are being treated as you were. My point is would you have been taken care of the same way had Tom not have gotten involved. Just curious.

P.S you owe them NOTHING its their job!

I agree 100%

And if  you post it here,  you'll get a negative  lable as contributing to a "feeding frenzy".  :P
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 03:49:36 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2008, 03:36:42 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2008, 03:42:10 pm »
  I would comment on this but I don't think it will help Mary in the service dept and the way this or any other situation should be handled by them.   And this situation in no way should reflect how Arctic as a company handles service calls but how the company Bosco bought his spa from does.

  Bosco as far as you go, sounds like you got taken care of.  The service tech can really make or break a company and I am sure Norm has saved the scheduler and or dealer a time or two. ;)   My advice would be the next time you have a problem??    Don't call them!   Go over there and talk to them in person, a lot of times you will get a different result if you are in front of the person rather than playing phone tag expecting a call back.

 Just a thought.

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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2008, 03:42:10 pm »


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