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You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
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Topic: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!! (Read 25313 times)
Senior Member
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You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
August 24, 2008, 03:08:44 pm »
Well I just went out to start cleaning the tub, and the pump kicks on and I can hear a loud humming then it shut off. I opened the tub cover and FLO is on the screen. then that error is back again 354.
So I open the cabinet and water is leaking from the new pump and it feels like it is 1000 degrees and smells likes it is burning in the cabinet.
The water is now dirty as well so looks like it has not been working right from the get go.
Now the screen just says HL on it and wont turn on.
Looks like I am going to have to pay for another gas charge. Oh my God!!!!!!!!!
Im going to lose it.
Tom help me out please!!!!!
Hot Tub Forum
You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
August 24, 2008, 03:08:44 pm »
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4338
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #1 on:
August 24, 2008, 04:27:53 pm »
Whatever happens, a gas charge should not apply in this case. The dealer came out and the problem wasn't fixed. I don't know how spa dealers do business but I can tell you I have had both large and small companies eat travel and additional labor charges because the tech didn't get it right the first time.
I would insist that that $20 charge not be charged! Either that or if they won't come out - pay by credit card or check and cancel either!
Too Tense
Junior Member
Posts: 37
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #2 on:
August 24, 2008, 04:58:44 pm »
Sorry to hear that. I decided too take Arctic off my short list. Going to pass on them just read too many problems with their spas breaking down. They seem to change components in their spas too often.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Junior Member
Posts: 67
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #3 on:
August 24, 2008, 05:00:11 pm »
Bosco, take a deep breath
This really sucks but I'm sure as reasonable as you have been you are going to allow them to make this right, which given the limelight that they have been in on this forum, I'm sure they will. However if that trip charge is added again on THIS problem, I'll come down there myself and picket the dealers store with you.
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Look into my eyes
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #4 on:
August 24, 2008, 05:10:04 pm »
ok finished staining the first quater of the tub and man it looks so good now. I took the bar off the side and will claen it all up and restain tomorrow.
But on to bigger issues, my tub is broken again. I had to shut the power off as it was making some really crazy noises and some funky burning smell.
So I got FLO, then 354 error several times, then HL stays on the screen.. I think but im not sure that this means air lock.
i cant press pump 1 button, the pump wont turn on. The tub looks like it tries to turn on but the motor or pump makes a high pitch sound then clicks off. I can see water dripping from the motor side, not the wet end. There is about a 1/4" of water pooling in the cabinet.
Oh yeah and when I put my hand under to touch it to see if i could feel a leak, I could not believe how very hot the motor was. I mean really hot.
So what should I expect now. Am I paying gas again and worrying if this will be covered under warranty, or will this be considered part of the call that I paid for last week?
Im keeping a level head here and I am not going to bad mouth, because they did come through for me, but I just really want this fixed.
Now before this happened last time, I got the same error code and FLO thing going on, then the pump or motor was leaking, so what is the odds of this happening again with a new pump and motor?? Is it possible that something else in the tub could be causing this issue that burns out the pump and motor and makes it leak??
Too Tense
Junior Member
Posts: 37
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #5 on:
August 24, 2008, 05:32:33 pm »
Sounds like a bearing is freezing up.
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Posts: 746
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #6 on:
August 24, 2008, 05:40:33 pm »
Bosco, I feel bad for you but really take a relaxing breath and let Tom give you a hand. I'm sure that Arctic will stand behind this. Every brand has it's day. As soon as I bragged about how great my Jacuzzi was another member had back to back issues with his. After he had a few warranty visits he was happy and we don't hear from him anymore. The great thing about this forum is after we spend some time knocking each other around the true professionals surface and help out. This too will pass or we will all rise up and crush the evil empire. OK so I got carried away. Anyway keep us posted and the best of luck to you.
Scott 8-)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470
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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #7 on:
August 24, 2008, 06:44:51 pm »
im very relaxed, im not going to let it get to me.
So just another update, I tripped the breaker and turned it back on. The FLO error and 354 registered, the strange sound started up again. but before it shut off, I pressed the pump and it turned on, everything is running, but when the pump stops it cant start up again. The water is a very slow drip off of the pump so im not over concerned here.
I hope that they can get it fixed this week as I am going to be in Disney World with the family next Monday. Fingers crossed yet again,
I will keep you posted, im going to call and leave a message with the service department so they can maybe sneak me in tomorrow.
My tub now needs a water change and a new filter forsure as it looks like the tub is filled with skim milk LOL
so ill wait until it is fireing on all four cylinders.
And if all else fails, I will beg and plead for a deal on a new tub, + trade in.
Ultimate Member
Posts: 4338
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #8 on:
August 24, 2008, 08:13:05 pm »
If it's any consolation if you're staying in Disney they have some nice tubs and they keep them clean.
Junior Member
Posts: 62
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #9 on:
August 25, 2008, 07:13:40 am »
Hi Bosco, I had a service call on my old tub with the same service crew and they came out 3 times and was only charged the 1 trip fee, they said that until the problem was fixed there was no new charges. Water probably got into the motor and has caused some damage and the error code is probably a (no motor rotation feed back error) and that is why it is very hot to the touch. Demand a brand new pump!!! Take care,
Senior Member
Posts: 1255
Look into my eyes
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #10 on:
August 25, 2008, 08:36:53 am »
pete it is a brand new pump and motor that they just put in this week. It is strange.
last night when i turned the power to the tub on, I was able to start the pump while it was making the loud noise. I pressed pump 1 on and it turned on, it seemed to work, but now I have the FLO error again and it wont start. It seems like it wont start on its own.
Who knows. The call is in, we will see what they say when they call back.
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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #11 on:
August 25, 2008, 08:43:01 am »
This is embarrasing.
07 Caldera Geneva
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Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #12 on:
August 25, 2008, 09:24:27 am »
Nope. keep posting them.
I think it's embarrasing for Arctic, not for you Boscoe. I feel you argrevation. I hope everything gets resolved proffesionaly and as quickly as possible. I think this is a great opportunity for Arctic to really show the community what they stand for and the quality of thier organization.
Tell them you will pay for one more gas charge, just make sure they bring a flat bed and a spa dolly with them.
Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 09:28:18 am by drewstar
07 Caldera Geneva
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Posts: 1255
Look into my eyes
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #13 on:
August 25, 2008, 11:18:55 am »
stained the tub, looks so good as I posted in other thread,
Heard the sound from the pump again, FLO on display so I shut it off. I just dont want to add any further damage. Should hear from them sometime this week about an appointment.
Take care and I will keep you posted.
I love that cedar skirt man, looks so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Junior Member
Posts: 41
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #14 on:
August 25, 2008, 11:36:03 am »
Should I stop posting my issues?? sorry drewster
I do not want you to stop posting your issues. I have learned quite a lot from your situation, and it has been very helpful in my search for "spatopia"... I had my concerns about Arctics warranty long ago, some items in there just dont work for me... DIY repairs not covered, Warranty repairs lifetime payout limits, and the vague wording surrounding the forever floor.
I was willing to overlook all of these items, because the dealers on here had assured me that they were non issues and that Arctic stood behind their product. My willingness to overlook these items has come to an end. So I want you to continue to post because if you had not I would have possibly made a bad decision.
I will say that in my industry, we tend to get blamed quite often for the latest problem with the car. Someone brings in their vehicle for a check brakes light, we check and suggest replacement, machine rotors, repack bearings, etc... A week later the check engine light comes on, the customer quite frequently associates this incident with the recent visit to the dealership. Sometimes bad luck comes in bunches... I am not saying that your pump is not broken, but it seems Murphy and his law jump out when its not funny...
I also hear your concern with the trip charges, and I agree that your dealer should discount those considering your recent history.
Hope all works out for you on this... Keep us informed.
Hot Tub Forum
Re: You Wouldnt believe it!!!!!
Reply #14 on:
August 25, 2008, 11:36:03 am »
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