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Author Topic: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve  (Read 8075 times)


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Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« on: September 04, 2008, 07:48:19 am »
So my Marquis dealer in Chatham Ontario went under - his service was crappy anyhow.  The new dealer is not much better.  I called then made a visit.  They aren't doing anything for me either.  My issues are small but service in Ontario stinks.  The guys in Burlington, the eastern Canada reps, have never returned my calls - ever.  I am by no means a pain in the ---, but if you are in this neck of the woods, think long and hard before buying this product.  Why am I so pissed?  A recent wind storm blew off my cover that has only two good clips - a warranty repair I requested.  Still waiting for air injector valve repairs, etc.  All minor issues but what happens when the big problems happen?


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Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« on: September 04, 2008, 07:48:19 am »


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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2008, 07:56:11 am »
I just want to clarify,  your cover had two bad clips that you had requested be repaired, then while waiting the cover got blown off?
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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2008, 02:47:31 pm »
Call the Factory 800-275-0888
I am a scientist, I convert beer, wine and whiskey into urine.


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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2008, 03:56:51 pm »
Gary, will that 800 number work for Steve in Canada?
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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2008, 06:24:41 pm »
I would call the company as suggested - Marquis seems like a great company ... I would think you wouldn't need to be a PITA once they are aware of the situation.


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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2008, 06:59:34 pm »
Who are you dealing with at Foxx?


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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2008, 07:18:56 pm »
So Cola, if my records are correct I worked between you and the manufacture to take care of your issues May of last year. I hooked you up with the national service coordinator after you felt you didn't want to work with any of the techs or the head of customer service.

He offered to help and I continued to follow up with him until neither of us heard from you again and figured you were satisfied. None of this had anything to do with your cover.

I think you told me then that you bought your spa May of 05 which means your cover is well out of warranty.

I also can't understand the volatile tone towards Marquis when the cover blew off due to wind. They didn't create the wind and if your cover clips already broke then as an owner you have some responsibility to put on a wind strap.

I'm happy to help but only if your reasonable about it and accept the terms of the warranty.

BTW, I think Marquis also agreed back then that your dealer hadn't followed through well and tried to make concession for that.

Let me know more detail and in the meantime I will look deeper into my records.


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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2008, 08:02:21 pm »
Cover warranty is three years - I contacted Gary April 19 - still with warranty
Called in Late April to find out who my new service rep was after I found out that my dealer was out of business - again probably due to his poor service
May - stop in at dealer a week after I was told they would be out in a couple of days
June - still waiting
July - still waiting
August - still waiting
September - kids are back in school and I'm still waiting
How long do I have to wait for service - I don't mind waiting a bit for minor issues but I have never had better that crappy service from any of my fellow Canucks - they just don't seem to give a crap
By the way - the US told me that my issue is with the Canadian Rep - this is the guy that has been dissing me all along.
Gary has my number - hell they all do - and I'm actually a really nice guy - I go the right route and this is what I get - So if you are in Ontario or east - think hard before you buy one of these tubs - lots of promises

« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 08:05:11 pm by cola »


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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2008, 08:48:27 pm »
So my Marquis dealer in Chatham Ontario went under - his service was crappy anyhow.  The new dealer is not much better.  I called then made a visit.  They aren't doing anything for me either.  My issues are small but service in Ontario stinks.  The guys in Burlington, the eastern Canada reps, have never returned my calls - ever.  I am by no means a pain in the ---, but if you are in this neck of the woods, think long and hard before buying this product.  Why am I so pissed?  A recent wind storm blew off my cover that has only two good clips - a warranty repair I requested.  Still waiting for air injector valve repairs, etc.  All minor issues but what happens when the big problems happen?


Cola, not to be rude but, if hale damaged your car would you expect the car manufacturer to repair it under warranty? Of course not, so explain to me why in the world your little $3 cover clips should be replaced under warranty. It was an act of nature that caused your problem. You should have gotten in your car and went and found some cover clips and sprung $40 for a wind strap. I have never in all my years had a customer not understand this. To me it makes no sense to send a service tech in a truck to come out and hand you cover clips. BTW some spa dealers do not attach cover clips when first delivering a tub claiming it ties them to safety liability. Again not to be rude but you seem a little like a pain in the --- to me. My guess that noone at Marquis even knows of your "air injector" problem. I will say this, Marquis is not my favorite spa but they do absolutely take care of every customer. I have witnessed that first hand for 15 months now. Every issue is dealt with. Now if I were you I would go to rhtubs.com and buy some cover clips and a windstrap, have Term send you some Shiner Bock get in your tub and enjoy. 8-)


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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2008, 09:53:08 pm »
Well Spaman - you think you know it all don't you?
This is from my sent items folder dated April 19, 2008

Sent: Sat 4/19/2008 6:36 AM

Hi Gary

You may remember me from last year

I have some warranty issues with my 2005 epic.  I will be contacting Creative Pools & Tanning today to get these taken care of.  My list is as follows.

Both air valves are not working properly.
Waterfall LED blue LED's are not working
One cover latch is damaged

Nothing major.

I will log my calls and let you know how the response time was

I got a call back a couple of days later
They told me that it was in the Canadian reps hands
I said no way - this guy screwed me over before
They called later to give me the new Chatham dealers name
I called - gave them the info
Gave them the serial number and mfg date
My wife got a call that they would be by in a few days
A couple of weeks later I stopped by when I was in town - 45 minutes away and talked to an older lady there.
She said they were waiting for parts - then admitted that they were not even on order yet.  I showed her what parts were at issue.
I left my cell number and house number again and nobody returns my calls

I have taken good care of the spa - performed proper maintenance - 303 on the cover etc.

My issues have been small and right from the first one that I found a week after my purchase in May 05, I have been patient - to the extent that I told them to come out after there busy pool season was over in the fall.
The bottom line is that I am not a pain in the a$$.  I am getting treated as though I am.  Let me be clear - Marquis Service in Eastern Canada is terrible - from my experience that is.
I do love this tub, the layout - the way it stays clean and clear, the fact that they don't install the bells and whistles that are more likely to break down.
Now I have already performed some of the warranty work myself - with approval of Marquis.
I would be happy to fix the other issues if they sent the parts - UPS everything prepaid - got stung with an $80.00 tax and brokerage bill last time.



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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2008, 12:35:01 am »
Cover warranty is three years - I contacted Gary April 19 - still with warranty


What exactly was wrong with the cover and did anything happen to cause the issue? Was it a broken clip? Bad seam? ...
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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2008, 07:19:03 am »
It does not matter what was wrong with the cover or any other broken warranteed part.
When I found an issue - I reported it.
I let my dealer know that I could wait until his busy seaon was over.
He never showed up.
I called back - no return calls.
I called Canadian Rep - No return calls
I had to go to the top to get results and even that was an issue until I posted here a couple of years back

This year - with a few minor issue - I tried to contact my dealer - Out of business.
I called Marquis US - they said call Canadian Rep - I said no - he does not work for me - just took my money and ran.
They found the new dealer in Chatham that was just set up but not on the site (this is a long established business BTW)
I called
I called back with requested info
I got a call that they were due out in a few days
I never got another call
Stopped in when I was in town
Told they never even ordered the parts yet - no problem - here is exactly what I need
Never heard from them again

Here I am the Jerk - eh!

I paid top dollar for a great spa with piss poor service.

Marquis US has tried to help but unless they straighten out the Ontario - Eastern Canadian rep - they are making a bad name for themselves

Thanks to everyone for being ticked at me for getting crappy service



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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2008, 10:20:21 am »
Cola wrote:

Both air valves are not working properly.
Waterfall LED blue LED's are not working
One cover latch is damaged
Nothing major.

OK.  I agree, as far as what was going on with the spa nothing major.  However, if Marquis cover warranty is the same as Hot Spring, and most others I know of, cover clips have no labor warranty.  Therefore, back when it was 1st reported, someone should have gotten Cola a cover clip.  May have prevented cover from blowing off.  May not.  Good customer service would have suggested wind straps.  May or may not have happened.

As for the other issues, again, the major issue here is lack of response.  Order the bloody parts!  Schedule the service call.  Take care of the customer.  Communicate.

This is what happens when dealers go out of business.

Good luck.
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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2008, 02:14:15 pm »
How hard would it have been to put a couple of cover clips in an envelope and mail them out to the customer.  When I had a burned out bulb my dealer who is 6o miles away sent me one in the mail


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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2008, 02:52:55 pm »
I am assuming by now you callled the factory like Gary has suggested. What did they say? I can tell you I wouldn't expect anything to be done about the cover as it is not warrantable tha the wind blew it away but they may fix the air injector problem.

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Re: Marquis warranty issues - still no resolve
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2008, 02:52:55 pm »


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