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Author Topic: Any Dynasty owners out there? Problems?  (Read 11638 times)


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Any Dynasty owners out there? Problems?
« on: September 04, 2008, 04:50:35 am »
I have had my Dynasty Neptune Poseidon for a few years now. I bought an unfilled floor model but the radio was already messed up and so was the wired controller. There have been a lot of little things that went wrong but the first major one was pump 2 stopped working a couple of months ago.

Since I registered my spa withing the seven day allowance whne I bought it, I was covered under thier 5 year parts / labor & 25 year shell warranty. To make a long story short, I called them for a warranty repair but they had no service people in the Chicago area .... period.

They asked if I could install the new pump myself and proceeded to send me a brand new one as long as I sent them the stickers off the old one no questions asked. The pump goes for $600 normally.

I also had a few of the multicolor LED's go bad but it was actually the mini control boards that corroded as water condensed and went right down the wire to the trough where the wire was at it's lowest point. This was right where the mini circuit board was on two of them. I called the company that produces the boards direct as thier name was printed on it. The guy I talked to sent me six new "quads" at no charge and overnighted them to me.

There were hard to put in as my spa is sunk into my deck about four feet on two sides but I got all the LED's back to perfect condition.

One of the diverters sprung a leak as it stress cracked but I managed to fix that problem myself with some fiberglass resin.

A few of the jets popped clean out of the housing as one of the tabs that holds it in became brittle, so I ordered up new ones with an all new design, they won't comeout at all anymore, which is good.

My spa is finally back to perfect working condition as I bought a new radio and wired controller on eBay for $50. They had no harnesses but I had the same models already so it was all plug and play. I even hooked up a cable that plugs into my iPod to charge it and it also feeds the audio back into the AUX input.

Dynasty has been great to deal with as you can call them direct for parts. Installing the new pump was a lot of work but I'm sure I know a lot more about my spa that some of thier repair people do. One of thier tech reps told me to order a new impeller for the bad pump and keep it as a backup. Sure enough, that's all it was.


My spa is more of a bling tub than a therapy spa but we bought it for parties and watching MNF with cocktails and cigars.

I would like to hear from some other Dynasty owners if you guys are out there.

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Any Dynasty owners out there? Problems?
« on: September 04, 2008, 04:50:35 am »


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Re: Any Dynasty owners out there? Problems?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2008, 07:51:19 am »
There is at least one more.  My Excalibur 4000 is just over 5 years old, so now I'm on my own.  I'm really surprised Dynasty couldn't hire someone in the Chicago area to help you, though you would have paid a trip charge.  My dealer went out of business a few years ago and it was an ugly situation with finger pointing, but the courts decided against my dealer.   I had a pump go bad and Dynasty contracted with the local Master (at the time ) dealer to fix it.   Then as you did, I had a diverter go bad (probably from people turning it with the pumps on high, which your not supposed to do, but I've never found it in the manual.  That time Dynasty contracted another guy to fix it, which he did. Each time costing me $75-100. But Dynasty did honor the parts warranty.  As you may have seen in the other thread, I have just purchased my 3rd cover in 5 years, this one I hope will outlast the tub.   My tub is definitely a therapy, low bells and whistles model.
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Re: Any Dynasty owners out there? Problems?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2008, 08:50:51 am »
There is at least one more.  My Excalibur 4000 is just over 5 years old, so now I'm on my own.  I'm really surprised Dynasty couldn't hire someone in the Chicago area to help you, though you would have paid a trip charge.  My dealer went out of business a few years ago and it was an ugly situation with finger pointing, but the courts decided against my dealer.   I had a pump go bad and Dynasty contracted with the local Master (at the time ) dealer to fix it.   Then as you did, I had a diverter go bad (probably from people turning it with the pumps on high, which your not supposed to do, but I've never found it in the manual.  That time Dynasty contracted another guy to fix it, which he did. Each time costing me $75-100. But Dynasty did honor the parts warranty.  As you may have seen in the other thread, I have just purchased my 3rd cover in 5 years, this one I hope will outlast the tub.   My tub is definitely a therapy, low bells and whistles model.
>:([glow]I had a diverter go bad (probably from people turning it with the pumps on high, which your not supposed to do, but I've never found it in the manual.  [/glow]  Is this a common thing with all spas or do the newer spas fix this issue.  Is it ideal to move the diverters with pumps on high?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 08:51:30 am by Tailhooker »


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Re: Any Dynasty owners out there? Problems?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2008, 12:07:16 pm »
I didn't know about the diverter and problems with the pump being on high, thanks for the info. What happened is the threaded collar inside the diverter started to separate at the top but on the inside, letting water get in and past the two little O-rings that go on the rotating diverter valve itself.

I tried different things like plastic weld but in the end, I mixed up a cup or so of fiberglass resin and poured it in the diverter cap while it was upside down and let it harden. It worked like a charm and has been perfect ever since.

I'll post a pic of that so you can see how easy is it to fix that problem. I am going to take out the other large diverter cap and do a pre-emptive fix on that one too.

The jets I replaced were about $27-33 each and I just bought 6 of them and a pillow for the corner / shoulder massager but my brother ripped that the first day I got the spa by sittong on the corner and sliding down into the tub ripping the part with the peg clean off. Dynasty pillows are only about $25 each.

I really didn't mind putting in the pump myself as I love to build things and take thinks apart. The funny part was they sent me a two speed pump instead of a single high speed so the big plug that goes into the main controller had the wrong pin configuration. I simply cut the plug off the old and the new pump to see what color wires were inside. They were identical so I soldered the old plug onto the new pump and prayed I wouldn't set my spa on fire after I tripped the 50 amp GCFI breaker to power the spa back on.

Sure enough, I pressed pump 2 and the water came out at full speed so I must have gotten very lucky.

Feel free to ask any questions as I know Dynasty tubs inside and out by now. :)

p.s. My cover, although much heavier than when I first got it is perfectly fine. It sits on a cover rack / shelf that is built into my deck most of the time.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 12:09:54 pm by gwstudios »


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Re: Any Dynasty owners out there? Problems?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2008, 12:21:05 pm »
One more thing about the jets. Mine are the stainless steel looking ones. They are waterways jets used by several manufacturers.  Coast is another brand that uses them. I bought a couple of jets from my local Coast dealer and between what Dynasty offered and Coast carries, I have a somewhat custom therapy tub.  Coast offers a pulsing jet in the larger size, and I have two in my tub on one side that works wonders on the back.   I also replaced the ones in the legs of the lounger with a shower head type design.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: Any Dynasty owners out there? Problems?
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2008, 04:52:50 pm »
I figured there had to be more than one spa manufacturer using these same jets. Mine have the clear face to show the color inside as every jet has an LED. I had to figure the part number out for myself as my dealer (F.I.M.) tried to order them for me once. It took three months to get them and they ordered the wrong ones.

Now I call Dynasty direct and parts come in 2 days.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Any Dynasty owners out there? Problems?
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2008, 04:52:50 pm »


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