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Author Topic: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 67933 times)


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #120 on: August 19, 2008, 04:55:08 pm »

Just ask, and ya'll shall receiveth.......


That was a fun thread with a happy ending.



I was part of that thread and it wasn't anywhere as nasty as this has gotten!

But keep it up, I believe you have a few more pages to go before you surpass that thread in length.

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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #120 on: August 19, 2008, 04:55:08 pm »


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #121 on: August 19, 2008, 04:58:35 pm »

We go through this too often; mud slinging and Kool-Aid are not brand specific around here!

There is nothing different about GoArctic's or F.M. Bill's allegiance to Arctic than there is with Jim-Jacuzzi or Term/Chas-Hot Spring or Markee-Marquis…or SpaMan-----Whichever Brand Nowadays. :D

[glow]So what's the latest news Bosco??[/glow]
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 04:59:12 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #122 on: August 19, 2008, 05:17:03 pm »
update, i have the crew coming tomorrow, Tom has been rallying in my corner and really helping me out.  I should no more by tomorrow, if worst comes to worst then I will have to pay the hourly rates to get this fixed. best case is that it is a warranty issue and they will fix it.  Fingers crossed!!!!!!

and for the rest of this enough is enough, why is everyone fighting and stealing this post???? this is my post


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #123 on: August 19, 2008, 05:18:30 pm »
Jim-Jacuzzi or Term/Chas-Hot Spring or Markee-Marquis…or SpaMan-----Whichever Brand Nowadays.

You tried to slip that last one by LOL.

Too bad Spaman isn't around much anymore. I love to needle him!!! Stuart must have him busy prepping preowned units!!
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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #124 on: August 19, 2008, 05:35:00 pm »

You tried to slip that last one by LOL.

Too bad Spaman isn't around much anymore. I love to needle him!!! Stuart must have him busy prepping preowned units!!
Are you kidding!!! You think we would give him tools?! Why ruin a good salesman!!! Actually he's pretty good at finding problems in the tradein's when we are not busy, then he tears them apart and tells me I need to fix them!


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #125 on: August 19, 2008, 06:40:42 pm »
Bosco, I was thinking the same thing. Somehow this entire thread went from being about some issues that you were having with your tub to an Arctic bashing event.

I knew Tom would come through for you but he probably had protocol to follow; some on here expected instant results. You were the only one who had to be satisfied, but it seems that some folks had a perverse need to be satisfied by soliciting responses from the Arctic guys to antagonistic statements .  None of that helped your cause! You posted when you were frustrated and angry but there is no reason for it to perpetuate. ..

I have a  question (or three), Bosco..If all of your issues were resolved to your satisfaction, would you have ever said anything at all on here?  Would you have posted that your tub had all these problems but they were taken care of? Or would you have continued to say that you loved your tub and never mentioned the problems? I guess I don't remember you talking about the other problems until this one unresolved one came up. (or did I just miss the other posts?)
In my mind, if you are taken care of and things are made right ..that's the best you can hope for.

Anyway, I have a good feeling that Bosco will be happily soaking and singing the praises of his Arctic again..And we'll all go for a nice long soak and be nice to one another again. ;D ;D
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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #126 on: August 19, 2008, 07:00:13 pm »

I have a  question (or three), Bosco..If all of your issues were resolved to your satisfaction, would you have ever said anything at all on here?  Would you have posted that your tub had all these problems but they were taken care of? Or would you have continued to say that you loved your tub and never mentioned the problems? I guess I don't remember you talking about the other problems until this one unresolved one came up. (or did I just miss the other posts?)
In my mind, if you are taken care of and things are made right ..that's the best you can hope for.

Those are great points.

If a customer gets a spa, almost immediately has an issue but gets prompt, thorough, hassle-free service he may be so impressed with the way it’s handled that he recommends the spa/dealer/manufacturer even MORE than another customer who never has an issue (which may seem counterintuitive but is often true).

Quality and Service go hand in hand. I know one spa manufacturer has gotten a bad name with many over the years for Quality and lack of prompt, thorough, hassle free service. How much better would their reputation be if their quality was unchanged but they provided great service?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 07:07:10 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #127 on: August 19, 2008, 08:06:45 pm »
Do you remember the conversation a few years ago at a homeshow I posted that I had with a customer (M=me C=customer)

C: "We have a 6 year old CalSpa"
M: "Oh really? How is it holding up"  
C: "Great, never had a bit of trouble with it!"
M: "Really? Say, have you had your pump seals checked?"
C: "Oh we replaced both pumps twice"
M: "...but never a bit of problem?"
C: "Nope been great! New heater really works well!"
M: "You had to put a new heater in?"
C: "Yeah, they replace that every once in awhile along with the circulation pump."  
M: "Wow, I'm glad it's held up so well...."
C: "Yeah, we might be talking to you in a couple of years though...I just noticed some little cracks in the shell"
M "hmmmm, but it's held up for you good?!"
C: "YEP!"

I just shook my head as they walked away thinking that  they've probably yelled at their dealer but wouldn't admit to a stranger that there might have been a flaw in their choice.

Honestly, I love my Marquis and we replaced it because of micro crazing cracks....Marquis has never once denied or even argued about a warrenty repair or replacement. They've even taken care of customers that where just out of warranty and didn't call until they got back from vacation.

All spas can have problems, we don't here about those problems on this forum unless it's not handled or handled incorrectly.


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #128 on: August 19, 2008, 11:44:01 pm »
i would think that it was the totality of the situation for me personally.  I have had issues and hickups along the way but minor enough to let stuff go.  Then over the past year, some bigger issues that I felt were left on deaf ears.  Now something big, and I felt misinformed by my sales guy and feel that the warranty and service department let me down.

So if all gets fixed, I will be happy again.  I have a bitter taste in my mouth from all the things that have happened and not happened.  As a result, I will do what i have done, explain that i love my tub, arctic is a great product, but I will express to potential buyers to really learn about the dealer and service before buying.

Also I will warn potential buyers about the sub par warranty.  I will tell them about Tom and all of his hard work when he is not getting mad at me ;)  Hope this helps a bit bonnibelle.


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #129 on: August 20, 2008, 07:40:42 am »
Bosco, I didn't mean that your anger shouldn't "perpetuate", I mean some of the comments from all of us on the forum. You seem like a very forgiving guy..you just want things to be right (as they should be).  ;)
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Mike Blute

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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #130 on: August 20, 2008, 08:19:49 am »

Arctic Bashing?

What's become of this place? Honestly.

An Arctic customer posts that for over 2 years he has had unresolved issues with his tub.  He is now forced to bring it to the boards because his service department is unresponsive.

I don't care what brand of tub it is. From a consumer's standpoint that's unacceptable.  Aboslutely unacceptable. let the chips fall were they may.  It's well past the point of a slip up. This is poor customer service that is only getting resolved becasue of the negative attention. That's the truth.

Arctic bashing? Why because  one dealer tried to distance Arctic from the dealer and I pointed out that from a consumers standpoint, they're one in the same?

Arctic Bashing? Why? Because in the middle of a serious issue an Artic Dealer attempts to turn this into self promotion and I remind him that it could come across the wrong way?

Arctic Bashing, becuase Arctic dealers say if it was Hotsprings it would be different?
Yet when an actual thread showing How HOtspigns handled a similiar situation it proved the Arctic dealer wrong?

Arctic Bashing because Arctic dealers post derogatory pictures?

This thread could have gone in any number of directions, but each time a potential negative issue about Arctic came up, the Arctic dealers got defensive and rather than fix the issue, they got nasty, and  why, but it alsways it happens, they start bringing in Hotsprings.  

For some of you   dealers,  it comes across as sour grapes or maybe HS envy.

Anhyhow, I don't represent any hot tub company other than the now defuct Pehonix rebrander from CO. If folks think there was unjustified Arctic bashing brought on for no good reason, then I respectufly disagree with you. But bashing? That sounds like whinning.

Let's call a spade a spade and Arctic needs to get on top of this, if that's a negative against Arctic, too bad,  Fix it Arctic and  make it into a huge win, but don't post here and cry foul for you own mistakes and start crying about  "bashing".  This post could have been, (and still could be) A huge Pro Arctic thread, but it looks to me like they are playing a small defensive game here and I resent the charges of bashing.  

« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 08:32:44 am by William_Baily »


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #131 on: August 20, 2008, 08:37:13 am »
Ok, I will retract my bashing statement...but some of the comments were made to create caustic reactions..and that's what happened.
I was glad that you brought up the Hot Springs thread because I thought of the same thread and how it was finally resolved. If you recall that didn't happen over night. And I believe that intervention from some of the wonderful HS guys on here had much to do with that!

Bosco is going to get this resolved. He will be happy with everything about his tub again. We all realize that at some point we will have to pay for out of warranty things. It is prudent that eveyone understand their warranty as it is written, not as a sales person presents it. They may not present it with intentional misinformation, instead they may not totally understand the warranty themselves.

To continuously remind Bosco that this is totally unacceptable doesn't help anything..The wheels are turning. Through Tom and this experience, Arctic may revisit the way it presents warranty information and perhaps even revise warranties. The dealer has been publicly challenged on their sales tactics and definately embarrassed about customer service. Something positive may come from all that. Sometimes it takes complaints like this to move companies forward to change things.

And my final comment, Mr. Mike..if your GMC vehicle broke down and your GMC dealer wouldn't honor what you thought was the warranty and repair it to your satisfaction...do you think he would care that Ford repaired $500000000 vehicles last year? NOPE, he doesn't care. So how Hot Springs handled a situation doesn't help Bosco. :) ;)
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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #132 on: August 20, 2008, 08:49:15 am »
And my final comment, Mr. Mike..if your GMC vehicle broke down and your GMC dealer wouldn't honor what you thought was the warranty and repair it to your satisfaction...do you think he would care that Ford repaired $500000000 vehicles last year? NOPE, he doesn't care. So how Hot Springs handled a situation doesn't help Bosco. :) ;)

It does if the GMC Generall Manager is reading the thread.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 08:49:49 am by William_Baily »


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #133 on: August 20, 2008, 08:57:56 am »
As Tom has stated a few times ALREADY he is getting it taken care of.  So, their is really nothing we as Arctic dealers can do but sit and watch.  Im not going to let someone call me out as a cheerleader or a moran on a public forum though!

I am very confident in this all getting handled and Bosco will in turn see that Arctics warranty is valuable.  The disclaimers in Arctics warranty are no different than any other spa manufacturers warranties.

Like the mod just said, it took some time for HS to get their issue resolved that was pointed out yesterday.

ps no envy here for the HS guys.  Im plenty proud of the product line that I buy and sell!


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #134 on: August 20, 2008, 09:46:16 am »
Now could all you cheerleaders please start cheering for the
Philadelphia Eagles....it goes like this:

Fly Eagles Fly..on the road to victory...
Fly Eagles Fly...make a touchdown one two three..

Hit 'em low, hit 'em high
as we watch our Eagles Fly...

Fly Eagles Fly.. ;D ;D
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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #134 on: August 20, 2008, 09:46:16 am »


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