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Author Topic: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 67917 times)


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It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:09:32 pm »
well the breaker tripped today and I could not figure it out.  So I opened the tub and boom, 6" of water sitting in the bottom cabinet.  $%&*    %*&#  @#$( #$%*.   Now that this is out of my system.

I am so upset as I called the arctic spa service department 2 weeks ago and told them about my tub shutting off.  The girl on the phone told me to try a couple of things and the tub turned on.  I was also told not a warranty issue with power!  did not know that one.

Anyways here we are a few weeks later with an aparent slow leak issue.  now the tub will not turn on, thank god so my house doesnt burn down.  But now I need to find the leak.  Should this not be a warranty issue??? Im lost here, as to what is actually covered under warranty.

And Tom I know that you will see this and I am glad.  I am very dissapointed in the service warranty of this product.  I have been burned before by Arctic and you were looking into it and then nothing happened.  I keep getting the same song and dance..... not a warranty issue.  

So do I drain the tub, or wait for the service guy to come and try and find the leak?  How do you all recommend me getting the water out of the bottom?  And finally, am I going to be getting covered under warranty?

Oh and hello to everyone, I havent been here in so long, good to be back but for all the wrong reasons.

If this is not covered by warranty so help me God, I will ensure that anyone every interested in this company heres about the service and the strength of the warranty.

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It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:09:32 pm »


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 11:14:08 pm »
I found this in their warranty...hope it helps:

*Please note that union connection leaks are considered to be user serviceable and are expressly excluded from the Limited Warranty. Damage resulting from union
connection leaks are expressly excluded from the Limited Warranty. There will be no charge for on site labour to the customer for a period of five years from the date of original delivery- specifically equipment, plumbing, shell surfaces or shell structure against malfunctions due to any defect in the material and workmanship within the Limited Warranty.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 07:56:55 am »
tex whats up buddy long time no see.  Hope all is well with you and family.

I think that it is one of the jet housing that has the leak.  I am not 100% sure but thats what it looks like.  So I am calling today to see whats up.

Should I drain now or leave it for the tech to see to help find the leak


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 08:16:27 am »
Good News...............Bad News

So looks like I should be covered under warranty, yeah


wait for it, wait for it... Arctic spas has decided that due to rising fuel costs they have now implemented a 20.00 fuel charge for coming to your house.

How can they get away with that.  When I was buying the tub my warranty was explained differently to me and I was told that it was free service calls.  so the person on the phone said there is something in the small print that says that they can add fuel charges if required.  Guess what, I have read my manual and warrantly front to back back to front and it is not there.  It may be there now, which I understand but why did they just change it and not grandfather it in.  

Oh not to mention, I live around the corner from my arctic spa store.  20.00 seems a little much, considering I can see their sign from my front door.  Arctic spas im amazed yet again!!!!


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 10:07:13 am »
Ok update

I took out the shopvac and sucked up the water inside the cabinet.  I reset the GFI and the tub started, I put down those oarnge clothes that suck up a billion gallons of water to dry it all up.  Arctic called back and said that if it was the clamp that connects to the pump then they charge me 100.00 to repair or tighten it.  If anything else, then they come and fix it for free.

Now two weeks ago, I got an error FLO then some error 354 or 360 cant remember.  My tub was shut down and wouldnt start then suddenly began.  The service department said that they never heard of that error code and I shouldnt worry about it if the tub was running again.

Now FLO means air in the lines I believe, but the number I dont know.

So I have now ensured that the clamps or whatever they are called that connect the hose to the pump are all tight.  I cant even turn them to make them tighter.  I have put a plastic container under the main clamp to see if it fills with water.

Now lately we have had a crazy amount of rain, Is it possible that rain could have flooded it somewhere?? Like if the rain was smashing against the tub, could it drip into the cabinet doors on the arctic?  Maybe this filled the bottom.  When I say rain, Im talking 5 days a week heavy rain?

I just dont want to spend the 100.00 for them to tell me that I could have tightened the clamps more or that nothing is wrong with the tub.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh so frustrating


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2008, 10:14:42 am »
Right from the Artic warranty:

"Your limited warranty does not include repair travel
mileage or for shipping cost assessed by your Factory Authorized Dealer or service agents."

This is written in their warranty you should have no problem with paying the $20 trip charge, you agreed to the terms of the warranty when you purchased the spa.

I am a scientist, I convert beer, wine and whiskey into urine.


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2008, 11:08:21 am »
Right from the Artic warranty:

"Your limited warranty does not include repair travel
mileage or for shipping cost assessed by your Factory Authorized Dealer or service agents."

This is written in their warranty you should have no problem with paying the $20 trip charge, you agreed to the terms of the warranty when you purchased the spa.



I am sure you are quoting from current warranty.  Bosco says he cannot find it in his and is questioning them applying it retroactively.

If it is in his, to me, $20 is a nominal fee.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.

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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2008, 11:21:00 am »

Sorry to hear that you are getting frustrated. I can assure you though that Arctic Spas does stand behind their warranty. Under Arctic’s warranty, they don’t pay dealers to go out and tighten a loose pump union(which doesn’t happen very often.) But, often times, dealers will fix that if that was the problem at no charge to the customer, but that is up to the dealer. I have driven two hours one way before to tighten a union for a customer at no cost to the customer, but that just depends on the dealer. It sounds like you double checked your union as you said it super tight, so you should be fine. If you notice any other water inside of your cabinet, I would call your dealer to get it looked at.

As far as the water goes, did you notice a large amount of water missing from inside the tub. That will tell you if it was a leak or not?

I know that you are frustrated too about the $20 gas surcharge. Again, that is not a Arctic Spas policy, but dealer discretion. We have never, and still don’t with todays fuel prices charge gas surcharges. But, with todays costs, many dealers, even dealers that sell other brands do charge fees to come out, even under warranty. Many dealers charge 40-50 dollars to come out.

For example, I just had a local heating and air company come out to look at how my vents were located throughout the house to see how hard it would to add a vent to a room. I was charged 125 dollars and they were only there fifteen minutes. On the bill, it said that $25 charge was for a gas surcharge. I think that it is just becoming common practice in todays times.

Hang in there. I assure you that if there is a problem, your dealer will get you fixed. Unfortunately, problems can arise from time to time on any spa of any brand, but that is why you are protected with a warranty. Let me know if you have any questions.
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2008, 11:37:12 am »
20.00 is nothing a drop in the bucket, it is principal to me my friend.  When you buy an arctic they promise nothing but the best.  When I purchased the tub they said that it was free, even if it is in the warranty, to me thats bull Shat, considering they are around the corner from my house.  I think it would cost at most .25 cents.  

Anyways, now that I have your attention Tom, this warranty sucks.  You know it and I know it.  I have contacted arctic several times

1 brand new tub delivered DAMAGED, i was told that the cedar was damaged due to a train derailment and that they would replace the cedar piece.    BULL SHAT no replacement, instead a guy came and sanded that piece and restained it.  Looks like crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 a month old the pump went for a dive, service guy comes out, replaces the pump, not with the new pumps that you all went with but with the older one.  Great service....but leaves all the water under the compartment.

3 I ask a question about this forever floor that keeps rodents out.  Why did I have a bunch of mice in my shell living the warm winter, because the forever floor failed me.  Why you ask, because the guys that installed my tub drilled a hole to big for the wire, and left the bottom exposed, and the service department says, not a warranty issue.

4 Loud vibration coming from the pump area.  Not a warranty issue, must pay the 100.00 hourly fee to assess it.  So I get in there and find the ground wire poorly installed when the service department set up the wiring to the tub. they wrapped it and bent it into place rather than cutting it properly.  

5 30 of my 33 jets now replaced as they have all needed replacement.  Arctic says in the warranty that if we change anything on our own it will void warranty.  So if the jet housing goes for a dive now, does that mean I am not covered because I put new jets in???

6  Two weeks ago, I call with concerns about error messages.  I am told that they have no idea what it could mean but if the problem persists than call us back.  We could come and check it out, but it will cost you.

7 My tub is flooded in the cabinet.  Im told that if service comes, you pay gas fee for them to go around the corner to your house for 20.00.  Then im told to go out there and tighten all the clamps or else I pay 100.00 if that was the problem.  If it is anything else then they will pay for it.  So I might as well be a hotub repair man as they dont want to come out unless they have to.

Tom, arctic is slipping as far as I am concerned.  You were helping me out last year and then you send me a quick PM saying, cant help you deal with your local service department.  If these sound like things that I have caused then I take responsibility for my actions, but I didnt inflict any of these issues upon my hottub.

I should have backed out of the deal when they told me my tub was running late, because of a train derailment.  Honestly, why have a bloody warranty if it does nothing for you.  The arctic warranty that was explained to me is so much different than what I am now under the understanding of.


Nothing personal Tom I love my tub, I really do.  But a large part of my spa purchasing decision came down to warranty.  I was clearly mislead and misguided about the warranty.  Maybe I got to wrapped up with 5 sales guys standing on the lid, I dont know.


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2008, 11:58:44 am »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

Water Boy

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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2008, 12:16:18 pm »

This isn't Tom. I am a dealer for Arctic Spas. I am angered to hear the problems that you are having.  Again, I can say with confidence that Arctic Spas stands behind their warranty. It comes with a solid warranty. Unfortunately, it sounds like you have more off a dealer issue, and not a warranty or Arctic Spas issue. It was your dealer that drilled too big of a hole. It was your dealer that doesn’t know how to properly diagnosis your error codes. It is your dealer that is charging you to come look at your spa within the warranty when you live close by, not Arctic Spas. Now, this doesnt make any of your wrongs a right, but this is is a dealer issue, and not really with Arctic Spas warranty as a whole issue. I know some of the issues you listed were not caused by the dealer, but it sounds like they were fixed. I would encourage you to go see the store owner, and tell him all the issues you are currently having, and make sure that they get resolved ASAP. Let him know that you were told you wouldn’t be charged to look at the spa within the warranty.

I wish that I personally could help you out. But, please realize that most of the things you listed have to do with a bad dealer and not a bad warranty. Unfortunately somtimes no matter what the brand is, there are going to be a few bad dealers out there that can make things hard for the customer. You can reshearch this forum, and any other for that mattter and see horror stories from owners of just about any brand, and most of the time they all have one common theme, a bad dealer. That is why many people will say on this forum that the dealer is just as important as the quality of the spa.
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2008, 12:16:35 pm »
Wow Bosco, I didn't realize you had that many problems with the spa. I was under the impression that you were 100% satisfied except for this last post which I couldn't understand why you were so upset.

Since you were treated this way by the local dealer or Arctic itself - I agree with what you are saying 100%. I know I only come out to lend "support" when I hear bad news but I personally believe that customer support after the sale is more important than what was said before the sale.

It absolutely SUCKS when we are mislead into a decision. I can overcome a $50 item but when you spend 1,000's it's a different story.

I made my desion on tub selection partly on what my dealer said to me and I think a lot of people make decisions because of what was "sold" to them.

I would do the same thing you're doing - tell everyone to stay away form your brand and dealer. I know that you're one person that is getting a bad treatment from your local dealer/Arctic but it a true and real experience. MAybe send a letter to a local paper about how bad your experience has been ... if you do that maybe send a copy to the dealer and Arctic itself!

Hey, good luck! And remember - electricity and water doesn't mix - maybe tazer the owner when he's in a tub! Just kidding of course!  ;) ;D


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2008, 12:29:07 pm »
kimbo, i know that you are not tom.  never thought that, but i know he has or will read this.  Dealer issue sure, but the dealership and service my friend are the soldiers of the company.  So the way that I look at it, it is an arctic spa issue.

Friend, I have been a member for a very long time, and I know the other brands and problems.  But that doesnt matter much to me, as this is my personal expierence.  I appreciate you kindness and words but that doesnt make things better.

Years ago, this site had issues with the sales pitches that arctic had, and I was a defender saying that it is not that bad.  I am so discouraged, and I feel that everyone should no.

Vinny my main man, I missed you bro.  How have you been?  Life has been crazy on my neck of the woods.  My work has changed, still in the same line, different office now.  But love it.  Hope to stick around, just lost track of this forum.  Will come back as long as  I dont get banned for all my rant.


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2008, 01:20:59 pm »
And Tom I know that you will see this and I am glad.  I am very dissapointed in the service warranty of this product.  I have been burned before by Arctic and you were looking into it and then nothing happened.
Hi, Ryan.  Welcome back!  I am sorry to hear of your problems. Yes, I remember about a year ago you had some issues and I thought we had resolved them as best we could.  I reviewed your last 50 posts here, and they are universally upbeat and positive in regard to your spa (on 30 Oct 2007 for example you said, "with the new line of jets under warranty, I have had no issues.").    

A few quick points.
  • Changes to our warranty are not retroactive.  The certificate in your owner manual is the one that is in effect for the full duration of your warranty.  If you have lost or mislaid the manual, please download it http://www.arcticspas.com/downloads/document_library/OwnersManual_2004_NA_English.pdf (to the best of my knowledge, the 2004 and 2005 warranties were identical, but I will check to be sure).  You'll note that the part about travel charges was there in 2004.  If your dealer made other arrangements, it should be written in your sales agreement.
  • Your dealership group has a new service manager, so let me bring him up to speed and see what can be done.  More later.
  • In part as a result of issues raised on this and other forums, we have reorganized two departments and revised our procedure for handling customer issues.  Although we still have some ways to go, the new system appears to be working more effectively than the old.  
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 02:56:12 pm by Graybeard »


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2008, 02:35:43 pm »
Hi Bosco, I'm very disappointed with the way you are being treated and to think I just upgraded to a true Arctic spa, probably from the same dealer you are talking about. But that being said, just a thought, what about one of your o-rings, maybe they have broken down and are leaking??? I know when my tub arrived the installers handed me bag of new ones to change when needed. Just a thought!!! Keep us updated because I would like to know what happens if I need service down the road.


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Re: It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2008, 02:35:43 pm »


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