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Author Topic: yellowing diverters  (Read 5208 times)


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yellowing diverters
« on: August 24, 2008, 11:24:37 am »
Has anyone had this? My large diverters are yellowing. What might be causing this? Can it be fixed?

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yellowing diverters
« on: August 24, 2008, 11:24:37 am »


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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 11:25:42 am »
Should be covered under warranty.
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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2008, 12:04:47 pm »
Not trusting warranty service for minor stuff anymore. My spa-glo lighting, that is supposed to be able to be set to come on at the same time every day has been replaced twice and still doesn't work. (The lights work, just not the automatic feature)

My front panels came in dented, the first replacement which took 2 months came in unpainted, the second, two months later was the wrong panel, and the 3rd, 2 months later had unpainted edges (we just took that and gave up, not sure which is worse, the dents or unpainted edges)

I was hoping there just might be a way to clean them or stop further yellowing, and if this is something others have had. They look kind of tannish instead of grey now.

Hillbilly Hot Tub

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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2008, 11:05:07 am »
Ozone and water chemistry can cause this, or Baqa if you are using that. Keep you PH in check, make sure the sanitizer level does not get to high, after shocking leave cover open with jets on for 5 or 10 minutes so it can gass off.

If you have any iron in the water, or other metals it can also affect the plastics. How old is the tub?
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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2008, 11:16:37 am »
Your issues are troubling.  You have a synthetic skirt.  Should not need painting.

I suggest you PM James and see if there is any advice he can give you.  He has been with Caldera a long time, both before and after Watkins' purchase.

Even though you had bad luck with service on your 2 previous issues, knob replacement should be easy. ;)  We hope. ;)
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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2008, 11:27:04 am »
The diverters could be chemical damage however...we seen a few on the D1's and the Elite that turned kind of a yellow.

Can you post pictures on it so we can see...I'm also interested in the "unpainted skirt", it shouldn't be painted. Snap shot of that and let us see.


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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2008, 12:36:25 pm »
Has anyone had this? My large diverters are yellowing. What might be causing this? Can it be fixed?

Hmm. The divertiers on my 07 Geneva have discolored. I belive it may have something to do with the Ozinator.

have you talked to your dealer about this? I am curios if this is covered under warrenty.?
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2008, 01:01:31 pm »
I guess I'd have to see a pic of it, but have you tried the Mr Clean's Magic Eraser?  It gets the yellowing off of our platinum shell, right where the ozone comes out.  I guess it'd be worth a try....


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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2008, 01:36:26 pm »
U.V. fading, no Geloy in them to protect them. It is an easy way to save money on the manufacturing end and the consumer will not notice it for quite some time.
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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2008, 02:21:57 pm »
I'll get the pictures up soon. In the meantime to answer a few questions...I got the Tub this past December 1st. It is in a screened patio, and I don't use it that often, I keep the temperature around 98 because I have kids and we are in Florida. I keep an umbrella over it, but the worst knob is the one that we can't block as much from the sun when we are in during the day, or the cover is open for maintenance.

As far as the panels go. The first panel came in with no paint at all on it. The second was grey and the wrong panel (my hot tub is redwood color) The third was the right ones except where they bevel the wood on the side of the fake panels of wood...those edges were like raw plastic. Kind of hard to explain, but we got touch-up paint and fixed that. Also the inside wood liner of the skirt hangs below the outside and that is unpainted. PLUS the panels come in with no holes, and the warrantee guys use different screws on the panels (they switch all the front ones) and it looks G-d-awful.

I am going to try the magic eraser. My PH does tend to run low, and my alk high. Not sure how to fix that, but that is in a different thread. I use metal-gone upon filling, dichlor, and mps shocks. I also have a natures II and ozonater.

The reason you really notice the color is because the small air diverters right next to the big ones are still grey. They used to match. Also the top of one of my buttons is gone.....the little label that says light on my rear controls, now I have a naked button.  ;) :'(

Will post pics later today.

Hillbilly Hot Tub

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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2008, 02:54:51 pm »
Geloy in the control valves? They are made from ABS plastic which the natural color is yellow. The PH running low will bleed the grey color out along with ozone, the jets/valves/pillows above water will show this more quickly. Sunlight also does it.

That being said, it still sounds like a lot of fade, along with other issues in 9 months. I would push your dealer. Quality tub should come with a quality warranty and a dealer to back it, that does not always happen though. Bad dealers seem to be coming out of the woodwork!

Do you use baking soda to raise you PH? If you do, this may be part of the issue. Baking soda with raise the PH slighly, but also raises the ALK. PH up will raise the PH better and not raise the ALK quite as much. one tenth on the PH is 100 times too acid, so if you have 7.3 for a reading and 7.5 is the target, your tub is 200 times more acidic than it should be. Tubs is the 6's will do damage very quickly. I have learned that Nature2 tends to run a higher ALK anyway also, work at keeping PH in check.

Clearwater Spa Dealer, Great Lakes Spa Dealer, Helo and Almost Heaven Saunas. Authorized service center for several spa lines, CPO. APSP member. Good old fashioned New England service!


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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2008, 04:32:15 pm »
On the PH topic.....My strips read the alk is fine even on the low side....PH very low. But my taylor kit had a weird thing. After I put the first 2 chemicals in to test my ALK, the test was already pink, before I even added a drop of the 3rd agent!!! Can my alk be that off? Is it super high or low?

Maybe time to drain.......

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Re: yellowing diverters
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2008, 04:32:15 pm »


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