#1 - I'm paying too much for dichlor. I'm getting 2 lbs for about $20. N2 for $22. I need to start ordering dichlor in bulk size from rhtubs.
#2 - Maybe my husband had a huge party while I was gone.

I drilled the kids, and they said NOBODY was in the hot tub. Maybe I need to have Termie set me up with webcams to monitor activity while I'm gone?!?!

#3 - Maybe my ozonator isn't working? I saw bubbles coming from the outlet this morning. Not sure if that's a sign of it working or not.
#4 - I dumped and refilled the tub Wednesday morning. Added metal-gone & dichlor. Sat in the tub Wed night. Added dichlor after we soaked. Also added 2 tsps dichlor this morning. That usually bring dichlor level up to 5ppm. I will add the N2 cartridge tonight.