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Author Topic: Sold on the N2 cartridge!  (Read 5485 times)


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Re: Sold on the N2 cartridge!
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2008, 01:29:49 pm »
I agree...my dichlor usage is much less with the N2 cartridge.  Which helps justify the cost of the N2 cartridge.  I thought of that this morning as I was dumping in dichlor to keep the water clear til I add the cartridge tonight or tomorrow.  It may vary between people according to the chemistry of their water, but for those of you who haven't tried the mineral cartridge, I would suggest trying it next time you refill to see if you notice a difference!

At $25  a stick that's equal to the cost of 5lbs of dichlor.  with 4 or 5 water change outs a year,  the cost of the N2 is well over $100. N2 is not a cost saver.  

Something is not right. I'll go back to the first post. Water should not cloud up after 4 days of non use IF you have a circ pump and ozinator.  You changed the water last night, correct?  and you are dumping dichlor in it until you get the cartrdige tonight? did you use the tub today?  How much dichlor did you use?  Do you take readings for the chlorinre after adding dichlor?

07 Caldera Geneva

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sold on the N2 cartridge!
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2008, 01:29:49 pm »


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Re: Sold on the N2 cartridge!
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2008, 02:28:12 pm »
#1 - I'm paying too much for dichlor.   I'm getting 2 lbs for about $20.  N2 for $22.   I need to start ordering dichlor in bulk size from rhtubs.

#2 - Maybe my husband had a huge party while I was gone.  >:(  I drilled the kids, and they said NOBODY was in the hot tub.   Maybe I need to have Termie set me up with webcams to monitor activity while I'm gone?!?!   ::)

#3 - Maybe my ozonator isn't working?  I saw bubbles coming from the outlet this morning.  Not sure if that's a sign of it working or not.

#4 - I dumped and refilled the tub Wednesday morning.  Added metal-gone & dichlor.  Sat in the tub Wed night.  Added dichlor after we soaked.  Also added 2 tsps dichlor this morning.  That usually bring dichlor level up to 5ppm.  I will add the N2 cartridge tonight.


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Re: Sold on the N2 cartridge!
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2008, 02:38:08 pm »

#3 - Maybe my ozonator isn't working?  I saw bubbles coming from the outlet this morning.  Not sure if that's a sign of it working or not.

My thought as well. One reason I'm a fan of ozonators is because I've seen many people all of a sudden have problems with their water only to find out the ozonator stopped working (bad unit, bad check valve, kinked hose, etc.). The bubbles only mean the check valve and plumbing are fine. Open the door and listen next to the ozonator to see if you hear it "buzzing" and if its a UV type make sure its illuminating.
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Re: Sold on the N2 cartridge!
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2008, 02:48:55 pm »
#1 - I'm paying too much for dichlor.   I'm getting 2 lbs for about $20.  N2 for $22.   I need to start ordering dichlor in bulk size from rhtubs.

#2 - Maybe my husband had a huge party while I was gone.  >:(  I drilled the kids, and they said NOBODY was in the hot tub.   Maybe I need to have Termie set me up with webcams to monitor activity while I'm gone?!?!   ::)

#3 - Maybe my ozonator isn't working?  I saw bubbles coming from the outlet this morning.  Not sure if that's a sign of it working or not.

#4 - I dumped and refilled the tub Wednesday morning.  Added metal-gone & dichlor.  Sat in the tub Wed night.  Added dichlor after we soaked.  Also added 2 tsps dichlor this morning.  That usually bring dichlor level up to 5ppm.  I will add the N2 cartridge tonight.

Do you have your tub set to a summer (economy) Mode?  I did that once and my water quality went to Sh!t in a day.

What works for me is I add   just add enough dichlor to reach 5 PPM after I soak. Then leave it alone until the next time I soak. IF that's an extended period of time (7 - 10 days) then maybe I'll toss in a "safety dose" of dichlor. If the tub is getting regular use, then I don't worry about it at all.  I shock after 10 people uses.   (10  single times of use, or 5 two people uses, or imediately after a party. ).

I typically don't have suits in my hot tub and try to rinse my filters very well, and don't go overboard on additional chems. Maybe a shot of Defender now and again.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 02:52:33 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sold on the N2 cartridge!
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2008, 02:48:55 pm »


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