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Thank you for the post. I have already ordered my first replacement N2. With it out of sight and out of mind I never knew for sure if it made a difference.Thanks,Scott 8-)
My basic chemical regimin is dichlor after each soak, shocking with MPS (sometimes dichlor) every couple of weeks, and installing a N2 cartridge a couple days after adding Metal-Gone to new water (Oh..and we have an ozonator as well). This last fill up, I didn't add the N2 stick, as I was leaving for Seattle for 4 days. Just figured I'd add it when I got back. Told my hubby to add (pre-measured) dichlor after each use. Well, because it was so flippin' hot in Nebraska while I was gone, he never soaked, so didn't add any dichlor. When I got home, you couldn't even see the bottom of my tub because the water was so cloudy. I tried for several days to get the water clear to no avail. That would not have happened with the N2 stick. I've gone 4 days without adding dichlor and have not had any clarity issues like that. I dumped and refilled yesterday, added the Metal-Gone, and will be installing the N2 tomorrow! In the meantime, I will have to monitor the dichlor very closely. But I'm definitely SOLD on the N2. It is worth every penny, in my opinion, and will continue to be part of my chemical regimen. renee
4 days, no one used the tub and it was cloudy? I don't use N2 and I can leave my tub for weeks and it remains crystal clear. I have an ozinator and dose with dichlor after each use. during the summer months the tub gets little use and every other week I may toss in some dichlor if it hasn't seen any use.Some peoples water must be different than others, and in ways that are not measured by the standard test strips. I honestly cannot understand the huge gap in people's experince with the N2 stick.??
Our salesman gave us five N2 cartridges after purchase! We're set for awhile. 8-)I know you change them on a pre-determined interval but can you tell if it is no longer working before the expected date?