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Author Topic: Hot Spring Experts---Need More Help!!  (Read 2415 times)


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Hot Spring Experts---Need More Help!!
« on: August 04, 2008, 09:57:00 pm »
Wow.  I thought picking a tub would be hard.  Now that it is safely in our backyard and awaiting power, we are trying to learn the basics of what to do and how to understand our tub.
In case you missed it,  we bought a 2007 HS Grandee from someone that was moving.

We have a pool/spa supply store nearby that sells Leisure Time products and one across town that sells Sundance products.  Are either/both okay to use with HS?

Trying to select the proper chemicals but not sure which way to go.  Bromine?  Chlorine?  Or one called  "Reserve and Renew" that is some type of bromide salt that doesn't use any chorline?

Filters?  It looks like there are 5 filters they left with the tub.  I thought that  a tub only required one.  

The Grandee seems to have an ozone injector.......how does that play into the cleaning and chemical setup?  

Thanks for the help and any other friendly advice.  
Thanks again............I am learning but a long way to go.  

Hot Tub Forum

Hot Spring Experts---Need More Help!!
« on: August 04, 2008, 09:57:00 pm »


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Re: Hot Spring Experts---Need More Help!!
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 03:36:56 am »
Wow.  I thought picking a tub would be hard.  Now that it is safely in our backyard and awaiting power, we are trying to learn the basics of what to do and how to understand our tub.
In case you missed it,  we bought a 2007 HS Grandee from someone that was moving.

We have a pool/spa supply store nearby that sells Leisure Time products and one across town that sells Sundance products.  Are either/both okay to use with HS?

         Both are fine.  Sundance just private labels from BioGuard.  Both brands are equal and will work great.

Trying to select the proper chemicals but not sure which way to go.  Bromine?  Chlorine?  Or one called  "Reserve and Renew" that is some type of bromide salt that doesn't use any chorline?

     The easiest system is using MPS, Dichlor (Form of chlorine), Nature 2 and your pH adjusters.  Your dealer will help you with the correct amounts.  Take a sample of your tap water in and he will help you with the start up process.

Filters?  It looks like there are 5 filters they left with the tub.  I thought that  a tub only required one.  

     The Grandee has five filters.  Spas with one filter have what is called a bypass.  When the jet pumps are on, water will bypass the filter.  With the Grandee, when the jet pumps are on, all water will go through the filter.  Each pump must have at least two inlets.  Hot Spring gets theirs by using filters.

The Grandee seems to have an ozone injector.......how does that play into the cleaning and chemical setup?  

     The ozone helps by oxidizing the "nasties" that are left over when the chlorine does it's job.  The ozone doesn't play into cleaning or chemical set up.

Thanks for the help and any other friendly advice.  
Thanks again............I am learning but a long way to go.  
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Re: Hot Spring Experts---Need More Help!!
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 10:53:22 am »
This link will take you to the HS page so you can print a 2007 owners manual (if you don't have one).  It may answer some questions.


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Re: Hot Spring Experts---Need More Help!!
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2008, 09:20:23 pm »
Thanks for the helpful advice.  We had already printed the owner's manual from the website and were able to learn a lot.  But sometimes it helps to have people point out the obvious and share lessons learned too.

We have cleaned the spa, and are now filling it.
Power should be running in the morning and we hope to open up all the jets and valves and put in the cleaners and get everything nice and clean.  Then we will drain again, replace the filters with new ones and fill 'er up again with chems and start getting the water just right.

If all goes well, we hope to have our first soak by Friday or Saturday night (but it sure takes a long time to drain and fill up!!).  We are taking some pics too.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hot Spring Experts---Need More Help!!
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2008, 09:20:23 pm »


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