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Author Topic: How long did you look before you bought??  (Read 7349 times)


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How long did you look before you bought??
« on: July 28, 2008, 10:53:26 am »
Ok, so since I have been hanging on here for some 6+ months, and will probably be an "ultimate member" without a hot tub, it brings to mind a new thread:

How long did most of you members look at tubs before you bought one??

Did everyone here wet test??  (I swear by it.)

Did most of you buy one even if you really could have done something better with the money??  (like, I need a new kitchen, but I can't relax in it, heeheehee!)


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How long did you look before you bought??
« on: July 28, 2008, 10:53:26 am »


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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 11:21:20 am »
Chrissi, I have to tell you that this is (one of the major) reasons for building a new house!  It started by wet testing hot tubs 2.5 years ago and wanting one!  One thing lead to another and next thing you know we ended up with what we wanted plus financially, physically and emotionally exhausted (well a bit over stated).

As far as the hot tub is concerned we decided on the Artic Summit back then, and more recently, since we were side tracked with house construction, we felt redoing the search/wet test of all the tubs available in our local was prudent.  Over the last six months we had once again agreed that the Artic was our choose...I think the Onzen system was the clincher.

This was not easy, we seriously considered the Beachcomber and then the D1.  Beachcomber was not big on any water treatment systems other than chem, plus I found the dealers attitude a bit "take it or leave it".  Water system on the D1 was excellent, very quiet tub...but in the end didn't provide the level of massage we were looking for and the dealer again seemed "take it or leave it"....it's a tough one Chrissi, but the best advice is based on the first prinicples of selecting a hot tub, ie wet test, wet test (including different models within a manufacturer) and look for dealer support you can count on.  

it's definitely worth the up front time...
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 11:23:34 am by henryk »
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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2008, 11:57:48 am »

I remember the jets in the D1 not being as powerful as Arctic.  I do like that therapy seat, though (in the Amore').  Some things on the Amore were sloppy, too.

I haven't built a new house, and you have a very nice looking nest, there, mine is average sized, but enough for us, esp now with one more kid out of the nest.  :'(  Plus, the neighborhood is partly what sold us, nice, average Joes, everyone knows someone, lots of kids, room to roam and play.

I would rather build a nice deck onto our back covered porch, the existing one wouldn't hold the weight of a spa, except for maybe a Nordic Bella!!  But if I wait to win the lottery and have it all, it won't happen.  

I am glad I am not the only one out there taking my time...

it will pay off in the end, I am sure! ;)

Maybe things will change....

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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2008, 01:00:00 pm »

We looked around for about 3 months.  Spent countless hours reading about them as well.  Think we visited 5 local dealers and wet tested about 5 tubs.  Narrowed it down to two and wet tested a second time.  Chose one based as much on the look and feel of the tub as the dealer's rep.  It's been 13 months and haven't regretted the decison at all.

Take your time and enjoy the search.  When you do finally get one, you'll enjoy it that much more.


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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2008, 02:43:48 pm »
Chrisi..It took me over 2 years to convince my husband that a hot tub would help my Lyme disease. After years on antibiotics, I felt desperate. Initially I only wanted a small tub to get the hot water up to my neck. After long research, I finally convinced my husband and kids to wet test with me and what do you know..I got my tub, it is large enough to fit all of us without touching each other....(Actually Marquis' biggest tub)...And when my husband realized how much he was going to enjoy it..we ended up with the sound system too boot. I guess my delay was related to convincing my husband I was desperate for therapy! Of course he had no idea of how awesome winter soaking would be.

This sounds really nuts, but I need a hot tub for my dog now. She is developing arthritis in her hips and I would love to let her relax in nice warm water..She also had Lyme. :(
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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2008, 03:16:05 pm »
I was lucky and was given 3 Mondays off last December. Since we wanted a hot tub we used those days, some Saturdays and the nights in between to wet test 10 tubs and research the tubs via forums and manufacturer's websites.

We wet tested our tub for the second time the first week of January and the dealer gave us an offer we could not refuse so we bought our Pacific Calypso.

We spent about a month researching and then a month wet testing 10 tubs. We have had our tub since it was delivered the first week of April and still think we made the best choice. Service is excellent and one minor problem was repaired within a couple of days.

Wet test as many as you can in a short period of time so the other tubs are still fresh in your mind,  wet test the  best 2 to 3 and then purchase. Remember that service has to be at least 1/3 of the equation as what is the point of buying your tub if it takes forever to be fixed if you have a warranty issue.

I am sure you will be posting pictures shortly or you will be the next president of the procrastinators club.  ;D  ;D
2007 Pacific Calypso

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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2008, 03:16:31 pm »
I have several customers that took 1 to 2 years in their decision. Its not uncommon. It is a major purchase that you are using as therapy and entertainment outdoors year round.

You are looking at a couple of real good brands that are going to last you, now to find one with the perfect fit. Don't give up hope.
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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2008, 04:41:46 pm »
Chrisi..It took me over 2 years to convince my husband that a hot tub would help my Lyme disease. After years on antibiotics, I felt desperate. Initially I only wanted a small tub to get the hot water up to my neck. After long research, I finally convinced my husband and kids to wet test with me and what do you know..I got my tub, it is large enough to fit all of us without touching each other....(Actually Marquis' biggest tub)...And when my husband realized how much he was going to enjoy it..we ended up with the sound system too boot. I guess my delay was related to convincing my husband I was desperate for therapy! Of course he had no idea of how awesome winter soaking would be.

This sounds really nuts, but I need a hot tub for my dog now. She is developing arthritis in her hips and I would love to let her relax in nice warm water..She also had Lyme. :(

Boni--I swear I just heard about doggy physical therapy--does your dog like to get baths??
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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2008, 04:59:52 pm »

This sounds really nuts, but I need a hot tub for my dog now. She is developing arthritis in her hips and I would love to let her relax in nice warm water..She also had Lyme. :(

You could try something like this.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 05:00:27 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2008, 05:11:09 pm »
I first wanted a hot tub about 8 years ago when I found some models between $2,500-$4,000 on Sam's and Wal-Mart's websites. A friend of mine who is in the pool business shot me down by saying that wouldn't be a wise purchase. He recommended Hot Spring, which I could not afford.

8 years later, I was able to afford a better product, so I started researching online a couple of months ago. After narrowing it down to a Limelight Flair, Tiger River Bengal, and Hot Spring Sovereign, I ended up with the Sovereign. I had only been in one hot tub about 15 years ago at an apartment complex. I never wet tested anything, although I was given the opportunity. Two months later and I'm extremely pleased with my purchase. I'm nowhere near as scared and frustrated with the water care as I was the first few weeks. I still have a problem keeping the chlorine above 0 at all times as recommended, but a bit more learning and after my first water change I expect better results.
2008 Hot Spring Sovereign II with Tri-X filters
Ozone, Nature2, and dichlor only


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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2008, 05:43:10 pm »

8 years later, I was able to afford a better product, so I started researching online a couple of months ago.

A short time ago someone was considering buying a $4.5k spa and asked my opinion but stated they just could not afford to spend any more yet needed a good sized spa so smaller better quality units were out. I replied that the spa in question would be so-so quality at best, possibly a big headache if he wasn't a DIYer and would not be energy efficient. If he couldn't spend more than $4.5k I countered he might want to buyn used or put that aside and add $120 monthly to it which is what the "bargain" priced spa would be costing him in added energy costs if he had gone that route and then look again in 2 years. It seems like you took a similar approach.
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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2008, 08:18:50 pm »
I wanted a spa about 10 years before I got one. I saw a Thermospa on a home improvement show and I said "wow, that should be really cool". When we finally moved into our house vs our townhouse I said maybe but money was tight and a tub was a luxury.

We got a pool for the family and they sold Marquis at the time and they were really nice. I started getting the bug and would "look" - just go into a store to see what it offered. When it was time, I looked on and off for about a year. I hit most places I could find in a hour's drive. I saw a lot of tubs and dealers some nice and some not so nice. My wife and I were talking about building a deck in the spring so I jumped at the opportunity to get a tub and found my tub and bought it ... selfishly I might add  :-[ ... and forced the issue of the deck. Of course the deck became a deck, tub and screenroom.

I say look around at every option available to you and even if it takes what feels like forever it will be worth it in the end.


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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2008, 09:51:40 pm »
I think I took way too long to make up my mind. I over thought everything and then I would get on this forum and read something that made me reconsider the things I had thought earlier. Then I though about the things I had thought about before only to remember I had thought about that once before. Then I started to think maybe I better not think about this again or I will come up with some new questions or concerns that I hadn't thought about before. Now as I think about it, I realize I did way to much thinking and I need to think about how much thought I have put into this post already.

Scott  ::)
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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2008, 10:49:42 pm »
We thought about it for a number of years. It wasn't until this year that we put it on the fast track. In total it was probably 8 weeks. But the first 4 we didn't look very hard. It was the last 4 weeks when we had our mind made up that we did alot of research and wet testing to make our decision/purchase. Now our tub should be hear within a week.

I'm so excited!!!  :D

Apparently, so are all of our neighbours...  :o

"The needs of many great soaks out way the needs of a few... or the one."

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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2008, 05:45:47 pm »
I have looked at every upper end spa out there over the past 4 weeks. I  even drove 540 miles one way to look at a specific line of spas because the local dealer only had a new 2 year old spa on display dry.

I have researched over and over again each and every manufactures spas slowly eliminating one at a time. Here are a few spas that I looked at more then once before carefully eliminating them. Sundance Maxxus, HotSpring Vista, Marquis Epic, Bullfrog 662, Artesian Dove Canyon, Jacuzz1 J-480, Dimension-1 Sarena Bay Arctic Kodiak Legend SE. All fantastic top of the line spas.

All spas listed above were missing the most important feature that I needed the most due to the severe pain from tendinitis and arthritis in my hands, wrist, and forearms. I've had joint replacement on one hand and waiting to do the other.

Out of all the spas that I have looked at only one had both wrist, and forearm jets in two places in there spa. This spa is the Clearwater Orlando Signature. It looks and feels and is equipped top of the line rock solid. I know this spa will give me many years of pain relief with little needed repairs.

Now my wife wants me to order this spa now, but here's the problem. This is the the local dealer with the 2 year old spa. This is the same spa that I drove 540 miles one way to look at. Now what should I do. Love this spa, but local dealer support is null.


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Re: How long did you look before you bought??
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2008, 05:45:47 pm »


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