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Author Topic: It's about time...  (Read 6910 times)


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It's about time...
« on: July 25, 2008, 11:28:08 am »
Well, well, well....  It's about time...

Many here have wondered if we have wet tested the Tundra yet, the spa we are seriously considering, well, we wet test it today!!!

The store owner has it ready, and will wait for us after work.  

I am guessing many of you are wondering what has taken us so long,... well, with summer being here, it is kinda hard to want to jump in hot water, not to mention the expense of owning an oversized hot water heater.  Heck, couldn't even get my pool to clear up, but it finally is today.  :( ;)

I'll post later and let ya'll know how it went!!!

Chrisi :) :) :)
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It's about time...
« on: July 25, 2008, 11:28:08 am »


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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2008, 07:02:25 pm »
Good luck; hopefully this is the "one" for you and your family!


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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2008, 07:10:33 pm »
Hi Chrisi:

I await with baited breath your wet testing impressions.  I want to hear about that huge foot jet that my wife fell in love with  :o
« Last Edit: July 25, 2008, 07:11:13 pm by henryk »
Artic Tundra Signature

In Canada eh

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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2008, 08:27:33 pm »
Well how was it????

You are aware of the 600 post rule.  If you haven't purchased a tub by 600 posts your not allowed to post until you buy one. ;D  Seriously I hope you loved it!
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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2008, 01:25:25 am »
2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2008, 08:38:33 am »
Yeah...don't go to work without telling us what you think.... :o
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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2008, 10:28:18 am »
I am guessing many of you are wondering what has taken us so long,... well, with summer being here, it is kinda hard to want to jump in hot water, not to mention the expense of owning an oversized hot water heater.
Chrisi :) :) :)
Interesting, yesterday it was 108 degrees in the evening and my tub was set for 101 but was at 102 because of the heat. I climbed in and it felt great. Not as cool as a pool but it was cooler than the air. When it is hot I like to use it in the cool mornings. I love to soak at about 5:30AM as the sun is rising in the desert. OK Chrisi, I'm just chewing the fat here waiting for a report from you. You have left us all hanging. Please enquiring minds want to know, what is wewannahottub going to buy?

Scott  8-)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 10:29:17 am by Swell-Tub »
2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2008, 10:19:37 pm »
Sorry all.  Got home late that night, with other stuff we were doing, and work was nuts.  

Well,  I loved the Tundra, and the seats were nice and deep.  ARRGGHH, the only issue (again) is the way the foot well is shaped, with the extra level, hubby is banging his feet, but floats if he puts his feet on the upper level.  

Soooo,,  we may look at the Clearwater Orlando, now that that dealership has opened a second store, and we are dealing with different salespeople and management, and when we stopped in, the manager said, no prob, we can wet test (if all remember, this was an issue the first time we looked at it, price was right, colors were right, they wouldn't fil the tub.)  I'd rather have the Arctic, especially that dealer, and I think In Canada has it right, if I don't have one by 600 posts, I'll probably be booted, or just lurk.... ;D ;D  but what the hey, I feel like I have a group of friends out there, so I'll still be here, posting like I actually have a spa!!  I keep telling hubby maybe he really should try a lounger, but he keeps saying no!!  Now, those Orlando seats,  I know Hillbilly Hot tub knows what I'm talking about!!  Too bad she isn't in my area!!  Girl knows her stuff!!

well, the drama/saga continues.  ::) ::) ::) ::) :-/ :-/ :-/

still----wewannahottub------ ;)

BTW, henryk, me and hubby loved that massive power foot jet!!!  Man, and those rotating jets,   grooowwwlllllll...... ;)  Henry-Do your pillows come off freqently??  Drove us nuts wet testing, and drives my friend nuts, too.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 10:21:46 pm by wewannahottub »
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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2008, 10:54:37 pm »
Looked at the Artic online that looks like a nice tub.  I have found that during the wet tests that there isn't the perfect spa but you find one that works so much better than the rest.  I wish that there were more dealers in each city to enable all of us to try all the brands.  Wish I could try the Artic and the Marquis Epic.  Keep plugging away I think that I am closing in on the HS Envoy.



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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2008, 08:28:09 am »
Doesn't everyone float in their hot tub?? I have always floated in all the ones I've been in and I float in ours. I just have to keep my feet on the foot dome.  I'm curious now.   What makes people float? The jets? Body fat content??  Just wondering.


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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2008, 10:47:05 am »
Dave, I don't have a Marquis dealer close to me either.  Arctic is my fave overall, by far, but I don't expect the dealer, or any dealer, to keep getting in tubs for us to wet test.  Like you said, too bad there aren't more dealers/more tubs, and may the best dealer/tub win.  ;)

Kacrab, I think it is a mix of body fat/jets.  I also seem to find the finish is coming in play:  when we wet tested the Jacuzzi J470 and the Arctic Klondiker, they both had a rougher finish, and we didn't float as much as, for example, the Dynasty, that had a beautiful, swirly smooth finish.  I think it is also how the seats are sloped... :question

For my hubby, the seats of the Tundra were plenty deep enough, just like JQZ J470 near the waterfall--BTW, my second fave.  

As far as best tub we didn't float, was D1 Amore' bay--it has a bench seat on the one end, but we didn't care to have a bench, you are sitting more upright and I think you float less, and the massage seats were great.  When I think about the jets, though, none compare to the massage I had from Arctic, or Jqz--esp that waterfall seat on the 470----whoa!!

Seems this has been dragging on for a looooonnnnnggggg time,

So, that in mind, it may bring to light a new subject/poll--how long did you look before you bought!!??? ;)

and again==I am still "wewannahottub" ....... ;D ;D :'( :'(
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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2008, 10:58:05 am »
Hey Chrisi:

Good to hear about your soak.  I know what your saying about the foot well, we don't seem to have a problem with floating, I found getting around the tub upon entery a bit tricky becaus of it.  But you get use to it.  The real use I found for it is that both of us now use it to sit on to get our feet closer to that massive foot jet, that seems to be real purpose of it...I guess.

The head rests do come off, when they are hit/knocked but seem to go back on fairly easily once you get the technique down.  This seems to be more of an issue with kids beating around the tub.  Instead of trying to push them back on, I slide the suction cup scross the disk and they hold well...unless the plastic disk is damaged.  Like any system there are always pros and cons, the pro side is that if we go away and the spa isn't used we can just pop the headrests off and bring them inside. On the other hand they are comfortable, I hope they do become a problem.  I initially would have perferred having none and not dealing with any headrest...you think they would form the spa such that a cushion of any type would not be required.  

So far we are enjoying it immensly, the massage level is great and the Onzen water treatment system works like a charm (so far)....wife enjoys the soft skin etc etc

Happy wife...Happy life   ;)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 11:01:48 am by henryk »
Artic Tundra Signature

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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2008, 11:01:53 am »

I wouldn't be afraid to ask your Arctic Dealer to bring in another tub to try out. Who knows, they may even have the one in stock that you want and it would just be a matter of moving it over and filling it up. I know myself as a dealer would do that for you Chrisi. We want to earn our customers business as much as the next guy, and will do pretty much what ever it takes to get it.

Now, since you know you like the feel of the jets and the Arctic best, does your dealer have a Summit to wet test. It is very similar to the Tundra, but the seats are shaped a little different, and your husband may not float out as bad in that model. I would also maybe look at the Kodiak, or the 7 foot Yukon. All are comfortable models, and I would be surprised if he floated in those spas.

Tell your husband that two years ago, I had a guy that refused to buy a spa with a lounger, and he ordered a Summit Signature. But, we had a Kodiak Legend Extreme as the running tub, and he wanted to come in and try out the feel of the jets just to make sure he liked it. He quickly fell in love with lounger, and said he couldn’t have any tub but that one now. So not only did he get the spa with the lounger, he upgraded to the LE series as well. Also, the guy was 6'4 and fit just fine in it.

Good luck to you in your continued search! :)
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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2008, 11:12:10 am »

I tried getting him in the lounger in the Klondiker, he just wouldn't do it.  

Funny thing is== I wanted to look at the Summit.  I don't mind that the one corner seat is replaced by a small bench seat, there are still 3 other nice, deep seats.  Do you know if the Summit's corner seats are as deep as the Tundra's??  That is why we wanted to look at Tundra.  He did sit in a dry Glacier, and liked how those seats sloped.  (I don't remember if he was comfy with the headrest or not)  I know the dealer will transfer the water, if we want.  My friend has the Kodiak, but he hasn't been in thier tub yet, and they have some issues going on---dad is ill and needs to move in with them. So, that may  not happen for a while (going over there to hang out).

I think he looked at the Yukon, too, but I think only the 8 ft models have that massively powerful volcano jet??!  (he liked that!)

I will try to keep being patient.... ;)
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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2008, 11:27:48 am »
Thats all you can do is try right!!! ;)

The corner seats in the Summit are not quite as deep as the Tundra, but are very close. They do have more of a slope to them like the Glacier though, so if hubby liked those seats, he should give the Summit a try as well. And you are right, only the 8 foot tubs have the great volcano jet. It is very nice in the Summit as well.
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Re: It's about time...
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2008, 11:27:48 am »


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